Wednesday, July 31, 2019
How Have Other Peoples Readings Of “Translations†Helped You Essay
How Have Other Peoples Readings Of â€Å"Translations†Helped You To Understand The Contexts Of The Play In Scene 1? The first act of Friel’s play â€Å"Translations†features many different contexts ranging from the infamous potato famine to hinting at the possible forming of the present day IRA (the Donnelly twins,) and politics. One of the major contexts that also coincide with the title of the play is translation. The translation of Irish name into English name. I only realised this by reading a Canadian writers essay on language and its importance in â€Å"Translations†. Especially in relation to Owen and his take on the Irish language. Where as many Irish people, at the time, saw the English to be taking away Irelands identity by colonizing it and changing names, language etc. Owen seems to be naà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ve and miss this. By changing place names they are not only taking away identity but also something more intimate, a part of their lifestyle. Hence when the English mistake Owens name to be Roland it seems to be Manus who is more frustrated by this whereas Owen says â€Å"Owen – Roland- what the hell. It’s only a name. It’s the same me, isn’t it.†The importance (or un-importance, depending how you want to perceive it) of names is brought up firstly at the start of the play when Manus is teaching Sarah to speak. It is important to note that the first thing Manus teaches her to say is her name, also her identity. Owens ignorance for the colonisation is shown again when he says, â€Å"my job is to translate the quaint, archaic tongue you people persist in speaking into the Kings good English.†One quote from the particular essay by the Canadian writer says †The Gaelic tongue is becoming obsolete in the wake of colonisation, Owen has boarded the ship of progress disassociating himself from his foundation.†Similar, in a sense, is Maire’s view on the English language and that it should be learnt. Maire’s view links in with another context shown in the play and that is the focus on dead languages, such as Greek and Latin and soon to be dead, Gaelic. By researching Irish history at the time the play is set, it is easier to gather an understanding for the wanting of Maire to learn English. Dr Leon Litvack’s paper on the historical and colonial context of Friel’s Translations illustrates this. Maire’s reference to Daniel O’Connel, â€Å"the disillusioned veteran who founded the catholic association,†O’Connel preached that it was necessary to learn English in order to allow Ireland to progress in a quickly modernising western world. Hence Maire wanting to learn English rather than a dead language such as Greek or Latin as this will be necessary if she is going to immigrate to the United States. One interpretation of the play is the focus on schools. Being set in an illegally run hedge school, a place where Catholics turned to for education after the penal laws were instated. The time the play is set is during a major transition period when the English are trying to get rid of hedge schools and introduce new national schools. It has been shown by statistics that half a million Irish children received illegal tuition through hedge school. This links in with the whole idea of translations, as at the new national schools, where you were forced to go to by law, the language you would be taught in would be English, no longer Gaelic. To some people This was a problem but to others like Maire, English was seen as the language of opportunity. â€Å"The old language was a barrier to modern progress†she quotes from the famous Daniel O’Connel. There is an increasing amount of tension being built up in the first act with regards to the devastating potato famine. There is a sense of dramatic irony being shown as well. Seeing as the play is set in the 1830s this is only a short time before the potato blight occurred in 1845.this disaster caused the population of Ireland to drop from eight million down to six million. It is believed that one million people died of starvation while another million were forced to immigrate to start new lives in Canada and America etc. It is obvious to the audience that the famine will occur but the characters in the play are blind to this even though the clues are all there. This is why the audience tend to sympathise for their negligence. Even when Jimmy Jack suggests to Doalty he should plant something other than potatoes, which is the correct thing to do, he just comically shrugs off the remark, â€Å"Too lazy be Jesus to wash himself and he’s lecturing me on agriculture!†Bridget also brings up the subject of the blight and its distinctive, ominous â€Å"sweet smell,†only to be aggressively dismissed by Maire. â€Å"Sweet smell! Sweet smell! Every year at this time somebody comes back with stories of the sweet smell. Sweet God, Did the potatoes ever fail in Baile Beag? Well, did they ever-ever? Never!†This is where the audience really begin to sympathise, as they know of the catastrophic effects that will soon occur. Although Friel has not written the play from a biased or political point of view it is still possible to find the idea of the modern day IRA being formed in this play. This becomes more noticeable as the play progresses. Although it is still possible to get an idea of this from Doaltys seemingly harmless antics with the British soldiers and his constant dodging of questions involving the Donnelly twins. Manus â€Å"aren’t they at home?†Doalty â€Å"No.†Manus â€Å"Where are they then?†Doalty â€Å"How would I know?†Even the stage directions in this particular section lead us to believe something suspicious is going on, Doalty begins whistling through his teeth. Suddenly the atmosphere is silent and alert. To be able to understand that this may be about the IRA, background reading about the times the play is set and when the play was written (the 1970s, a time of great trouble and political unrest in Northern Ireland.) is necessary. The 1970s were a time when tension between Northern Ireland and England was at a peak. This also was around the time of the infamous â€Å"Bloody Sunday†. So it is possible that Friel may have tried to incur some of this in to the play. Although Seamus Deane says â€Å"Translations†is a â€Å"sequence of events in history which are transformed by his writing into a parable of events in the present day.†The play has also been described as an enlightening metaphor for the situation in Northern Ireland. The many contexts featured in the play are extremely important as they add a framework or shell to the play allowing it to go in many directions. Although it features so many different contexts Friel is quoted to say that â€Å"Translations†is â€Å"to do with language and only language.†Therefore not historical contexts. To become more familiar with the play and its many contexts background reading and the reading of other people’s interpretations are essential. By reading theses criticisms I have become more aware at how Friel has made the play so effective by setting it in the specific era. By doing this it makes it easier for the audience to see how the recent condition of Ireland spiralled way out of control originating in the mid 1800s. It also gives greater depth to the tragedy that will eventually befall and that the audience know the tragedy is coming but not on so many levels. Overall it is essential to at least to some form of background reading in order to understand the play to a higher level.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
A Symbol of Strength and Courage
I happen to be the youngest of the clan. My siblings often talk about what I call â€Å"the olden days†, going Into explicit details of their many childhood tales of fun and hard times mixed. Their stories were full of fun, excitement, and mischievousness. In each tale one or many of my siblings' anecdotes would include the trouble that they had gotten themselves Into, and then always tell of my mom's response. Mom would definitely give you her opinion (as she stood with her hands on her hips, fussing at you) on whatever crazy idea you had, but she would always still come to our rescue.Now that I am an adult I see Just how brave my mom really was. I TLD always believe that my mom was courageous. When I was young, I resented her for many years for the things that I had to endure as a child. I couldn't understand why certain decisions concerning us were made. I remember saying to myself when become a mother I will be different, my children will have options, our life will be bet ter. However, in a time when marriage was supposed to last forever, my mom with only a 10th grade education ended up raising her children mostly simplemindedly.My sisters and brother would often describe how my father's drinking affected their lives when they were young. I was too young to remember those times but I was told how mom would get up early in the morning and go Into the vegetable fields to work in order to put food on the table for her children. Later, when I came along mom worked in the seafood industry. It all was very labor intensive work standing on your feet all day. But mom never complained. My favorite memory is when I would get home from school and my mom would have dinner prepared and you walked into all kinds of luscious smells coming from the kitchen.My mom never really talked about that time of her life, she Just showed her children her love for them by ensuring we had what we needed. What makes my mom great? I used to ask myself that very same question, but not anymore. Now that I am a mother of two challenging teenagers, I have a world of respect and gratitude for my mom for the way that she raised my siblings and me. The morals, values, and belief system that are now Ingrained In me; I can only hope and pray are ingrained in my children as well. I often think about my holding and the lessons I learned from my mom.Growing up, in VA, was not the sleet thing In ten world My Tie consisted AT Nanning clothes on ten line, rolling in wood for the stove, and pumping water from the well to bring into the house. Everyday doing the same thing over and over, I hated them so much. I was upset that we had to live that way. It wasn't until years later that I realized, that my mom was right there with us every step of the way and encouraging us all that we could do much better in life. Each day I strives to do better in school.I also, realized that those chores were making me responsible and teaching me work ethics even while I was young. I have hop efully passed on to my children my hard working nature and taught them responsibility as well. Mom spent each day of her life showing those around her how much she loved Christ. I saw my mom as a beacon of hope and encouragement to me each day of my life. As I look back and reflect over my childhood, we went through some really hard times. But I can say that my mom let her faith guide her and keep her positive in the midst of bad situations.I never saw y mom cry or get upset over the things that we went through. I do remember her taking us to church and helping us to develop a relationship with Christ. I often think back to times when my mom would sit on the couch in our living room and she would sing hymns. She didn't have the best voice in the world but it didn't matter. She would sit there for an hour and sing and record herself on her tape recorder. Then she would playback her songs and sing along. I never got the chance to tell my mom, how much that encourages me even to this d ay.She showed me how to stay in a costive frame of mind and not be overtaken by disappointing situations. Caring, dedicated, compassionate, understanding, committed, and loving my mom, not Muhammad All was the greatest. I'm only sorry that it took me so long in life to realize it, because once I did, there wasn't much time left for me to spend with her. My mom spent her life sacrificing for her children and family. As I sat at her funeral and listened to all the wonderful things people said about my mom, I can only hope and pray that one day those great words can be said about me.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Basic Argument for Fatalism
