Monday, September 30, 2019
Checks and Balances Essay
This essay will discuss the Constitutional principle of Checks and Balances. It will explain the concept and effectiveness of the separation of power. As an example, the case of Brown v. The Board of Education will be used to explain the concept and effectiveness of the separation of power. Brown v. The Board of Education is a famous case that ended segregation in schools in 1954 during the Civil Rights Movement. First, lets start with what the definition of Checks and Balances is as it pertains to the Constitution. The definition according to Merriam-Webster is: â€Å"a system that allows each branch of a government to amend or veto acts of another branch so as to prevent any one branch from exerting too much power. †. The legislative power is vested in the Congress, the executive power rests with the President and the judicial power is granted to the Supreme Court and other federal courts. Each branch of government has separate and particular powers as listed in the Constitution, each branch is also given the power, duty and ability to control and balance the other(s) in a system of checks and balances. The Constitution grants all legislative power to the Congress. The Congress is bicameral and a bill has to pass both houses: the House of Representatives and the Senate. In this way the houses check and balance each other. Both the executive and the judicial branch check and balance the Congress’ legislative power. Although only the Congress can make laws, the President has the power to veto bills, in which case the bill can only pass with a 2/3 majority in both houses. Finally, if the Congress and the President agree on a law, the Supreme Court has the power of interpreting the laws and a power of review, i. . the Supreme Court can declare a law unconstitutional and therefore void. As chief administrator the President is required to see that laws are carried out, to enforce existing politics and to managing the bureaucracy. The president nominates the heads of the executive branch’s departments, but these appointments are subject to the Congress’ approval. The constitution makes the president and Congress share powers in matters such as foreign policy and the US armed forces. In the case of Brown v. The Board of Education, the legal defense of Oliver L. Brown stated, â€Å"the discriminatory nature of racial segregation †¦ â€Å"violates the 14th amendment to the U. S. Constitution, which guarantees all citizens equal protection of the laws,†. Because of this Brown v. The Board of Education laid the foundation for shaping future national and international policies regarding human rights. At the time, the state of Kansas had segregated schools, meaning that black and white children could not go to school at the same place. At the end of the case, Brown and his legal defense had argued that it was not fair to the children because they may or may not get the best education if they were segregated. The United States Supreme Court ruled that no state should segregate any child in public schools. White and Black children would go to school together and be offered the same rights. Anything less would be unconstitutional. This is a perfect example of how the state legislature was overturned by the Supreme Court and they were able to keep a check and balance on each other. The state of Kansas did not have a law stating that the schools must be segregated, but they also did not have a law saying that they couldn’t be segregated. The Browns first took their case to the state in 1951. After the case was dismissed, Brown and four other lawsuits made an appeal to the United States Supreme Court were the state ruling was overruled. The Supreme Court had checked and agreed that it was a violation of the Constitution to segregate schools. To this day, a public school can not discriminate against any child, black or white, male or female, smart or special ed. The decision made by the Supreme Court was a unanimous ruling that was issued on May 17, 1954. At that time Chief Justice Earl Warren wrote that â€Å"segregated schools are not equal and cannot be made equal, and hence they are deprived of the equal protection of the laws. †He continued, â€Å"We conclude that in the field of public education the doctrine of ‘separate but equal’ has no place. †. Thank goodness for checks and balances, without them, the country would be a much different place to live.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
What Is Human Resource Planning and How Does It Contribute to Achieving an Organisations Goals
This essay discusses the importance of HR planning and the major steps of planning in order to demonstrate its importance and use: Forecasting; Inventory, Audit, HR Resource Plan, Acting on Plans, Monitoring and Control. So what is human resource planning and how does it contribute to achieving organizational goals? Human resource planning is the responsibility of all managers. HR planning links people management to the organization's mission, vision, goals and objectives, as well as its strategic plan. A key goal of HR planning is to have the right number of people with the right skills, experience and competencies in the right jobs at the right time and costs. When we prepare our planning programme, Employers /senior managers should bear in mind that their staff members have their own objectives and that people are different from the other resources that are deployed in an organization as people have thoughts, feelings, and aspirations. This is the reason why employees seek employment within companies that match their needs best (eg. Flexi working hours, training etc.. ). Human resources are the people that work for an organization, and Human Resource Management is concerned with how these people are managed. The term HRM has thus come to refer to an approach, which takes into account both: †¢The needs of the organization †¢The needs of its people. Neglecting these needs would result in poor motivation that may lead to unnecessary poor performance and even Industrial actions. Commencing an HR Plan is often complicated, but the results provide a smooth and efficient set of processes that allow organizational goals to be achieved in an orderly fashion. Planning involves gathering information that would enable managers and supervisors to make sound decisions. The information obtained is also utilized to make better actions for achieving the objectives of the Organization. There are many factors that you have to look into when deciding on a HR Planning programme. As mentioned above HR Planning involves the gathering of information, making objectives, and making decisions to enable the organization achieve its objectives. When