He thinks it is not up to him what will happen a thousand years hence, next year, tomorrow, or the very next moment. †(52) â€Å"A fatalist thinks of the future in the way we all think of the past, for everyone is a fatalist as he looks back on things. †(52) We all think of the past â€Å"as something settled and fixed, to be taken for what it is. We are never in the least tempted to try to modify it. It is not in the least up to us what happened last year, yesterday, or even a moment ago, any more than are the motions of the heaves or the political developments in Tibet. We say of past things that they are no longer within our power. The fatalist says they never were. †(52-53) Theological Fatalism According to the main versions of Western Monotheism (e. g. traditional Christianity), God is omniscient. To be omniscient is to have (in some important sense) unlimited knowledge. It’s hard to say what this amounts to, but let’s use the following defin ition (since it’s common) x is omniscient = for x knows every true proposition and x does not believe any false propositions. Many people think that omniscience is incompatible with human freedom, because it implies the doctrine of theological fatalism. Theological fatalism is the view that all human actions are unavoidable (and we are powerless to do anything other than what we actually do) because God has exhaustive foreknowledge of all future human actions. Here is an important statement of the argument for theological fatalism from Augustine (On Free Choice of the Will, Book III) I very much wonder how God can have foreknowledge of everything in the future, and yet we do not sin by necessity. It would be an irreligious and completely insane attack on God’s foreknowledge to say that something could happen otherwise than as God foreknew †¦ Since God foreknew that [Adam] was going to sin, his sin necessarily had to happen. How, then, is the will free when such inescapable necessity is found in it? Surely this is the problem †¦ How is it that these two propositions are not contradictory and inconsistent: (1) God has foreknowledge of everything in the future; and (2) We sin by the will, not by necessity? For, you say, if God foreknows that someone is going to sin, then it is necessary that he sin. But if it is necessary, the will has no choice about whether to sin; there is an inescapable and fixed necessity. And so you fear that this argument forces us into one of two positions: either we draw the heretical conclusion that God does not foreknow everything in the future; or, if we cannot accept this conclusion, we must admit that sin happens by necessity and not by will. The Basic Argument for Theological Fatalism Where S stands for any person whatsoever and A stands for any action, Augustine’s argument can be stated as: 1. For any person, S, and an action, A, that S performs, God knew in advance that S will do A. 2. If God knows in advance that S will do A, then it necessary that S will do A. 3. Therefore, it is necessary that S will do A. 4. If it is necessary that S will do A, then S is not free to refrain from performing A. 5. If S is not free to refrain from performing A, then S does not freely perform A. 6. Therefore, no person ever acts freely. Evaluating the argument Premise 2 is ambiguous †¢P2a: Necessarily, If God knows in advance that S will perform A, then S will perform A (De Dicto) †¢P2b: If God knows in advance that S will perform A, then necessarily S will perform A (De Re) P2a is true but the resulting argument is invalid P2a is true. It says that the proposition â€Å"if God knows in advance that S will perform A, then S will perform A†is necessarily true and this just means that it is impossible for God to know in advance that, for example, I will raise my arm at some time and I fail to raise my arm at that time. We can put this by saying that God’s knowing in advance that I will raise my arm at some time logically entails that I will raise my arm at that time. P2a is a way of expressing this truth. The resulting argument is invalid. Using P2a as the key premise, the argument is: 1. Necessarily, if God knows in advance that S will perform A, then S will perform A. 2. God knows in advance that S will perform A. 3. Therefore, necessarily, S will perform A. But this argument is invalid (the conclusion doesn’t follow from the premises). We can show this by means of a counterexample (an argument of the same form with true premises and a false conclusion). The form of this argument is: 1. Necessarily, If p, then p. 2. P 3. Therefore, necessarily q. To see that the argument is invalid, use the following substitutions: p = K. Sharpe weighs over 200lbs, q = K. Sharpe weighs over 199lbs. . Necessarily, If K. Sharpe weighs over 200lbs, then K. Sharpe weighs over 199lbs. 2. K. Sharpe weighs over 200lbs 3. Therefore, necessarily K. Sharpe weighs over 199lbs. The premises of this argument are true but the conclusion is obviously false (I could go on a diet and successfully lose some weight). I weigh over 199lbs but not essentially. I could weigh less than 199lbs and, i n fact, I did weigh less than 199lbs at one point. All that follows from the first two premises is that, in fact, I in fact weight more than 199lbs. It doesn’t follow that it is impossible for me to weigh less than 199lbs. Just in case you are not convinced, here is a second counterexample (Plantinga’s) 1. Necessarily, if I know that George Clooney is a bachelor, then George Clooney is a bachelor. 2. I know that George Clooney is a bachelor. 3. Therefore, it is necessarily true that George Clooney is a bachelor Again, the premises are true but the conclusion is false. George Clooney is a bachelor but he is not essentially a bachelor. He could get married, he just chooses not to. All that follows from the first two premises is that George Clooney is in fact a bachelor (not that he is essentially a bachelor). P2b renders the argument valid but it is obviously false 1. If God knows in advance that S will perform A, then necessarily S will perform A. 2. God knows in advance that S will perform A. 3. Therefore, necessarily S will perform A. This argument is valid (it’s just modus ponens) and so if the premises were true then conclusion would be true as well. But P2b is false. Given the de re reading of P2b, it says that whatever propositions God knows are necessarily true or, to put the point in terms of properties, if God knows that some object has a property then the object has that property essentially. Taken in this way, P2b is obviously false (nor does it follow from omniscience). Since the basic argument has to rely on either P2a or P2b, the argument is either invalid or relies on a false premise. Either way it’s unsound. Here is a way of thinking about this criticism of the argument. From the fact that God knows that Paul will mow his yard on July 7, 2015 it follows that, on July 7 2015, Paul mows his yard and that he does not refrain from mowing his yard on that day. But, it does not follow that it is metaphysically impossible for Paul to refrain from mowing his yard that day (that Paul does not refrain from mowing and it is impossible that Paul refrain from mowing are two very different things). All that follows from the fact that God knows in advance that Paul will mow is that Paul will not exercise his power to refrain not that he lacks the power the power to refrain. The basic argument for theological fatalism needs the later inference, but that inference is not a good one. Thus, the basic argument fails.
Compare and contrast the role of New Public Management in health care Essay
Compare and contrast the role of New Public Management in health care reform in Germany and the UK from the 1980s onwards - Essay Example The planning of health care reform by the New Public Management (NPM) emphasized several targets including public/ private partnerships and a concern for quality through total quality management (Thomas & Lakhani, 2006: 141). Most reforms and improvements in the health care sector were based on NPM principles and took place during the late 1980s and 1990s, which was the decade of the welfare state retrenchment. New public management principles were considered to be more appropriate for analysing health care reforms than other concepts like privatisation, though NPM emphasizes â€Å"both market-based reforms and the use of private management styles in the public sector†(van Essen, 2005: 3). Since the Second World War, two main types of health care systems have developed in Europe. Firstly the national health service type that is present in the United Kingdom, and secondly a corporatist, insurance-based type of health care system as found in Germany (van Essen, 2005: 7). Health care is not only highly valued by all individuals in society, it is also a social right. Hence, there is a requirement for equal accessibility of health care for all citizens, without exclusion. The undesirability of exclusion and market failures in financing and provision give legitimacy to state intervention in health care. Thus, in order to solve the market failures in health care and and to ensure universal, equal access, two different systems are developed in Europe. In the United Kingdom’s National Health Service (NHS), providers are mainly public organizations; for example most hospitals in the U.K. are led by the local governments. On the other hand, in the insurance-based system found in Germany, hospitals and other health care providers can be both public and private organizations. For instance, German hospitals are voluntary organizations which operate on a private basis (van Essen, 2005: 10, 12). The National
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Most important role of marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Most important role of marketing - Essay Example Marketing is mostly seen by many people as only advertising and selling of a product or a service. But real marketing is not only considered as an art of selling, but it is also considered as the art where an organization gains market leadership by understanding the customers wants and needs and making sure that those wants and needs are fulfilled and which will satisfy the customer. For example, if customer value and satisfaction are missing from a product or a service, then any kind of advertising or selling will not be able to compensate or help the company with keeping a profitable relationship with their customers and the company will be able to become a leader in its market. Simply stated, the aim of marketing is to create and build and manage profitable customer relationships. Marketers study customer needs and wants, select target markets that they think they will serve best, design products and services and programs to serve the select markets. Marketers are the ones who hav e to attract new customers by making sure that customers are given superior value so that the current customers and the potential customers are satisfied with their product and they remain loyal with the company. Marketers throughout the organizations need to know how to define and segment markets, develop attractive value propositions and to build strongly positioned brands for their company. The marketers must know how to price their company's product and to make them attractive and affordable. They need to know how to advertise and promote products to customers and they must know how to adapt to their marketing strategies and management to a host of new technological and global realities. Clearly need a broad range of skills in order to build profitable relationships with their customers. Consumer/Market Analysis and Targeting Market Analysis When we talk about market analysis, the company needs to have thorough knowledge of their market and need to decide upon their market's size, growth rate, profitability, trends, the success factors and distribution channels etc. The rapid technological change, global competition and the diversity of the buyers preferences in many markets require the constant attention of market watchers to identify promising business opportunities, see the shifting requirements of buyers, evaluate changes in competitive positioning and guide the choice of which buyers to target and how to position a product or service. Mapping the entire market is considered very important for the company to understand and anticipate market changes and competitive threats. Understanding the markets and how they are going to change in the future indefinitely, are considered very important elements to market driven strategies for a company like Orange Crush of Dr Pepper Snapple, which is an orange soft drink. The importance of forming a vision about the future is highlighted by the changes occurring in the beverage market. The key strategic issue for Orange Crush and other beverage companies competing in this market is anticipating the nature and the scope of the impact of the introduction of
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Labor's New Internationalism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Labor's New Internationalism - Essay Example They were subjected to increased pressure to deregulate and open their economies. Eventually, this resulted in the deregulation of their financial systems, and they became the key victims of today's global economic disaster. The consequent financial instability has resulted in slow economic growth. This further translates into increased unemployment rates, lower wages and greater overall insecurity of the nation. The correlated, general upward price movement of goods and services in the economy has made it difficult for consumers to even buy the products that they produce. The WTO has not been held accountable for the disruptive rules and regulations that they imposed and it has also avoided responsibility for the negative impact it has had on the workers and environment. The system has destabilized the national and local efforts to legislate and normalize the conditions. They WTO have exploited the deeply rooted social values that they live by. During the cold war, labor unions played a mainly geopolitical role defined by anticommunism. Strong Unions were essential tools for the development of democracy. By the end of the cold war, all labor unions lost that international political significance and were now considered to be an obstacle to business interests.