HR Planning is applied in the field of HR Management, it would assist to address the following questions: How many staff does the Organization have? †¢What is the cost of employees and can they be reduced? †¢What type of employees as far as skills and abilities does the Company have? †¢How should the Organization best utilize the available resources? †¢How can the Company keep its employees? Human resource management therefore involves finding out about the needs and aspirations of individual employees, for example through the appraisal process and then creating the opportunities within the organization (e. g. through job enlargement) and outside the organization (e. . through taking up educational opportunities at local colleges/universities) for employees to improve themselves. HRM therefore relates to every aspect of the way in which the organization interacts with its people, e. g. by providing training and development opportunities, appraisals to find out about individual needs, training and development needs analysis, etc. Opportunities and courses for individuals to develop skills, knowledge and attitudes that help the organization to achieve its objectives. Development – the provision of opportunities and courses for individuals to develop skills, knowledge and attitudes that help themselves to achieve personal objectives. Training and development needs†¦ From the above we can see that HR have a huge task keeping pace with the all the internal and external changes and ensuring that the right people are available to the Organization at the right time. The changes in composition of a workforce not only influence the appointment of staff, but also the methods of selection, training, compensation and motivation. It becomes critical when Organizations merge, plants are relocated, and activities are scaled down due to financial problems. Poor HR Planning and/ or a lack of it in the Organization are likely to result in huge costs and financial looses. It may result in staff posts taking too long to be filled or unable to find the required skills. This can inflate costs and obstruct effective work performance and motivation as employees may be requested to work unnecessary overtime and may not put more effort due to fatigue / lack of motivation. If extra work is then delegated this may stretch employees beyond their capacity which will cause unnecessary disruptions to the production of the Organization. Employees are put on a disadvantage because their lifestyles are disrupted and they are not given the chance to plan for their career development. The most important reason why HR Planning should be managed and implemented is due to cost savings and ensuring the right skills are available at the required time; because costs form an important part of the Organizations budget, workforce Planning enables the Organization to provide HR provision costs. For example when there is a staff shortage, the organization can consider options other than just recruiting new staff, such as training and transferring of staff. The first step in HR Planning requires that we gather data on the Organizational goals objectives; in effect its management understand where the Organization wants to go and how it wants to get to that point and forecasting human resource availability. This involves an examination of the internal and external labour supply. Present employees who can be promoted, transferred, demoted or developed make up the internal supply. The external supply consists of people who do not currently work for the organisation. The needs of the employees are derived from the corporate objectives of the Organization. They stem from shorter and medium term objectives and their conversion into action budgets (eg) establishing a new branch in Singapore by January 2014 and staff it with an Office Manager – ?30,000, an Administrator -?21,550, and two Sales staff – ?18000 per year. For this reason the HR Plan will have a process to convert planned Company strategies into planned results and budgets so that these can be converted in terms of money and skills required. To forecast the organization’s future HR requirements and determine from where they will be obtained. Three sets of forecasts are required: †¢a forecast of the demand for human resources †¢a forecast of the supply of external human resources †¢a forecast of the supply of human resources available within the organization After knowing what human resources are required in the Organization, they will then want to measure / analyze the current employees in the Organization. The HR inventory will relate to data concerning numbers, ages, and locations, and an analysis of individuals and skills. A Skills inventory provides detailed information on professional and technical skills and other qualifications provided in the firm. It reveals what skills are immediately available in the firm when compared to the forecasted HR requirements. Given the constant changes in our lives, competition and the world our HR resources can also change rapidly. HR inventory requires data to be collated; the HR audit involves the examination and analysis of the inventories data. The Audit analyses what had occurred in the past and at present in terms of labor turn over, productivity, age and sex groupings, training costs and absence. With this information, you are better able to predict what will happen to HR / be required in relation to the future of the Organization through patterns and trends. With the audit being completed we are able to look at career Planning and HR plans. People are the greatest assets in any Organization. Individual Organizations develop their employees in the way ideally suited to their individual capacities in accordance with their own goals. The main reason is that the Organization’s objectives should be aligned as near as possible, or matched, in order to give optimum scope for the developing potential of its mployees. Therefore, career planning may also be referred to as HR Planning or succession planning- namely that what will happen if employee A leaves tomorrow? The main issues to consider with HR: †¢Are we utilizing all of the available talent we have in the Organization, and have we enough abilities for the future? †¢Are employees satisfied with our interest in their growth in terms of advancing their career? Designating individuals to planned future posts enables the Senior management to ensure that these individuals are suitably prepared for roles that will arise in the future. There are three fundamentals necessary to start actioning a plan: †¢To have a fixed direction. †¢There must be acceptance and backing from top management for the planning. †¢Detailed knowledge of the available resources (i. e) financial, physical and human (Management and Technical). HR Plans become Corporate plans once they are acted upon as having been made and concurred with top management, the plans become a part of the company’s long-range plan. Failure to achieve the HR Plans due to cost, or lack of knowledge, may result in long-term plans being adversely affected. Given that the success of an organization ultimately depends on how well its human resources are managed, HR planning will continue to grow in importance. Successful HR planning requires the HR manager to ensure that: †¢HR personnel understand the HR planning process †¢Top management is supportive †¢The organization does not start with an overly complex system †¢The communications between HR personnel and line management are healthy †¢The HR plan is integrated with the organization’s strategic business plan †¢There is a balance between the quantitative and qualitative approaches to HR planning. Monitoring and Control is the last stage of HR planning in the Organization. Once the programme has been accepted and implementation launched, it has to be monitored and controlled. The HR department has to make regular reviews to see what is happening in terms of the available resources and that processes are followed with appropriate / expected results (training, recruitment etc.. ). The aims of the reviews are to ensure that we utilize all talents and resources optimally to ensure goals are achieved. As we can see the HR plan is the basis of Human Resources Management. We now have a review of Human Resource planning and its importance as without it- we will not be able to utilize our Organizational talents effectively; we are not likely to have the skills we require, when we require them, to complete projects effectively and maintain a competitive advantage. By using the available talents optimally and in an orderly fashion you are able to enhance profits and develop your company with minimal costs; and this can only be achieved with adequate / sufficient HR Planning.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
History of Iraq research paper proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
History of Iraq research paper proposal - Essay Example The federal government of Iraq defined as an Islamic democratic federal parliamentary republic. It is composed of the executive, legislative and judicial branches plus numerous independent commissions. The legislative composed of the council of representatives, the executive branch composed of the president, prime minister, and the council of ministers. The judiciary is composed of the higher judicial council, the Supreme Court, the court of cassation, the public prosecution department and judiciary oversight commission. Iraq was under the rule of native empires, Assyrian, Babylonian, Akkadian, Sumerian and foreign empires such as Median, Achaemenid, Persian and Sassanian empires. In the 16th century, Iraq fell under the Ottoman rule, which intermittently fell under Iranian Safavid and Mamluk control. After the fall of Saddam Hussein 10 years later, the country is full of lawlessness, autocracy, daily deaths and havoc. The country has rapidly declined economically unlike in the 1970s whereby it was named as the country of positive success, despite destructive groups among them. By marrying the infant of an uncle or a mothers sister, a husband and wife are of the same clan and their property. Their unity and their strength further strengthens the clan they are both from. The most basic and vital tribal structure is an extended family3. The Islamic political state of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) is a Sunni extremist, jihadist rebel group controlling territory in Iraq and Syria. This situation is a clear proof of Islamic dominance in Iraq. It is also shown by the use of the Sharia law in the country4. From 1980, the external relations of Iraq were influenced by the Saddam Hussein government. Iraq had good relations with the Soviet Union, France, and Germany, who provided advanced weapons systems. In 2003, the US and its allies invaded Iraq causing insurgency that deepened ethnic, tribal and sectarian divisions in
Friday, September 27, 2019
Customer Focus on Risk Management in the Supply Chain Research Paper
Customer Focus on Risk Management in the Supply Chain - Research Paper Example As the discussion stresses there is a surplus of products but lesser customers. Organizations around the world compete to gain more customers, and one way of gaining more customers is to win their trust, answer and meet their needs and wants, and make sure they come back. It is not enough that they buy the company’s products – it is important that they come back. This is loyalty. From this paper it is clear that risks are multiplying Risks are multiplying day by day, costing a lot for firms. In a survey of executives, they concluded that supply chain risk must be a part of strategic moves of organizations. Problems in supply chain have caused what executives call â€Å"margin erosion†while consumer demand cannot be immediately met and that supply chain problems have impacted the very â€Å"heart†of the business. The increasing complexity of business, the involvement of many stakeholders in business and the impact of globalization, along with the information revolution are some of the factors that add to difficulties in creating solutions to problems. Finch indicated that the firms’ experience with risk has increased with globalization and inter-organizational networking, and that their relations with small-medium-enterprises provided more risks in the supply chain. Risk results from the level of uncertainty and the impact of an event. Risks associated with management, like decision making, succession planning, skill acquisition and retention are influenced by organizational policies and procedures. Larger companies relegate their functions to specialist companies while SMEs conduct their own recruitment without delegating such function to a department. The result would be not having relevant skills for the company. Shortage of IS skills is a problem for smaller companies.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Research methods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Research methods - Essay Example A. Despite criticism, relevance of research philosophy for business and management cannot be denied, as this is the most valuable tool to evaluate performances against set targets and goals. For any business to succeed and for any management to be in control, use of both qualitative (positivist) and qualitative (post-positivist) concepts is unavoidable. Both Methods and Methodology are applied to predict various business metrics and this would not be possible without use of this philosophy in business. A. Research is a systematic inquiry reported in form of Analysis and Predictions. Quantitative and Qualitative research are strategies. Method refers to the research tactics used in the conduct of a research effort. Together they validate the data and bring forth true fact about this profit. For example the success or failure of any business is usually judged by the bottom line. But profit alone is unable to display the health of a business. In the absence of research these numbers will hide the ailments Thisis the real value that managements look for. The Discourse theory in contrast believes that all objects and actions are meaningful, however the perception of meaningfulness is not constant and is multi-dimensional as a result research may take diametrically opposite directions. A. It is natural in any research project to intentionally look for relevant material for the subject under research. During this endeavor there arises a need to quote the content to add depth or meaning to the effort. However it is important to observe the ethics of such quotations to avoid plagiarism or copyright infringement, as the case may be. Both are punishable acts under law as well as abhorred at all levels. A. Philosophies, or more accurately Philosophical Theories, offer a structured approach to finding answers on all events that keep occurring
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
489 assignment 8 #1 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
489 8 #1 - Assignment Example Metacognition is fundamentally being aware, as well as being in a position to understand your own thinking process. This is why it is my preferred learning strategy, as it provides a learner the opportunity to explore the spectrum of understanding the different perspectives and perceptions of an idea by having an opportunity to critique his/her own thinking, as well as that of others. This method has the capability to facilitate efficient acquisition, storage, as well as expression of technical information and skills (Fisher & Wells, 2009). Another major reason why I believe I would learn better using this strategy is that it is friendly, especially to people with memory problems. The ability to think about one’s own thinking process gives them an opportunity to retrieve the important information they learnt from memory. Learning using this strategy also facilitates independence from teacher support. This way, I can be in the best position to learn, with, or without the direct help of the teacher. I believe that the best learning strategy is one that facilitates a continuous learning process, even where there is minimal support from
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Hamlet's antic disposition. Is his madness feigned or real Research Paper
Hamlet's antic disposition. Is his madness feigned or real - Research Paper Example The spontaneity of the act that he puts on seems, at a later stage, to have led commentators on the play to have thought that his was not an act in the first place. His disavowal of what later we realize was a true love for Ophelia, is one of the incidents in the play that are cited to damn Hamlet as insane. The vision of the ghost, some say, seems to be a vision of a madman, who has been deranged by the death of his father and what seems to him a betrayal by his mother. These, for some critics are also validated by his musings on the very nature of death during the graveyard scene. Coupled with a suicidal tendency, these musings of one of Shakespeare’s most famous characters leads not an insignificant number of critics to believe that his state of mind is not one of sanity. All of these, however, can be refuted if one is to look at the play from another perspective. Hamlet, G. Wilson Knight says, presents an antithesis to what the Danish court stands for, life. Whether this i s a result of his direct encounter with death is unclear. However, his musing on death and his rejection of Ophelia are instances where he rejects the vital activities of life. He contemplates suicide, another instance of his revulsion for the life and vitality that are represented by the other members of the court. Knight affirms the essential righteousness of the aims of Hamlet. Deprived of his rights and parental love, Hamlet is morally superior to Claudius who has murdered his own brother out of love for the throne and for Gertrude. However, Hamlet remains in Knight’s words, a â€Å"negation of life†(Knight 187). It is this distance from vitality that places Hamlet in a position where he appears to be insane. To make my point clearer, I shall make a reference to Michel Foucault’s theories of insanity. Foucault saw insanity as a deviation from the normal codes of society. It is, according to him, a means employed by the so-called ‘sane’ society to define itself, that is, it serves as a kind of touchstone for mainstream society (Foucault). Hamlet, here is such a severe contrast to the life-affirming but wicked Claudius and the majority of the other characters that are faithful to him, that he appears to be an aberration. This has been construed as insanity by many. However, this would be to state that in some way or the other, Hamlet can be seen as a mad person. This does not present the facts in a true light. The standard, against which Hamlet’s behavior seems to be a deviation from the norm, is that of the Danish court. However, the moral values that Hamlet employs are those of Renaissance humanism (Kettle 238). Hamlet is a highly educated person. His values are shaped by the dominant ideology of the time, humanism, which talked about the ability of man to rise to infinite heights which were unthought-of before. Seen in this context, the very pessimism that we had attributed to Hamlet seems to be an optimistic atti tude that has seen through the facade of the Danish court. The baseness of the king and his followers rankles Hamlet, one who has recognized the infinite potential of man. What Marcellus unwittingly says about the condition of Denmark , Something is rotten in the state of Denmark (1.4. 90) is exactly what Hamlet feels about the state of his homeland. It is against this backdrop that Hamlet appears to be ins
Monday, September 23, 2019
Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 3