Friday, July 26, 2019
Mid sized corporation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Mid sized corporation - Research Paper Example Therefore it would be ethical to settle the case with Mr. Larry and also to pay him certain amount of money as a result of which he doesn’t reveal the secrets of the company. However certain policies like termination, penalty or certain other strict punishment must be imposed upon him if this happens in the near future (Herman, 2010). If he is not stopped from doing so then there are chances that he may repeat these kinds of activities. As the company is under at-will state which states that the employees can quit at any time as well as the employer can fire an employee at any time for any reason (Runkell, n.d.). Hence if this is repeated in the near future the company has the right to terminate him as per the law. Herman, S., (2010). Male Sexual Harassment Claims on the Rise. Addressing Male Sexual Harassment in the Workplace. Retrieved Online on October 1, 2010 from Ricadela, A., (2010). HP’s Former CEO Said to Settle with Sexual-Harassment Accuser. Bloomberg. Retrieved Online on October 1, 2010 from
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Black Scholars and The Thirteenth Amendment Essay
Black Scholars and The Thirteenth Amendment - Essay Example Despite the fact that blacks faced harsh discrimination and mistreatment by the dominant culture, especially during the nineteenth century and during the early part of the twentieth century, there were a select few who did not allow such treatment to stop them from making something of themselves. Some even pursued higher education and became scholars. The interpretation of the thirteenth amendment by black scholars has changed over the past three centuries, as it has held different meaning depending upon the time period in which the scholars lived. One notable black scholar of the nineteenth century was Daniel Alexander Payne. Pain was born in Charleston South Carolina in 1811 to two free parents. Unfortunately, his father passed when he was four, and his mother followed five years later, leaving him to be raised by his great aunt for the remainder of his childhood. Pain was not left to chance, however, because his aunt saw to it that he would become a well accomplished man, despite the opposition that people of his time faced by the dominant culture and their efforts to marginalize blacks. Payne attended school for two years, and then he studied with Thomas S. Bunneau, who was his private tutor until the age of twelve, when he began working for a shoe merchant. Payne held two additional jobs after working for the shoe merchantâ€â€working in the field of carpentry at the age of thirteen and then as a Taylorâ€â€which then led to him opening up a school for black children at the age of nineteen. Unfortunately, an amendmen t to the act that was in relation to slaves and free people of color was passed, and this led to the closing of the school (Taylor). Upon closing his school, Payne went north, determined to make something of himself. While in Gettysburg PA, he studied at the Lutheran seminary. Then, in 1837, he joined the Lutheran church, where he became an ordained minister. When Payne was ordained, he delivered a speech that spoke of how slave was a form of brutality and that it had to be abolished. During his time at the Lutheran church, Payne reopened a school for black children in 1840, picking up where he had left off in South Carolina before he had to move north. He remained with the Lutheran church for two more years, and then he joined the AMME church, where he helped to better their ministry, as well as the programs that dealt with foreign affairs. It was also at this church where he set up a program that aided runaway slaves, providing them with food and shelter along their journey to Canada, where they would be free of forced servitude (Taylor). While he was successful in the north, he knew that he had to go back down south to finish where he had left off. When the 13th amendment was passed and ratified in 1865, he felt that it was possible to do such things, since there were no longer any restrictions on people of color, and this Constitutional amendment overthrew the earlier bill that was amended, which
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Modern Arabic Media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Modern Arabic Media - Essay Example We have to carefully access each belief by keeping in mind these different criteria's, which will help us, give our responses and will result in a well orientated research from which actions will take place. In short, we can say that culture can be known as the identity of a person, which varies from person to person. (Traditional beliefs and health problems, 1, n.d) When we talk about Arab culture, there are many cultures because of which we can not say that the Arab culture comprises of only one culture, but this comprises of many cultures which is vary vast and rich in communities, groups and cultures. Within the countries there exist many different cultures due to which there are differences amongst themselves, which is not amongst the countries but within the countries as well. Arab is territory which ranges from Morocco across Northern Africa and then to the Persian Gulf. Arab countries are also being termed as Middle East and North Africa. The key component of Arab countries is that they are religious and culturally different having Islam as their most dominant religion. They include different races such as Muslims, Christians and Jews. Religion does play a vital role in the Arab countries and their politics. It has been observed that all Muslims are Arabs and all the Arabs are Muslims which is a wrong conception. Their culture is a civil ized one in which the modern cities combine with the ancient cities. Religion plays a vital role in politics of the country. In the Arab countries women are subordinates of men in the society, which is being varied from country to country. Arabian Peninsula have the most restricted condition over women as compared to other countries such as Egypt and Lebanon, the women have less restrictions and are able to work with men in the society. They respect their families and friends and they act as a center for the Arabs in which Men are always the head of the family. (Arab Cultural Awareness, 1, 2006) Problems faced by Arab Media Today the Arab media is facing problems which include political, social, and cultural problems. It all began after the disastrous tragedy of 9/11, when the US government was shocked by attacks on them and Arab media played a major role to expose all the related information of the environment. The Arab media displayed the entire real picture of the on screen events as well as behind the scene. At that time, the US government was of the point of view that how the Arab media was showing and informing the people's mind. They launched an investigation into this matter to find out the real picture. Americans deeply investigated into the matters at how they are revealing information which has not been revealed before. All this started to cause problems for the Arab media which was researching deep analysis into the matters and providing information against the US Government. (Arab Media, 1, 2005) Cultural problems faced by Arab Media In the Arab countries companies are of the point of view not to leak out any sort of information which can be processed by the journalists. They try and keep things to themselves and do not share their internal information. The companies do not want themselves to
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Case study on BMP DDB advertising company Essay
Case study on BMP DDB advertising company - Essay Example e consumers throughout the day, allows the researcher to identify why an individual's habits may vary according to unsystematic factors such as their mood, the time of day, and the weather. It critically shows the peculiarity in the customers’ behaviour that market researchers are desperately searching. For instance, a customer’s store purchase data may reveal that they buy foodstuffs, but cannot tell the combinations of the stuff the customer eats (Agbonifoh, 2002:97-116). The company’s first marketing research put ethnographic research into prospective. This approach was tested with a family group. The results obtained were then compared with more traditional approaches of profiling buyers. It was then established that the outcomes of the research revealed something about the buying behaviour of the family, using their lifestyle and buying patterns. The outstanding concern that the research needed to answer was whether this behaviour bore any authenticity (Bake r and Bass, 2003:90-210). The amount of data gathered by the researcher regarding the family’s behaviour, within the research period, depicted a lot about the family. However, the recorded information about the family, although exhaustive and often precise, did not completely capture the habits and information that comprise the personality of the family. The research identified that the family held high value of money than the average people. On the contrary, though the data on family properly suggested that they enjoy lavish goods like high-quality foods and foreign holidays, it could not reveal any presence of life factors that influenced their purchasing decisions. Moreover, the information about the family clearly showed that though the family liked quality foodstuffs, they diverse their purchases... This essay "Case study on BMP DDB advertising company" outlines the research of the consumers' behavior which was conducted by the BMP DDB advertising company. The amount of data gathered by the researcher regarding the family’s behaviour, within the research period, depicted a lot about the family. However, the recorded information about the family, although exhaustive and often precise, did not completely capture the habits and information that comprise the personality of the family. The research identified that the family held high value of money than the average people. On the contrary, though the data on family properly suggested that they enjoy lavish goods like high-quality foods and foreign holidays, it could not reveal any presence of life factors that influenced their purchasing decisions. Moreover, the information about the family clearly showed that though the family liked quality foodstuffs, they diverse their purchases between superstores and local discount shops (Baker and Bass, 2003:90-210). This suggested that the family also went shopping for products whose prices were discounted and cheaper. The family was able to show the researcher one of the products brought from the discount store. The family explained the reasons for such option, and the cost that could be incurred had they shopped from the supermarket. The family was able prided on their ability to hunt down bargains, and sometimes went shopping for luxurious goods when their financial muscle was adequate (Baker and Bass, 2003:90-210).
Memo Spiderman Essay Example for Free
Memo Spiderman Essay For this assignment I have chosen Spiderman. In the last movie of the trilogy, Spiderman turns into the Dark-Spidey by a symbiote that enters into his body and changes him. When the symbiote attacks Peter Parker he at first feels more powerful. He turns black and acts without judgment. People still see him as Spiderman, so his new personality runs his body and runs the town he is supposed to be helping. Mary Jane and others start to notice the changes in him and alienate themselves from him. Eventually he returns back to regular Peter Parker and Spiderman. Normally Spiderman’s actions would just seem like a hiccup in his judgment. However, using the psychodynamic theory to analyze his actions, there would be a better explanation for his changes. Using the concepts of Id, Ego, and Superego, the levels of Spiderman can be explained. Spiderman helps everyone in the city and with good intentions. He follows the rules, but still acts as a superhero. Spiderman in this case would be the Superego of Peter Parker. In the psychodynamic theory, a superego purpose is to uphold the moral rules of the social world. However, when he changes into the Dark-Spidey he lets out his Id. He acts out. Dark-Spidey wants to run the city for his own pleasure and does not think of others. In a Freudian perspective, the Id is a pleasure seeker. Peter Parker does not act out by any means. He works as a regular reporter for the Daily Bugle. Parker would be the Ego, by acting in accordance to the constraints of his life but still balancing his Id and his Superego. Although this example is completely fictional, this portion of Freud’s theory applies very well and makes sense. Most people will eventual let out their Id out, because they go for what they want when they want it. The theory cannot be tested, but fluxes in people show that the Id, Ego, and Superego do exist to some extent.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Embryonic Stem Cell Essay Example for Free
Embryonic Stem Cell Essay The destruction of human embryos is required for obtaining stem cells. Alleviating human suffering costs human life and this gives rise to the ethical issue of taking human life. Some people have opined that destroying human life is immoral and should not be pardoned. Nevertheless, the fact remains that embryonic stem cells provide advanced medical treatment for terminal diseases (Oz). The ethicists propose alternative options such as the use of adult stem cells instead of embryonic stem cells. From this one can conclude that the major cause for debate on the issue of using stem cells derives from divergent opinions on the definition of life and not from a rejection of the principle which claims that the end does not justify the means or lack of faith in the latent possibilities of this technology (Oz). Scientists are trying to develop a system, wherein stem cells can be produced without destroying the embryo and which enables the embryo to develop normally. This method would provide an alternative to using human embryos for making stem cells. However, research projects in this area have been kept in abeyance since August 2001, due to the lack of federal funding by the government of the US. Moreover, the White House has adopted the stance that it requires further information to support such research and President Bush stated that he was desirous of perusing some more reports about such research (Stem-cell breakthrough: much heat, little light). The Catholic Church was vehemently opposed to such research as it stated that none of the embryos used for such research had survived. These church authorities made veiled hints that details about the nature of such research were not being fully divulged. The White House stated categorically that any use of human embryo for research purposes would be viewed seriously (Stem-cell breakthrough: much heat, little light). The most vehement critic of such research was Richard Doerflinger of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, who accused the researchers in this field of committing acts of falsehood, because of the fact that none of the embryos used in the study had survived. In this research a total of sixteen embryos had been used and all of them, without exception, had been destroyed during the course of these experiments. Moreover, he accused the researchers of having utilized a number of cells from each embryo instead of using just a couple of cells for that purpose, because while implanting embryos in genetic diagnosis, one or two stem cells are normally used (Stem-cell breakthrough: much heat, little light). In the United States there are nearly three hundred and sixty fertility clinics, which conduct in vitro fertilization procedures for infertile couples. The clinics extract twenty four ova from each female client. Subsequently, these ova are fertilized with the sperm of male donors’, usually the husband. Afterwards, either two or four embryos, obtained by this fertilization process are selected and implanted in the womb of the female client, with the expectation that at least one of these will develop and survive a pregnancy to term. The remaining embryos are then discarded by some of the clinics. However, some clinics use the excess embryos for imparting medical training. Most of these clinics deep freeze the excess embryos in liquid nitrogen and some clinics use the excess embryos as an alternative if no pregnancy is realized. Such clinics administer a repeated impregnation to woman clients, who failed to become pregnant by previous implantations of embryos. In addition, some couples donate their own embryos to other infertile couples; however, donating embryos is a rare event because clients generally do not prefer to see their child in some other family. Eventually, most of the excess embryos remain as spare, frozen embryos, which are never used. President George W. Bush for the second time refused to accord his consent for a piece of legislation that would permit federally funded research on embryonic stem cells. The proposed legislation would have repealed the present restrictions on research in the field of embryonic stem cells. The advocates of such research made a number of concerted attempts to override the veto of the President but all their efforts were in vain. They were unable to realize the two – thirds votes, which are essential for overriding the presidential veto (Minkel and Stein). The proposed legislation would have permitted research on cells extracted from excessive and unneeded embryos at fertility clinics. In a survey conducted by Science, it was revealed that more than sixty percent of patients who had excess embryos in the fertility clinics had come forward to donate their embryos for research on stem cells and only twenty percent of patients had stated that they would donate their excess embryos to other infertile couples (Minkel and Stein). During the annual conference of the American Academy of Pediatrics, US researchers reported that stem cells taken from amniotic fluid had proved to be extremely effective in repairing defective tracheas of lamb fetuses. In that research study, scientists isolated mesenchymal stem cells in the samples of amniotic fluid taken from pregnant sheep. Subsequently, these cells were grown in a culture and afterwards they were transferred to biodegradable tubes in order to form cartilage. After the transplantation of these tissues into the fetuses of sheep, it was found that the tissue had effectively mended defective tracheas in seven lamb fetuses. Moreover, the new born lambs did not display any respiratory problems (Stem success). Human embryonic stem cells act as master cells that develop any cell in the human body. The pace of the stem cell research was significantly accelerated in the year 1998. Researchers in the University of Wisconsin succeeded in isolating cells from the inner cell clusters of the early human embryo. These early human embryos are termed as blastocysts. These scientists developed the first embryonic stem cell lines (Stalcup). Stem cells represent a major breakthrough in medical therapy because they can be used either in the treatment of terminal diseases or for the purpose of assuaging diseases. Stem cells generate replacement tissues for defective or non functioning cells or organs in the human body. Researchers are extremely sanguine in using this therapy in spinal cord injuries due to accidents, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease and diabetes (Stalcup). Scientists in this field of research hope to utilize specialized cells to replace defective cells in the brain, spinal cord, pancreas and other vital organs of the body. Stem cells exist in one week old embryos or blastocysts. They are created through the process of in – vitro fertilization or IVF and are present in five to nine week old embryos, embryos created through IVF for research purposes, embryos made through cloning or somatic cell nuclear transfer or SCNT, and the adult tissues available in umbilical cord blood and bone marrow (Stalcup). Widespread criticism has been aimed at the making of stem cells from human embryos and fetuses. Extracting stem cells from the embryo invariably results in the destruction of the embryo. Embryonic stem cells in the earlier stage of development are called totipotent cells. Totipotent cells have the capability to develop into a complete organism and produce an embryo and tissues to support it in the uterus. Subsequently, these stem cells reach the development stage and at this stage they are called pluripotent embryonic stem cells (Stalcup). Pluripotent embryonic stem cells can exist and develop into any type of cell in the body. However, unlike totipotent cells, pluripotent cells cannot produce supporting tissues. Thus the stem cells found in the early stage embryos potentially possess the ability to transform into any type of body cells, whereas adult stem cells do not have such capability (Stalcup). The extant thinking amongst the world wide scientific community is that human embryos are principally human beings. Such thinking has been engendered by the fact that human embryos are biologically human beings; moreover, life begins at fertilization and embryos grow and develop into complete human beings. In the 1970s and 1980s, embryologists termed the human embryo in its first week as a pre embryo. They claimed that this pre embryo was not a human being. They also believed that due to development they gradually gained the status of human beings. However, the scientific community desisted from using the term pre embryo due to the fact that such a description was incorrect. Furthermore, the Human Embryo Research Panel and the National Bioethics Advisory Commission also rejected use of the term and declared that the human embryo from its very inception was a living organism and developing form of human life. According to the 1995 Ramsey Colloquium statement, an embryo is a human being in its developmental stage and it cannot be referred to as any object or animal (Stalcup). The general consensus is that the forced sacrifice of some human beings for the benefit of other human beings is not correct from an ethical point of view. Hence research on human embryonic stem cells that are obtained by destroying human embryos is to be prohibited on grounds of general morality (Stalcup).
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Increase Of Concentration Of Ethyl Acetate
Increase Of Concentration Of Ethyl Acetate Firstly the aim of the experiment is to determine the yield, conversion and reaction rate by employing the principles of material balance with chemical reaction for batch reactions. The purpose of the experiment is to find out the factors affecting the rate of reaction to increases the conversion rate the yield of product produced. The hypothesis of the experiment is that the increase of concentration of Ethyl Acetate would also increase the rate of reaction. From two different concentrations of Ethyl Acetate (0.01M and 0.02M) have shown that the 0.02M of Ethyl Acetate shows a increase in the rate of reaction and conversion rate of Sodium Hydroxide to Sodium Acetate. Secondly the theory part shows the definitions of terms like saponification, batchwise reactions and factors that affect the rate of reaction. The most important definition is the saponification which is the hydrolysis of an ester under basic conditions to form an alcohol and the salt of a carboxylic acid. Thirdly, the procedure section shows how to carry out the 3 major steps which are preparation of the reactant, the experimental setup and the procedures to carry out the experiment. This is followed by the results and calculations which is about the calculation of the conversion percentage and yield of the reactions of different concentrations of Ethyl Acetate carried out in the experiment. After the results and calculations, is the discussion part which discusses the results obtained, states some precautions to be taken while carrying out the experiment and the factors that affect the results. Lastly the conclusion concludes the report by stating if the aim of the experiment had been reached and it also states that the hypothesis that the higher the concentration of the reactant, the faster the rate of reaction and conversion, has been proven. REPORT ON MATERIAL BALANCE WITH CHEMICAL REACTION 1. Introduction 1.1 Background Literature Conversion of sodium hydroxide into sodium acetate is called saponification. It is the process of making soap. It is the reaction between an ester with a metallic base and water. It is also related to the process used to convert natural fats into soap. (Donohue 2009) An alkali is a soluble salt of an alkali metal like sodium. It is used in soap-making whereby it was obtained from the ashes of plants. Now, the term alkali describes a base which neutralizes an acid. (Donohue 2009) Alkalis used in soap making are sodium hydroxide (NaOH), also called caustic soda; and potassium hydroxide (KOH), also called caustic potash. (Donohue 2009) Example: An example of the reaction is: (Therese Lotts Saponification Calculator Standalone spreadsheet for calculating saponification values in handmade soapmaking. ) ( 1.2 Aim The aim of this experiment is to determine the yield, conversion and reaction rate by employing the principles of material balance with chemical reaction for batch reactions. This will also enable us to find out factors to improve the yield and the rate of conversion and reaction. 