Assignment - Essay Example Still, the Police may be able to pin both of the individuals for drug trafficking and possession if they have seen marijuana in plain sight and if it is not the case then, the seizure and search took place in the given scenario is not admissible to the court of law. The couple can only be prosecuted for violating customs check. Q.2 The need to practice due diligence is applicable in this case because Tangelo was well aware of the dangers that were associated with watching a baseball game (Jennings pp.300). Additionally, she had read the statement behind the tickets which relieved the organization from any kind of liability for an incident that may take place during the games and that formed a tort. Furthermore, the featured organization had taken preventive measure in order to contain the ball and the punching of a hole in the net can be identified as a mere coincident. The whole incident can be presented as a consequence of a decision to go and watch a game while; the injured party was having knowledge of the risks and therefore, cannot claim successfully for damages in the court of law. The court might decide to apply ordinary damages in this regard. Q.3 The purchaser has already conditionalized its performance with a favorable outcome of an event and therefore, the condition of obtaining a loan from the bank was a valid part of the contract that was signed by both parties (Jennings pp.35). The claim of specific performance is invalid because the purchasing party stated a condition that has to be fulfilled before a contract can be practiced. The seller however, can claim damages and specific performance against the involved bank whose manager did not supply the seller with a loan on a personal conflict. If the bank’s incapacity to loan the seller is legally justified then the charges will be dropped. Q.4 The environmental laws are growingly applied in order to preserve natural habitat of earth and therefore, the companies are strongly being recommended to take stronger measures towards returning to the environment what they have taken from it previously. Additionally, the companies that have become sensitive in the direction of preserving natural environment over the past few years are now adding environmental costs while, performing strategic decision making (Esty pp. 25). The governments on the hand are applying environmental taxation on firms that are known to pollute the environment in abundance. Finally, the companies like Herman Miller, FedEx and McDonalds have been cited in the book with the title of â€Å"Green to Gold†for their exceptional level of strategic dedication for environmental safety. Q.5 The companies are liable for the safety of their employees under the US labor law. The excuse that Nick was operating the crane in an inappropriate way means that he is either incapable or poorly trained. In both of the cases organization is at fault because either they are making an untrained or poorly trained person to run the crane. The company should have known about Nick’s poor ability to manage crane. Based on the above argument, Nick is fully capable and eligible to receive damages and treatment expenses from his employer. Q.6 The pay structure is determined on the basis of one’
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Adoption of Biometric System to Control ATM fraud Essay
Adoption of Biometric System to Control ATM fraud - Essay Example Looking forward to hearing from you and partner with you in providing business solutions that give value to your customers. Yours faithfully, Head of Business Security Systems Practical proposal about ATM fraud Introduction Fraud attempts targeting Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) cards are on the rise. Skimming is one of the techniques used by criminals in this case where they scan or copy personal information from the magnetic strip of a credit card or ATM card. With this information, all the fraudsters need is fake ATMs and use the Personal Identification Number (PIN) to access one’s bank account and defraud customers. This has gone to the extent of bank-owned ATMs with the recent percentage of this criminal activity going as high as 24% in Europe (Abagnale 89). The act is often perpetrated by techno-savvy individuals, where they use a microchip fixed at an ATM or cardholders which copies information from the magnetic strip for all the cards that are being used on a given m achine. The information is then copied and printed on fake cards. This has led countries like Canada to adopt more protection for their ATM cards. A typical example is the use of chip-and-PIN debit cards which have more protection in the form of an extra layer of chip material. Cards developed through this technology are hard to replicate thus reduced losses as a result of card skimming (Bianchini et al., 233). Business transactions world over are increasingly being settled using cards as opposed to cash-based settlements and therefore, without embracing innovative technologies that aim to prevent fraud than detection, card issuers and users will remain vulnerable. As use of cards increases, so are ATM Fraudsters. Most card issuers mainly banks continue to incur huge costs in terms compensations, card replacement, and cost of investing in fraud prevention and detection mechanism. Therefore, there is a need for card issuers to be ahead of the game by innovating and adopting far near fraud-proof technologies (Newman, 3-4). Proposed Solution Since the chip-and-PIN is not foolproof, we need to employ the use of more sophisticated technologies. One such technology that has stood the test of time is the biometric technology, which involves automated identification and data capture (AIDC). The system has automated methods of verifying the identity of persons using physiological attributes as opposed to the chip and PIN, which involves manual keying in of information on a keyboard. Normally, the technology works by capturing the physiological or behavioral characteristics for the first time which is then stored in a central database. Information recorded may include facial properties or fingerprints. Every time a customer accesses a point of services, installed devices captures, verifies and identifies the person and then gives them access. Since it is almost impossible to impersonate one’s physiological attributes, this technology is more recommended to card i ssuers. The technology has been tested in both private and public institutions with remarkable success. In fact, most organizations are now moving towards adoption of this technology.Â
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Branches Of Biology Essay Example for Free