1.3 Hypothesis The hypothesis of the experiment is that if the concentration is high, the yield together with the rate of conversion and reaction would also increase. Thus, from a 0.02M concentration of Ethyl Acetate and 0.01M concentration of Ethyl Acetate, the 0.02M concentration would have a higher yield, rate of conversion and reaction. This is because at the start of the experiment the conductivity value was high but as the reaction precedes the conductivity value decreases showing the concentration and number of moles. 2. Theory 2.1 Saponification Saponification is the hydrolysis of an ester under basic conditions to form an alcohol and the salt of a carboxylic acid. Saponification is commonly used to refer to the reaction of a metallic alkali with a fat or oil to form soap. Saponifiable substances are those that can be converted into soap. In the experiment the desired product is sodium acetate. (Donohue 2009) 2.2 Batchwise Reaction A batchwise reaction is a reaction where by reactants are put in and the reaction is started. After the reaction has ended, the products are taken out and the equipment and all are washed to be prepared for the next experiment. Unlike steady state reaction it does not have a continuous input and output. (Singapore Polytechnic 2009) 2.3 Percentage Conversion Xa = moles of A reacted Moles of A fed into the reactor x100% It is defined as a fraction of reactants or feed that successfully reacted to form the desired product. The above formula calculates the amount of reacts converted into products. (Singapore Polytechnic 2009) 2.4 Yield of A Product YP = Moles of desired product formed Moles of reactant fed into the reactor Yield has 3 definitions. Firstly it is amount of desired product formed based on the amount of limiting reactants feed into the reaction. Secondly it is the amount of desired product obtained divided by the amount of reactant consumed. Lastly, it is also defined as the amount of product obtained divided by the theoretically amount of limiting reactant consumed. The above reaction calculates the amount yield based on just the limiting reactant. (Singapore Polytechnic 2009) 2.5 Rate of Reaction The rate of reaction is the amount of time taken for the chemicals to react totally. (Singapore Polytechnic 2009) 2.6 Surface Area To Volume Ratio The surface area to the volume ration affects the rate of reaction. The smaller the particle, the larger its exposed surface area. With a larger exposed surface area more particles can collide with one another causing more reactions to take place within a shorter amount of time. (Purchon 2006) 2.7 Presence of a Catalyst If a catalyst is involved in a reaction, the amount of energy needed to start the reaction (activation energy) decreases. Thus, the molecules in the reactions will gain more energy that is equal to or more than the activation energy. The higher amount of energy a molecules has, the more active it will become and more collisions will occur increasing the rate of reaction. However a catalyst is not involved in this experiment. (Purchon 2006) 2.8 Pressure Pressure is another factor that affects the rate of reaction. Pressure mainly affects gases. Gases can be compressed. Thus, as pressure increases, gaseous molecules are closely packed together which allows them to collide more frequently with one another. This is almost the same as changing the concentration as the number of molecules is increased within a specific area. However the reaction is a liquid-liquid reaction so pressure does not affect the reaction in this experiment. (Purchon 2006) 2.9 Concentration Concentration affects the rate of reaction. The higher the concentration, the number of particles within a specific area increases. Thus, molecules are closely packed together and this increases the number of collisions between molecules so the rate of reaction increases. Concentration is similar to pressure where by the number of molecules in a specific area increases. (Purchon 2006) 2.10 Temperature Temperature also affects the rate of reaction. If the temperature is higher, the energy levels of the molecules increases and they would tend to more faster. Thus, this results in more effective collisions in a shorter amount of time. (Purchon 2006) 2.11 Conductivity Unlike Sodium Hydroxide, Ethyl acetate, Ethanol and Sodium acetate have negligible conductivity. Thus the conductivity value of the reaction is measured by the conductivity of Sodium Hydroxide. The conductivity is used to find the concentration of Sodium Hydroxide as the reaction proceeds. (Singapore Polytechnic 2009) Fig.1) Graph of conductivity values of Sodium Hydroxide against the concentration of Sodium Hydroxide.) 3. Procedure 3.1 Preparation of chemicals The MSDS of sodium hydroxide and ethyl acetate was read and the handling and disposal of the chemicals must be familiarized before the start of the experiment. Disposable gloves and chemical goggles were put on when preparing and handling the chemicals.500 ml of 0.01 M sodium hydroxide solution and 500 ml of ethyl acetate solution to the required concentration as discussed in Questions 1 and 2 of Pre-experiment Assessment was prepared. (CP4047 Lab Manual) 3.1.1 Preparing 500 ml of 0.01 M sodium hydroxide solution: The required volume of 0.1 M NaOH stock solution was measured using a measuring cylinder and pour into the 500 ml volumetric flask. The solution in the volumetric flask was topped up with de-ionized water to the 500 ml-mark. A Stopper was placed on the flask, and it was shaken and inverted to mix the solution. (CP4047 Lab Manual) 3.1.2 To prepare 500 ml of ethyl acetate solution: About 250 ml de-ionized water was poured into a 500 ml volumetric flask first. The required volume was measured using the micropipettor. The stock solution was dispensed into the 500 ml volumetric flask.The solution in the volumetric flask was topped up to the 500 ml-mark. A stopper was placed on the flask, and was shaken and inverted to mix the solution. (CP4047 Lab Manual) 3.2 Experimental setup (CP4047 Lab Manual) 3.3 Carrying out the Experiment The prepared sodium hydroxide solution was poured into the reactor. The reaction conditions were adjusted to the predetermined levels (based on experimental methodology discussed with Lecturer). The reaction conditions were recorded, Eg. temperature, stirring speed, concentrations and volumes of reactants. Conductivity meter probe was positioned into the reacting mixture. The ethyl acetate solution was poured in and the timer was started immediately. The conductivity values (mS/cm) at a regular interval of 1 minute for 30 minutes of reaction time was recorded. After 30 minutes of reaction, the stirring device was stopped and the magnetic stir bar was removed from the mixture using the magnetic rod. The conductivity probe was also removed and rinsed thoroughly with de-ionised water. The reaction product mixture was poured into the plastic waste container. The glassware was rinsed and the experiment was repeated based on experimental methodology discussed with the Lecturer. At the end of the experiment, the conductivity probe was removed from the reacting mixture and rinsed thoroughly with de-ionised water. All chemicals were disposed in the plastic waste container and were brought to the waste together with any unused reactants to W314 for proper treatment and disposal. All the used glass-wares was rinsed and tidied up the work space. (CP4047 Lab Manual) 4. Results and Calculations 4.1 Determining the Yield of Sodium Acetate at 15 Minutes The yield of Sodium Acetate at 15minutes is determined with the concentration of Sodium Hydroxide as with the concentration, the number of mole of sodium hydroxide can be found out. Also, with the molar ratio of Sodium Hydroxide and Ethyl Acetate, the number of moles of Ethyl Acetate can be determined. With the use of the yield formula, the yield of Ethyl Acetate can be calculated. 4.2 Yield When 0.01M of Ethyl Acetate Used 5. Discussion 5.1 Factors Affecting Rate of Reaction Firstly the concentrations of Ethyl Acetate used were 0.01M and 0.02M which means that for 0.01M of Ethyl Acetate was obtained by diluting 0.49cm3 of pure Ethyl Acetate and 0.02M was obtained by diluting 0.92cm3 of pure Ethyl Acetate. By comparing the graphs (Fig 3 and 4) above, the reaction (0.02M) was the fastest. This was due to the concentration factor. The higher the concentration, the faster the rate of reaction as the increase in concentration means that there are more molecules in a specific area. Other factor like temperature and pressure were keep at a constant (standard room conditions). There was no catalyst involved the experiment. Thus, these other factors did not affect the rate of reaction. 5.2 Factors Affecting Conversion and Yield The conversion of Sodium Hydroxide and the yield of Sodium Acetate will never be a 100% due to the technical equipment and unforced human errors. It is also due to constrains in the lab like equipment or the duration of the experiment. The longer the reaction, more conversion and yield could have been produced. 5.3 Factors Affecting the Conductivity Values The concentration of Sodium Hydroxide affects the conductivity value of the reaction. If the concentration of Sodium Hydroxide is high, the conductivity value will also be high. Thus, as the reaction proceeds, the conductivity drops as the concentration of the Sodium Hydroxide decreases as it is being reacted away. For the 0.01M reaction, Fig 4.2.2 show that the concentration decreases significantly. However, for the 0.02M reaction, Fig 4.3.2 shows some fluctuations in the drop of the concentration of Sodium Hydroxide. This could be because of the equipment. The equipment, the conductivity probe and the machine has been known to turn off randomly during the reaction. Thus there was some irregularities in the drop of concentration for the 0.02M reaction. 5.4 Precautions to Be Taken During the experiment the Ethyl Acetate should always be handled in the fume hood as it would decompose in the open, thus affecting the concentration of the Ethyl Acetate and to prevent it from spilling anywhere else in the laboratory. Gloves should also be worn to prevent bacteria from contaminating the reaction or chemicals and to also protect our hands from the chemicals. Goggles should also be worn to protect our eyes from chemicals splashing into our eyes. 5.5 Comparison of conversion and yields of different concentration of Ethyl Acetate The yield of the reaction of 0.01M Ethyl Acetate is 0.62 while the yield of the reaction of 0.02M Ethyl Acetate is 0.76. The second reaction of 0.02M has a higher yield due to the higher concentration of Ethyl Acetate. This is because the concentration of the reactants is more due to the increase in concentration of Sodium Hydroxide thus, producing more products whereby the yield of Sodium Acetate increases. However both the experiments did not produce a 100% yield because of human error and constrains of technical equipment. Even if a catalyst was added, the yield will be the same as the catalyst will only increase the rate of reaction and affect the yield. 6. Conclusion In conclusion, the higher the concentration of Ethyl Acetate used, the faster the rate of reaction together with a higher conversion percentage of Sodium Hydroxide. The concentration of Sodium Hydroxide affects the conductivity values of the reaction because the results show that the conductivity decreases as the reaction proceeds because the concentration of Sodium Hydroxide also decreases as the Sodium Hydroxide was being reacted away. Therefore, the hypothesis is proven to be true. The aim of the experiment was met as results state that with a higher concentration of Ethyl Acetate, the rate of reaction together with the rate of conversion increases. The concentration of the Ethyl Acetate reacting with Sodium Hydroxide in a reactor as time passes by was studied. However the experiment could be improved by adding in a catalyst or increasing the temperature to increase the rate of reaction and conversion rate.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Bare Bones Essay examples -- Poetry Analysis
The poem â€Å"Sometimes the Words Are So Close,†(963) written by Julia Alvarez, discusses how words like a person can be stripped down and made uncomplicated. People are full of layers that surround them everyday. Each layer can be discarded one at a time, down to the bare essentials and in that space, people can be who they truly are. This is also where she explores her voice as a woman. Andrea Schaefer said, in reference to the â€Å"33†Sonnet collection, â€Å"...Alvarez further explores the themes of her voice taking flight and the powers of language to effect personal and political change. These poems more explicitly address her Dominican roots and her 'childhood in a dictatorship/ when real talk was punishable by death'...†During another interview, Alvarez stated; â€Å"...The page is where I learned to put together my different worlds, where I've put down the deepest roots...†Although born in New York, Alvarez lived in the Dominican Republic wi th her family for her first ten years. Unfortunately, they had to flee back to the United States as political exiles in 1960. On writing, Alvarez stated, â€Å"...Not understanding the language, I had to pay close attention to each word -- great training for a writer. I also discovered the welcoming world of the imagination and books...†Alvarez's poem addresses the two worlds she grew up in, the Dominican Republic and the United States and the differences of language in each. Through an implied metaphor, the speaker of the poem unveils herself, a line at a time, while simultaneously building upon the â€Å"figure†(7) of the poem to reveal at its core, a woman. â€Å"Words†(1) are often difficult to form into speech, especially when there is a barrier of translating what they mean as opposed to what they say.... ...Sienna M Potts: Web. 26 Mar. 2012. . Alvarez, Julia. Andrea Schaefer. American Writers: A Collection of Literary Biographies, Supplement 7. Ed. Jay Parini. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 2001. From Scribner Writers Series. 26 Mar. 2012. Alvarez, Julia. â€Å"Sometimes the Words Are So Close.†Meyers 963. Kevane, Bridget and Juanita Heredia. 'Julia Alvarez and Juanita Heredia. Latina Self-Portraits: Interviews with Contemporary Women Writers.†Ed. Citizen of the World: An Interview with Julia Alvarez. Albuquerque, N.M.: University of New Mexico Press, 2000. p19-32. Rpt. In Hunter, Jeffrey W. â€Å"Contemporary Literary Criticism.†274. Detroit: Gale. From Literature Resource Center. 26 Mar. 2012 Meyer, Michael. The Bedford Introduction to Literature. 9th Ed. Boston: Bedford/ St. Martin's, 2012. print.
Troublesome Behavior Essay -- Psychology, Children Behavioral Disorder
Children often act out in inappropriate ways, however these irritations do not connote â€Å"troublesome†behavior (Wright, Tibbetts, and Daigle, 2008). Troublesome behavior describes age-inappropriate behaviors that continue into future years and inhibit healthy growth of the child. For example, a temper tantrum might be normal behavior for a young child, however it would be deemed inappropriate when the child reaches school age. When unseemly behaviors multiply to a certain level the child is considered behaviorally disordered. The criteria for such a diagnosis includes patterned symptoms that show at least short-term stability, symptoms that are present when around other adults besides their parents, severe symptoms, and symptoms that harm the child’s ability to handle developmental problems. These behaviors do not affect a large proportion of the population. One study showed about ten to fifteen percent of preschoolers demonstrates mild or moderate behavioral disorders (Campbell, 1995 as cited in Wright et al., 2008). Another study of three-year-olds found that severe behavior disorder afflicted 11 percent of the sample (Cornely and Bromet, 1986 as cited in Wright et al., 2008). Furthermore, in a study of parental reports of their 17-month-old children it was found that only 7.6 percent thought of their children as bullies and only 3.3 percent considered their children as cruel (Tremblay, 1999 as cited in Wright et al., 2008). In fact, only 1.5 to 3.4 percent of children are diagnosed with conduct disorder (Steiner and Dunne, 1997 as cited in Wright et al., 2008). However, other studies show that conduct disorder is found in five percent of ten-year-olds and ten percent of 12-year-olds (Wright et al., 2008). Also, ... ...criminality. It is associated with deviant behaviors and clinical disorders such as suicide, schizophrenia, and alcoholism. Moreover, most serotonin studies’ overall theme is that low levels of serotonin will prevent people from inhibiting their behavior. Furthermore, environmental conditions also affect serotonin levels. For example, serotonin levels fall during the winter and then rise again in spring. Dopamine is an excitatory neurotransmitter connected to the reward and punishment networks of the brain (Wright et al., 2008). A person’s state of excitement is increased with dopamine activity, which has a positive effect on problem solving, directed thinking, and attention span. Over production of dopamine has been associated with aggression and violence (Fishbein, 2001; Babel, Stadler, Bjorn, and Shindledecker, 1995 as cited in Wright et al, 2008).
Friday, July 19, 2019
Graduation Speech :: Graduation Speech, Commencement Address
I want all of you graduates to do me a favor and just look around at your fellow classmates for a few seconds and think about the people you know out there and realize: After all of the parties and once all of the euphoria surrounding graduating has subsided, you are not going to see many of these people ever again. I'm sure it's a comforting though to many of you that you will never see me again, and I've come to terms with that. We are all headed in different directions now. Some of us are going to college, whether it be two-year, four-year, in-state, out-of-state, or whatever. Some are going straight into the workforce, maybe in construction, plumbing, commercial fossil fuel distribution or as Jeff Reynolds puts it so eloquently, "You could go into a life of being a government financial allocation specialist." And some of you are going straight to jail. Right now I'm sure many of you are sitting there with thoughts racing through your head at a mile a minute. Some people are anxious about the future, others are primed to get on the bus for the after-grad party. Some are thinking that they finally have their ticket stamped to leave Purple Lake, which I happen to be thinking right now. Some of you are looking at the clock and wondering how long it will be until I shut-up and get off the stage, I happen to know Goset is thinkin' that right now, aren't you Aynsley? Those kids, like Goset over there, just want their little case which actually doesn't contain a diploma, instead it just has a piece of paper which tells you when to pick it up. To those people out there I say, "Just cool off, I'll be done in a minute, the diploma cases aren't going anywhere, so just be patient!" Though you might not be thinking any of those things right now, I'm sure we are all thinking that we finally made it. Yup, high school is over, but we're not even close to being done. This is just the beginning of the rest of our life and it only gets harder from this point on. You will encounter obstacles at every turn, but you must persevere if you hope to succeed in this world. The key to your success will be to know what everyone expects from you and then you must commit yourself to exceeding those expectations, that is what will set you ahead of the rest.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Distractions: Classroom and Facebook Essay
Electronics is one of the main and worst distractions. Cell phones, laptops, desktop, and various other electronics are some of just a few distractions that take place in the class room, But the biggest one I think is laptops. People use laptops in the classroom to take notes, plan there day, and to do work on, but after a while it can those same usefulness can become a distraction. A lot of professors and instructors have decided to ban laptops from the classroom because people tend to lose focus with laptops in front of them. They start to go off and do other things like on Facebook or YouTube. This can become a big problem because they not paying attention so they don’t know what’s going on with the lesson which can affect what students might need to do for homework or what they need to study for that big test coming up. They not only are a distraction to the person using it but also a distraction to people around them. The typing may become annoying to a neighbor who may need to focus. Some professors find them a really distracting the typing and students seem to find more interest in the computer then in the lesson. Along with Cell phones, Laptops are becoming banned from classrooms due to the distraction to the person that uses them, their peers, and their professor. Laptops are just one of many distractions in the classroom and is one of the worst and main distractions along with cell phones and various other electronics that cause distractions.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Meralco Financial Analysis
INTRODUCTION MERALCO is the Philippines largest electric forcefulness statistical dispersal participation, with franchise service scope cover song fire 9,337 squ be kilometres. It provides billet enterprise office to 4. 8 cardinal customers in 31 cities and 80 municipalities, which embarrass the whole of Metro Manila, the provinces of Rizal, Cavite and Bulacan, and parts of Pampanga, Batangas, lagune and Quezon. Business establishments in the franchise celestial orbit account for al well-nigh 46% of the republics Gross Domestic fruit or GDP.Through Clark Electric Distribution weed or CEDC, a 65%- appurtenant, it holds the ability distribution franchise for Clark Special scotch Z angiotensin converting enzyme in Clark, Pampanga. CEDC franchise atomic issuing 18a covers 32 squ ar kilometres and 1,611 customers. The confederacy is organised into ternary major operating segments, namely, fountain distribution, real state and contracts, function and separates. In 2010, MERALCO PowerGen batch or MPG (formerly Asian relate for Energy Management), a wholly possess subsidiary, was reorganized as the play a unyieldings vehicle for potential entry into power geneproportionn. COMPANY PROFILEMERALCO marches on to its 108th course of instruction of service in 2011. Consistently in the list of the Philippines bakshis five corpo balancens and cited among Asias finest, MERALCO today serves over 4. 8 jillion residential, commercial and industrial customers. It is strategic wholey placed to serve the unpolisheds centralize of commerce and industry and its hub of political science services and infrastructures. It services most 30 manufacturing scotch zones, which also compete in the worldwide market. Likewise, the Company caters to providers of outsourced business process, both domestic help and global. MERALCOs 9,337 sq. km. ranchise ara overs 31 cities and 80 municipalities including Metro Manila, the entire provinces of Bulacan, Rizal a nd Cavite parts of the provinces of lagoon, Quezon, Batangas and Pampanga. Electrification level in the franchise field of honor is 99%. MISSION to provide our customers the best shelter in postal code, products and services. VISSION to be a fore roughly participation and the service provider of extract. OBJECTIVES To cling to and enhance the hobby of its stakeholders by committing itself to the next principles. 1. The Customers are its reason for being, and therefore, they should always be interact with dignity.The Company mustiness be skilfuly responsive to their needs. The Company has the tariff to * Provide the customers with the high-pitchedest quality products and services, consistent with their requirements and with international standards * Treat the customers fairly, courteously and with integrity in altogether of its business transactions * make for promptly on their immediate concerns and be receptive to their long needs and involvement and * Make every effort to mark off that the health, safety and general well-being of its customers are enhanced by its products and services. 2.The Employees are its most re treasured plus, and therefore, they should always be treated with dignity and with full conside ration of their pursuance. The Company has the responsibility to * Provide its employees with incentives and opportunities for professional evolution and advancement * Provide its employees with just now and private-enterprise(a) compensation, and do reliables that improve their living conditions and incentives * Guarantee fairness, rival treatment and opportunity and avoid discriminative practices and * Provide suitable and safe works conditions to protect employees from avoidable injury and disease in the workplace. . Its Investors are its principals, and therefore, the trust they experience placed in the play along must be honoured. The club has the responsibility to * turn in professional and diligent management t o check up on the fiscal viability of the follow and maintain a fair and competitive return for its investors and * last out and enhance its investors assets, and fulfil and safeguard their stake. 