Branches Of Biology Essay Levels of Organization Why do we need to learn about levels of organization? Helps us to understand how our world fits together Helps us to organize the structures of living systems and how they all work together 1. Organelles â€Å" little organs†Small structures inside of a cell that perform a specific function. Examples include mitochondria, nucleus, and Golgi body 2. Cell- Basic unit of structure function in life. Cells are the building blocks of all living things. 3. Tissue A group of the same kind of cells working together for a specific purpose 4. Organs A part of an organism made up of tissues that do a specific job. 5. Organ Systems A group of organs that work together for a specific job. 9. Organism Any living thing. 10. Population -A group of the same organism living together. This word is often used to describe the size of the group. 11. Community- Several populations living together and interacting in some way. 12. Ecosystem All the biotic communities plus all abiotic factors. MEANING OF PHILOSOPHY The word philosophy is derived from the Greek words philia (love) and sophia (wisdom) and means â€Å"the love of wisdom.†Pythagoras was said to have been the first man to call himself a philosopher; in fact, the world is indebted to him for the word philosopher. It is said that when Leon, the tyrant of Philius, asked him of who he was, he said, â€Å"a Philosopher†and he likened the Philosopher to spectators at ancient games. Before that time the wise men had called themselves a sage, which was interpreted to mean those who know. Pythagoras was more modest. He coined the word philosopher, which he defined as one who is attempting to find out. According to him, men and women of the world could be classified into 3 groups: (1. those that love pleasure) (2. those that love activity) and (3. those that love wisdom.) MEANING OF PHILOSOPHY. Philosophy is the study of general and fundamental problems, such as those connected with existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language. Philosophy is the rational attempt to formulate, understand, and answer fundamental questions. NATURE OF PHILOSOPHY 1. Philosophy is a set of views or beliefs about life and the universe, which are often held uncritically. We refer to this meaning as the informal sense of philosophy or â€Å"having†a philosophy. Usually when a person says â€Å"my philosophy is,†he or she is referring to an informal personal attitude to whatever topic is being discussed. 2. Philosophy is a process of reflecting on and criticizing our most deeply held conceptions and beliefs. These two senses of philosophy â€Å"having†and â€Å"doing† cannot be treated entirely independent of each other, for if we did not have a philosophy in the formal, personal sense, then we could not do a philosophy in the critical, reflective sense. Having a philosophy, however, is not sufficient for doing philosophy. 3. Philosophy is a rational attempt to look at the world as a whole. Philosophy seeks to combine the conclusions of the various sciences and human experience into some kind of consi stent world view. Philosophers wish to see life, not with the specialized slant of the scientist or the businessperson or the artist, but with the overall view of someone cognizant of life as a totality. 4. Philosophy is the logical analysis of language and the clarification of the meaning of words and concepts. . Certainly this is one function of philosophy. In fact, nearly all philosophers have used methods of analysis and have sought to clarify the meaning of terms and the use of language. Some philosophers see this as the main task of philosophy, and a few claim this is the only legitimate function of philosophy. 5. Philosophy is a group of perennial problems that interest people and for which philosophers always have sought answers. Philosophy presses its inquiry into the deepest problems of human existence. Some of the philosophical questions raised in the past have been answered in a manner satisfactory to the majority of philosophers. Many questions, however, have been answered only tentatively, and many problems remain unsolved.  â€Å"What is truth?†â€Å"What is the distinction between right and wrong?†What is life and why am I here?  Why is there anything at all? IMPORTANCE OF PHILOSOPHY 1. The study of Philosophy enables us to think carefully and clearly about important issues. 2. In studying Philosophy, we learn to take a step back from our everyday thinking and to explore the deeper, bigger question which underpins our thought. 3. The focus in the study of Philosophy is to learn not what to believe, but how to think. 4. Studying philosophy sharpens your analytical abilities, enabling you to identify and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses in any position. 5. It hones your ability to construct and articulate cogent arguments of your own. 6. It prompts you to work across disciplinary boundaries and to think flexibly and creatively about problems which do not present immediate solutions. 7. Because philosophy is an activity as much a body of knowledge, it also develops your ability to think and work independently. BRANCHES OF PHILOSOPHY Historically, philosophical concerns have been treated under these broad categories: 1. Logic, 2. Metaphysics, 3. Epistemology, 4. Value theory A. LOGIC Logic is the systematic study of the rules for the correct use of these supporting reasons, rules we can use to distinguish good arguments from bad ones. Most of the great philosophers from Aristotle to the present have been convinced that logic permeates all other branches of philosophy. The ability to test arguments for logical consistency, understand the logical consequences of certain assumptions, and distinguish the kind of evidence a philosopher is using are essential for â€Å"doing†philosophy 12. B. METAPHYSICS Another traditional branch of Philosophy traditionally known as metaphysics. For Aristotle, the term metaphysics meant â€Å"first philosophy,†discussion of the most universal principles; later the term came to mean â€Å"comprehensive thinking about the nature of things.†It means, usually, the study or theory of reality. The question of metaphysics is: what is reality? What is real? Is reality some kind of â€Å"thing†. Is it one or is it many? If it is one, then how is it related to many things around us? Can ultimate reality be grasped by five senses, or is it supernatural or transcendent? Metaphysics undoubtedly is the branch of philosophy that the modern student finds most difficult to grasp. Metaphysics attempts to offer a comprehensive view of all that exists. It is concerned with such problems as the relation of mind to matter, the nature of change, the meaning of â€Å"freedom,†the existence of God, and the belief in personal immortality. 13. C. EPISTEMOLOGY The technical term for the theory of knowledge is epistemology, which comes from the Greek word episteme, meaning â€Å"knowledge.†In general, epistemology is the branch of philosophy that studies the sources, nature, and validity of knowledge. ï‚â€" There are three central questions in this field: ï‚â€" (1) What are the sources of knowledge? Where does genuine knowledge come from or how do we know? This is the question of origins. ï‚â€" (2) What is the nature of knowledge? Is there a real world outside the mind, and if so can we know it? D. VALUE THEORY Value theory is the branch of philosophy that studies values. It can be subdivided into ethics, aesthetics, and social and political philosophy. In broad terms ethics concerns itself with the question of morality. What is right and what is wrong in human relations? Within morality and ethics there are three major areas: descriptive ethics, normative ethics, and metaethics. Descriptive ethics seeks to identify moral experience in a descriptive way. We seek to identify, within the range of human conduct, the motives, desires, and intentions as well as overt acts themselves.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Importance Of Communication Skills In Business English Language Essay