4. The Suppliers and Creditors are its business partners and, therefore, the relationship with them must be based on interchangeable rate and benefit.The association has the responsibility to * Foster long-run stability, direct relation and continuous using with suppliers to attain quality, competitiveness, process efficiency and carrying into action reliability * Seek fairness, truthfulness, integrity and transparence in all of its business relations with them and * Seek encourage and prefer suppliers whose business practices respect human dignity and the environment. . The Competitors are its catalyst toward continuing service rightness and, therefore, the competition with them should be fair and honest, a basic requirement for national suppuration in the distribution of p roducts and services to the community. The Company has the responsibility to * Promote behaviour that demonstrates mutual respect among competitors and * Maintain the highest level of business ethics and integrity. . The Community is its business environment and the society it serves. The Company has the responsibility to * retain and maintain at all multiplication the highest standards of business ethics * Fulfil with committedness and commitment its social responsibilities * Undertake activities that check and contribute to the economic and social maturation of the country 7.Employ proactive measures and cooperate with the government activity and non-government institutions in activities to serve society towards a absorbive benefit. * Help the government in its efforts and programs in its efforts and programs towards raising investor office, developing the neat market, and ensuring high sustained economic maturation through just corporate governance. key and comply at a ll clock with the orders, rules and regulations of the government, its agencies and instrumentalities, in the pursuit of its proceeds objectives and different corporate endeavors * Institutionalize sound environmental practices in collaboration with the concerned government agencies and encourage opposite corporations/organizations to support all programs for an effective environmental management system. SUBSIDIARIES AND AFFILIATES * Meralco Powergen Corporation (MPG) * Clark Electric Distribution Corporation (CEDC) * wheel spoke Telecoms, Inc. * Meralco Financial Services Corporation (FINSERVE) beacon fire Overseas damages Limited (LOIL) * Meralco Energy, Inc. (MEI) * Rockwell gain Corporation (ROCKWELL) * Republic Surety and Insurance Company, Inc. (RSIC) CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS MANILA galvanizing COMPANY AND SUBSIDIARIES CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL locate celestial latitude 31 2010 2009 (amounts in one billion jillion one one thousand thousand trillion gazillions) ASSETS flow rate Assets Cash and Cash equivalents Php 24,370. 00 Php 17,068. 00 cope and an otherwise(prenominal) referables plunder 25,609. 00 21,600. 0 Inventories at get round equal or winnings realizable value 2,043. 00 1,857. 00 Land and maturement cost at lower of cost or dough realizable value 1,708. 00 1,191. 00 new(prenominal) afoot(predicate) assets 2,027. 00 2,969. 00 get authoritative ASSETS 55,757. 00 44,685. 00 dead Assets Utility establish and others shekels 101,009. 00 98,231. 0 Construction in procession 2,241. 00 3,627. 00 Investments in associates and a articulatio venture 321. 00 1,203. 00 Investments properties pelf 8,037. 00 8,021. 00 Deferred pass through fuel cost 1,222. 00 3,161. 00 Deferred tax assets elucidate 42. 00 17. 00 other(a) obsolescent assets boodle 10,339. 0 13,184. 00 TOTAL obsolescent ASSETS 123,211. 00 127,444. 00 Php 178,968. 00 Php 172,129. 00 LIABILITIES AND EQUITY circulating(prenominal) Liabilities Notes Payable Php 149. 00 Php 513. 00 flip-flop collectibles and accrued put downs 31,138. 00 28,261. 00 Income tax allowanceable 413. 00 133. 00 Customers regress 7,131. 0 9,147. 00 contemporary service of interest bearing long-term monetary liabilities 5,574. 00 4,069. 00 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 44,405. 00 42,123. 00 Non contemporary Liabilities elicit-bearing long-term financial liabilities net of current portion 15,498. 00 17,234. 00 Customers deposits net of current portion 23,761. 00 25,063. 0 Deposits from pre-selling of condominium units 741. 00 343. 00 Deferred tax liabilities net 3,322. 00 4,230. 00 long employee benefits 9,547. 00 10,987. 00 groomings 12,875. 00 7,492. 00 Advances for construction net of current portion 3,271. 00 2,989. 00 Other back(prenominal) liabilities 2,352. 0 522. 00 TOTAL NONCURRENT LIABILITIES 71,367. 00 68,860. 00 TOTAL LIABILITIES 115,772. 00 110,983. 00 fair play Attributable to uprightness Holders of the get up normal Stock 11,273. 00 11,273. 00 Subscriptions receivable (738. 00) (960. 00) Additional paid-in cap 4,111. 0 4,112. 00 Excess of Acquisition cost over carrying value of non-controlling interest acquired (328. 00) (328. 00) Employee contributiond-based compensation plan 743. 00 569. 00 Unrealized fair value gains on available-for-sale coronations 96. 00 71. 00 Share in cumulative translation adjustment of a subsidiary and an associate 12. 00 684. 0 Retained remuneration Appropriated 6,000. 00 4,198. 00 Unappropriated 37,800. 00 37,750. 00 Equity Attributable to Equity Holders of the Parent 58,969. 00 57,369. 00 Non-controlling interests 4,227. 00 3,777. 00 TOTAL EQUITY 63,196. 00 61,146. 00 Php 178,968. 00 Php 172,129. 00 MANILA electric car COMPANY AND SUBSIDIARIES CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF INCOME Years cease decl ination 31 2010 2009 (amounts in megs, excerpt per share data) REVENUES tidy sum of electrical energy 239,077. 00 178,686. 00 change or real state 3,375. 00 2,877. 00 Sale of contracts, services and others 3,009. 00 2,987. 00 245,461. 0 184,550. 00 EXPENSES (INCOME) Purchased power 200,916. 00 150,928. 00 operations and maintenance 15,711. 00 13,611. 00 derogation and amortization 6,219. 00 5,064. 00 cooking for seeming criminates and put downs from claims 5,750. 00 3,351. 00 Cost of real state sell 2,640. 00 2,230. 0 Interest and other financial income (2,690. 00) (4,246. 00) Cost of services 1,996. 00 1,803. 00 Provision (reversal of prep) for probable losses from reelect net (1,632. 00) (1,179. 00) Interest and other financial charges 493. 00 3,328. 00 Equity in net shekels of associates and a joint venture (283. 00) (245. 0) Accretion of model value bear upon on customers refund 225. 00 555. 00 Foreign exchange loss es (gains) net 51. 00 (266. 00) Taxes, fees and permits 974. 00 421. 00 Others 654. 00 216. 00 231,024. 00 175,571. 00 INCOME BEFORE INCOME tax income 14,437. 00 ,979. 00 PROVISION FOR (BENEFIT FROM) INCOME TAX Current 5,233. 00 3,218. 00 Deffered (913. 00) (595. 00) 4,320. 00 2,623. 00 NET INCOME Php 10,117. 00 Php 6,356. 00 MANILA voltaic COMPANY AND SUBSIDIARIES CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF money lead 2010 2009 (Amounts in Millions) coin menstruate FROM run ACTIVITIES Php 14,437. 0 Php 8,979. 00 Income in the beginning income tax Adjustments for Depreciation and amortization 6,219. 00 5,064. 00 Provision for probable charges and expenses from claims 5,750. 00 3,351. 00 Interest and other financial income (2,690. 00) (4,246. 00) Interest and other financial charges 493. 0 3,328. 00 Provision (reversal of provision) for probable losses from refund net (1,632. 00) (1,179. 00) bolshy on disposal of utility plant and others net 1,033. 00 Provision for indeterminate accounts, net of recoveries 982. 00 886. 00 Cost of guaranteed service levels pay-out 388. 00 216. 0 button from disposal of investing 46. 00 Equity in net clams of associates and a joint venture (283. 00) (245. 00) Present value impact on customers refund 225. 00 555. 00 Employee share-based defrayals 174. 00 301. 00 Reversal of lower of bloodline to net realizable value (3. 0) (41. 00) Gain on disposal of investment plaza (4. 00) Donation of investment post 2. 00 Foreign exchange loss (gain) 51. 00 (266. 00) direct income befor working gravid changes 25,412. 00 16,749. 00 Decrease ( enlarge) in Trade and other receivables (10. 0) 15,601. 00 Inventories (130. 00) (168. 00) Land and development costs (517. 00) (531. 00) Deferred pass-through fuel costs 1,939. 00 631. 00 Other current assets 955. 00 (1,854. 00) Increase (decrease) in Trade payables and accrued expenses 41. 0 8,798. 0 0 Customers refund (2,241. 00) (2,889. 00) Customers deposits 1,298. 00 2,913. 00 Deposits from pre-selling of condominium units 398. 00 307. 00 Long-term employee benefits (1,424. 00) (1,555. 00) Provisions (140. 0) (4,935. 00) realise money generated from operations 25,311. 00 33,067. 00 Income tax paid (4,953. 00) (3,797. 00) cyberspace exchange flows generated from operating activities 20,358. 00 29,270. 00 interchange FLOW FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Additions to Construction in progress (5,769. 00) (7,914. 0) Utility plant and others (2,741. 00) (187. 00) Intangibles (300. 00) (127. 00) Investments properties (110. 00) (662. 00) Interest and other financial income received 1,058. 00 1,332. 00 Proceeds from exceed of investment 752. 0 Disposal of utility plant and others 82. 00 Disposal of investment property 28. 00 Settlement of deliverable currency forth 5. 00 Dividends received from associates 96. 00 445. 00 Dividends paid by s ubsidiaries credited(predicate) to non-controlling interests (15. 00) Decrease ( affix) in Other noncurrent assets 622. 0 (1,657. 00) Other receivables sack up interchange used in investing activities (6,292. 00) (8,770. 00) CASH FLOW FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES Proceeds from interest-bearing long-term financial liabilities, net of discipline costs 10,528. 00 12,398. 00 Notes payable 380. 00 2,936. 00 Collection of subscriptions receivable 222. 0 445. 00 Payments of Interest-bearing long-term financial liabilities (10,748. 00) (8,295. 00) Dividends (6,187. 00) (2,820. 00) Interest and other financial charges (2,044. 00) (1,524. 00) Notes payable (744. 00) (12,251. 00) Stock transaction costs (1. 0) Increase(decrease) in other noncurrent liabilities 1,830. 00 277. 00 Net cash flow used in pay activities (6,764. 00) (8,834. 00) NET INCREASE IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 7,302. 00 11,666. 00 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT BEGINNING OF YEAR 17,068. 00 5,402. 00 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT END OF YEAR Php 24,370. 0 Php 17,068. 00 MANILA ELECTRIC COMPANY AND SUBSIDIARIES dimension synopsis 2010 2009 taste OF LIQUIDITY A. Current Ratio = Current Assets Current Liabilities = 55757. 00 44685. 00 44405. 00 17234. 00 = 1. 26 1. 06 B. Acid-test Ratio = Cash + Short-term investments +receivables (net) Current Liabilities = 49979. 00 3048. 00 44405. 00 17234. 00 = 1. 13 0. 18 C. Receivables turnover = Net credit gross sales Average net receivables = 245461. 00 184550. 00 36409. 00 36409. 00 = 6. 74 5. 07 Average Collection hitch = 365 long time receivable turnover = 365 long time 365 long time 6. 74 5. 07 = 54. 15 days 72. 01 D. Inventory turnover = COGS Average inventory = 221263. 00 168572. 00 2971. 50 2971. 50 = 74. 46 quantify 56. 73 TEST OF SOLVENCY A. Debt to nitty-gritty assets ratio = supply debt total assets = 115772. 00 110,983. 00 178968. 00 172,129. 00 = 0. 65 0. 64 B. Times interest pull in = Income before income taxes and interest expense interest expense = 14,437. 0 8979. 00 493. 00 3328. 00 = 29. 28 2. 70 TEST OF PROFITABILITY A. Profit Margin = Net income Net sales = 10,117. 00 6356. 00 245,461. 00 184550. 00 = 4% 3% B. Asset Turnover = Net gross sales Average assets = 245,461. 00 175,548. 50 = 1. 40 C. turn in on assets = Net Income Average Assets = 10,117. 00 175,548. 50 = 6% D. Return on car park stockholders equity = Net income Average viridity stockholders equity = 10,117. 