Importance Of Communication Skills In Business English Language Essay In the modern corporate world today, effective communication is vital in any type of businesses, because it builds a close interaction among each of the members from all the departments in an organization. It also can determine whether a business success or a business failure of the organization will be. Moreover, it does help the relationships to develop along good lines, and ensure that arguments and disagreements are kept to a minimum. For example, good communication skill is very important in partnership, so that the partners can avoid the problems of misunderstanding and petty quarrels. We can measure the importance of communication skills in business sector when we take a look at the job advertisement. Candidates with good communication skills seemed to be the single most repeated phrase in the job qualification requirement. And, the ability of good communication is also the most basic of job skills. There is almost no exception that employer will come across a job advertisement which does not specify that candidates should have good communication skills. Good management skills are the key to develop a successful and profitable organization. Effective communication of information and decision is an essential component for management-employee relations. Most of management problems arise such as misunderstanding and misrepresentation can be minimized with proper communication system. Communication is a basic tool for motivation, which can improve morale of the employees in an organization. The major cause of conflict and low morale are often caused by inappropriate or faulty communication among employees or between manager and his subordinates. Good communication helps ensure the efficient operation of all levels of an organization, from lowest to highest, which is from subordinates to employers. A good human relation in the organization with effective communication encourages employees or workers to come out with new ideas or suggestions, and implementing them whenever possible. More than that, it can also minimum the cost of production and remain the low cost. A person who possesses good communication skills is always full of self-confident. Such a person knows how to effectively organize and present ideas to the business organization by using these skills. Effects of poor communication In contrast of good communication skills, poor communication often results in inefficiency in fundamental of management, and so, loss of productivity and, consequently, a loss of profits. Increase efficiency is not the only consequence from good communication. However, since it also creates a sense of unity between workers, resulting in cooperative mind and their feeling that they are working together toward a common goal, and achieving that goal is the way to success in organization. Ignorance and negligence of communication skills can lead to many problems in dealing matters and interact with each other. The examples of the impacts of lack effective communication are misrepresentation, lack of information, low in employees performances, decrease in employees turnover, and many others. Without effective communication skills, an employee may find it very hard or worse, impossible to climb up the corporate ladder. Promotions and remuneration usually come to those who can communicate effectively at all levels, from senior management level to the lowest employee. Hence, a person with bad communication skills will be left behind. Managers inability to clearly express their thoughts, ideas and demands leads to employees inability to perform work well, according to the companys demands. This shows that one of the pitfalls of poor business communication skills by managers. As a result, large and complicated projects are unable to complete by poor communicator. For instance, it can hamper the efficiency of the organization or department through vague emails that need to be clarified and the inefficient preparation of presentations. Furthermore, without the ability to clearly communicate project responsibilities and objectives, the projects to be carried out in the organization will never get off the ground. Due to poor business communication skills, the ability to communicate tasks and to get things done also will be affected badly. Poor communication is an important issue to overcome in the workplace, so it needs time to motivate the employees properly.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Things Fall Apart, by Chinua Achebe Essay -- things fall apart, chinua
Post colonialism deals with cultural identity in colonized societies and the ways in which writers articulate that identity. Things Fall Apart is a good novel that serves as a reminder of what Nigeria once was. It shows how a society can deal with change, how change affects the individuals of that society, and how delicate a change can be; so much so that the people themselves are surprised at the change. Things Fall Apart is an English novel by the Nigerian author Chinua Achebe which was published in 1957. Throughout the book the role of customs and traditions is very important and decides the fate of men, women, and children. Some of the customs practiced in this culture would certainly be frowned upon in the West yet are perfectly acceptable. It talks of the Ibo society. The protagonist of the novel is Okonkwo. He is a respected and influential leader within the Igbo community of Umuofia in eastern Nigeria. He first earns personal fame and distinction, and brings honor to his village, when he defeats Amalinze the Cat in a wrestling contest. The first part of the book deals with the proof of tribal life in Africa and the rise in power and authority of Okonkwo. The author highlights his strengths as well as his obsession with success. Okonkwo does not show any love in dealing with his three wives and children. This part reveals that Okonkwo actions are often irrational and imprudent, which will be the cause of his eventual fall. We learn about the traditions, superstitions and religious faiths of the villagers. The second part begins with Okonkwo exile to his mother’s land for seven years. This part also marks the entry of the white man into the lives of the African people. Though inwardly disappointed, Okonkwo begins a ne... ...Apart. London: Heinemann Press, 1958. The Women's Review of Books. 