00 11,273. 00 = 90% E. Earnings per share = Net Income Weighted second-rate greenness shares outstanding = 10,117. 00 1,127. 00 = 8. 98 F. Price- wage ratio = trade price per share of stock earnings per share = 10 8. 62 = 1. 16 G. Pay-out Ratio = Cash Dividends Net income = 7,834. 00 10,117. 00 = 77. 43 ANALYSIS HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL ANALYSIS REVENUES For the course of instruction end celestial latitude 31, 2010 MERALCO procured a Php245, 461 cardinal revenues, 33. 0% high than introductory course revenues worth Php184, 550 gazillion. Sales from the three major operating segments ontogenyd during the division 2010 with the power distribution as the top performing operating segments. Php178,686 cardinal sales from electricity was a 96. 82% of Php184,550 one thousand thousand. EXPENSES Expenses for the stratum 2010 amounted to Php231,024 one million million million was additiond by Php55,453 million or 31. 58% collect to high(prenominal) purchased power that was change magnitude by 33. 12%. In support to this, purchased power got 86. 97% of the total Php231,024 worth of expenses. NET INCOME Php10,117 million net worth of income of 2010 was 59. 7% high(prenominal) than 2009 its because of the higher(prenominal) sales of electric ity for the twelvemonth 2010. Eventhough the net income for the class 2010 is just a 4. 12% of the total sales the beau monde still achieved its higher net income compare to 2009. CURRENT ASSETS As of December 31, 2010, the Companys consolidated cash and cash equivalents amounted to Php24,370 million, Php7,302 million or 42. 78% higher compared with the balance of Php17,068 million of December 31, 2009. In addition, cash and cash equivalents achieved 13. 62% of its Php178,968 million total assets. This is due to a higher average out charm stream from 29 days to 24 days.Other increase in current assets whitethorn be due to higher sales for the year 2010. CURRENT LIABILITIES Current liabilities had change magnitude by 5. 42% or Php2,282 million by the year finish December 31, 2010 with trade payables and accrued expenses having the highest increase worth Php2,877 million, achieving 20. 52% of its total liabilities. Decreases in the current liabilities was due to payments of som e payables and some customers refund. NONCURRENT ASSETS Most of the noncurrent assets had decrease by the year 2010, this is due fulfilment of major electric projects and due to spending of fuel gas.NONCURRENT LIABILITIES A total of Php4,789 million increase in noncurrent liabilities of the company may due to issuance of long term obligations that could result in an increase in working capital. This increase was due to pre-termination of some loan deposits received from units sold on instalment contracts. EQUITY The employee shared-based payment plan had increased by 31% as of December 31, 2010. This is due to realization of the provisions of PFRS2, Shared-based Payments related to Employee Stock Puchase Plan. And a decrease of 98. 5% of the share in cumulative translation adjustment of a subsidiary and an associate was resulted from the return of capital related to the Companys investment in FPPC. ratio ANALYSIS CURRENT RATIO A total of Php55,757 million worth of current asse ts definitely substance a capability of the Company to pay its current liabilities worth Php44,045. This means a 1. 26 current ratio is an indication of a s send offly strong financial sit. ACID-TEST RATIO A 1. 131 acid-test ratio of the company solely portrays that its most liquid assets can settle its current liabilities. RECEIVABLE TURNOVERThe Company can collect its receivables 6. 74 times in a year with an average of 54. 15 days or less than two months collection period. This situation is favourable to the companys present position. INVENTORY TURNOVER As inventory is being concern, the company is effectual in managing its inventories. A 74. 46 times inventory turnover is a establishment of the latter statement. It is not too high nor too low indicating a reveal liquidity. DEBT TO TOTAL ASSET RATIO more(prenominal) than half of the companys assets are financed through the companys debts. This is proved by a 0. 65 ratio of debt to total asset.TIMES INTEREST EARNED Since t he earnings of the company, Php14,437, is higher than its total interest expense, Php493, the company has the capability to settle its debts. Getting a 30. 28 ratio means that the company is able to meet its interest obligations because its earnings is significantly greater than its annual interest obligations. PROFIT MARGIN Compare to 2009 remuneration margin of 3%, the company got 4% returns margin which indicates that the revenue earned, Php245, 461million by the company was effectively converted into existent profit, Php10,117 million, despite of Php231, 024 total expenses .ASSET TURNOVER The 1. 4 asset turnover ratio of 2010 is comparatively higher than 2009 core despite of Php178,968 million total assets the company still gained a total revenue of Php245,461 million with a total net profit of Php10,117 million meaning the company is efficiently utilizing its assets to crap a favourable profit. RETURN ON ASSETS The company has a total 6% return on assets of 2010 which is 2 % higher than 4% return on assets of 2009 indicates that the company can make an intelligent choice on how to spend its money on new assets. RETURN ON mutual STOCKHOLDERS EQUITYA 6% increase in return on park stockholders equity simply indicates that the company is generating profits on its common stock investment meaning it is generating an income for the benefit of common stockholders. EARNINGS PER SHARE With an 8. 62 earnings per share which is higher than the 2009 EPS, 5. 74, the company is getting a higher earnings, meaning a strong financial position. PRICE-EARNINGS RATIO The 1. 16 price-earnings mean that investors are limit to pay 10 times earnings. The company has a chance in getting numerous investors. PAY-OUT RATIO A 77. 3% of the total Php7834 can be paid back to shareholders. Investors will increase its confidence to the company. CONCLUSION MERALCO is the Philippines largest electric power distribution company, with franchise service area covering 9,337 square kilo meters. It provides power to 4. 8 million customers in 31 cities and 80 municipalities, which involve the whole of Metro Manila, the provinces of Rizal, Cavite and Bulacan, and parts of Pampanga, Batangas, Laguna and Quezon. Business establishments in the franchise area account for almost 46% of the countrys Gross Domestic harvest or GDP.The Company registered consolidated revenues for the year ended December 31, 2010 amounted to P=245,461 million, 33% higher compared with the P=184,550 million for the homogeneous period last year. Sales from all operating segments increased during the year with the highest registered by power distribution. The increase in electricity spending is attributable to (i) increased number of customers across all customer classes, (ii) reaping in various industries as restocking activities restore after the global economic crisis, (iii) unusually warmer temperature during the first half of the year and, (iv) election spendings.Sales from electricity amounted to P=239,077 million, an increase of P=60,391 million, or 34%, from P=178,686 million for the year ended December 31, 2009. Consolidated costs and expenses amounted to P=231,024 million for the year ended December 31,2010, P=55,453 million higher than the P=175,571 million last year, primarily due to higher purchased power costs, increased provision for doubtful accounts, accrual for compensation and employee benefits. The 2010 consolidated full year results reflect higher revenant net income compared with 2009 mainly as a result of increased volume of energy sold.Revenues generated from power distribution amounted to P=239,164 million for the year ended December 31, 2010, higher by 34% compared with P=178,752 million in 2009. Pass-through charges increased by P=48,442 million, or 33% to P=195,435 million compared with P=146,993 million in 2009, as a result of higher average generation charge during the year, partially equaliser by the decrease in the average recoverable system loss charge to P=11,567 million from P=16,108 million. be and expenses of the power distribution segment increased by P=55,211 million, or 32%, to P=225,905 million in 2010 compared with P=170,694 million in 2009.For the year ended December 31, 2010, purchased power costs amounted to P=200,916 million, an increase of 33% from P=150,928 million in 2009 brought about by the higher electricity consumption particularly from the industrial customers and increased in average purchased power cost per kWh. Operations and maintenance expense increased by P=2,100 million, or 15%, to P=15,711 million for the year ended December 31, 2010 compared with P=13,611 million for the year ended December 31, 2009 brought about by the increases in salaries and wages and provision for doubtful accounts.MERALCOs liquidity increased as the current and quick ratio rose in 2010. On the other hand, the companys collection of receivables had dropped down from 72 days of 2009 to 54 days of 2010. This mea ns the company is having a near(a) turnover when it comes to it receivables. in this connection, the company achieved the 74. 46 times of inventory turnover that resulted to a higher sales. 0. 65 debt to total asset ratio and 30. 28 times interest earned proved that the company is declaration and able to meet its interest obligations.Revenue earned was effectively converted into actual profit despite of a higher total cost of expenses still the company gained a 59% increase in net income. As far as asset is concern, the company is efficiently utilizing its asset that resulted to a favourable profit. And because of the increase, we can say that the company is profitable and this could gain the trust of shareholders and may attract investors. RECOMMENDATION MERALCOs total performance could be the basis of potential investors to invest and it could be the reason wherefore present stockholders will continue to do business with the company.A favourable increase in sales as well as th e increase in net income may not be an indicator of a total good performance of a company. The management should still preserve its good turnover on assets and inventories to preserve its stockholders and the bequest that MERALCO had started ever since. The company should sustain its good performance since its the number one electricity supplier here in the Philippines. The service should be enhanced and be improved as well. Customers refund should be minimized as well as the receivables.The company should take of a better way of trim refunds and receivables without sacrificing its service and trust of the customers. Assets should continue to increase and be utilized in the right manner. Acquiring of assets should be do in the right time so that the company will not nurture in paying its unwanted debts. never-ending improvement and innovation when it comes to service is super recommended for the company to hold its present position in the market. MERALCO should continue to giv e light and power to the entire archipelago.
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