18 (July 2001): p30. From Literature Resource Center "When Things Fall Apart" 05 2002. 2002. 05 2002 Chua, John, and Suzanne Pavlos. Cliffs Notes on Things Fall Apart. 18 Jan 2014 Benjamin, Walter. â€Å"Critique of Violence.†Reflections: Essays, Aphorisms, Autobiographical Writings. Trans. Edmund Jephcott. Ed. Peter Demetz. New York: Schocken, 1978. 277–300. Print. George, Olakunle. Relocating Agency: modernity and African letters. Albany: SU of New York p, 2003. Print. Mbembe, Achille. On the Post colony. Berkeley: U of California P, 2001. Print. Ogede, Ode. Achebe’s Things Fall Apart: A reader’s Guide. New York: Continuum, 2007. Print. Chinua Achebe - Chinua Achebe - Things Fall Apart: A Novel - New York - Broadway Books - 1994
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
William Golding’s main reason to explore the defects of human nature Es
William Golding’s main reason to explore the defects of human nature in his novel Lord of the Flies is to portray the destruction caused when civilization is consumed by DEFECTS OF HUMAN NATURE William Golding’s main reason to explore the â€Å"defects of human nature†in his novel Lord of the Flies is to portray the destruction caused when civilization is consumed by the dark side of human nature. He also wanted to divulge the reactions and behaviors of different types of people under same situations. The four main â€Å"defects of human nature†that is explored in the novel are fear and insecurity, indolence (longing for excitement), being dependent on others and ignorance towards reality. These defects make the boys join Jack’s tribe even though Jack is selfish, quick-tempered and violent. Fear plays an important role not only in the novel but also in our lives as it reflects upon our actions. Everyone reacts differently while experiencing fear or insecurity. Early in the novel, Jack mentions that â€Å"We’ve got to have rules and obey them. After all, we’re not savages. We’re English; and the English are best at everything. So we’ve got to do the right things†(Pg. 42). Later on, when Jack is asking the boys to raise their hands up if they don’t want Ralph as a chief, he endures humiliation as no one raised their hands. It is the fear of being ruled under Ralph which leads Jack to being the chief of the savages. Furthermore, when the â€Å"littl’uns†are afraid of the beast and tell Ralph about it, he denies it as â€Å"there isn’t a beast†(Pg. 35). This is one of the reasons why the boys left Ralph to join Jack’s tribe. Jack gave the boys a way to deal with their fear from the beast. He told the â€Å"littl’uns†that â€Å"fe... ... the only ones who take the signal fire seriously. Later on in the novel, after the feast, Ralph admits that he is responsible for Simon’s death. Piggy refuses to believe it as â€Å"It was dark†and â€Å"It was an accident†(Pg. 173). Though deep inside, Piggy knows that it was murder. Similarly, there are many people in this world who refuse to accept the true facts no matter how obvious they are. As Golding grew up during the war periods, he witnessed these â€Å"defects of human nature†. He explored these defects in the novel Lord of the Flies so that people can relate it to themselves, acknowledge the problem and find solutions for it before civilization is consumed by darkness and ruled by savagery and fear. As mentioned earlier, he hopes that the world unites as soon as possible as he knows that there is no one who can rescue this world from chaos and darkness.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Special Interest Group Research Paper
Interest groups are one important mechanism through which citizens in the United States make their ideas, needs, and views known to elected officials. Citizens can usually find an interest group that focuses on their concerns, no matter how specialized they may be. An interest group is an organization of people with similar policy goals that tries to influence the political process to try to achieve those goals. In doing so, interest groups try to influence every branch and every level of government.The multiple policy arenas help distinguish interest groups from political parties. Interest groups may also support candidates for office, but American interest groups do not run their own slate of candidates. Interest groups are often policy specialists, where as parties are policy generalists. Which means, interest groups do not face the limitation imposed, by trying to appeal to everyone. The interest group i have chosen to study and do research upon is the World Wildlife Fund.It is t he world's largest independent conservation organization with over 5 million supporters worldwide, working in more than 100 countries, supporting around 13,000 conservation and environmental projects. WWF supports the enforcement of appropriate wildlife trade laws by supporting enforcement of cities, the best known international body for regulating international trade in wildlife. WWFs mission is to conserve nature and reduce the most crucial threats to the diversity of life on earth and to build a future in which people live in harmony with nature.The world wildlife fund was founded on April 29th, 1961, in Morges Switzerland by Julian Huxley, Edward Nicholson, Peter Scott, Prince Bernhard of Lippe-Biesterfeld, Prince Philip, and Duke of Edinburgh. To this day, the headquarters is still based where it has been originally founded in Switzerland. Over the fifty years since founded, WWF invested almost $10 billion in more than 13000 projects and, there has been a majority of candidates that have ran for president of the group. Many have made huge impacts to the fund such as; Chief Eleazar Chukwuemeka Anyaoku, Mrs.Sara Morrison, Ruud Lubbers, Syed Babar Ali and many more. But the current president, Yolanda Kakabadse whom started her presidency in 2010 is striving for WWF to give all of their 5 million+ employees all the kinds of benefits they need to support them in their work and home lives. The organization has offices in more than 100 different countries around the world. So in order for WWF to achieve their mission, they focus their efforts on two broad areas; biodiversity and footprint.They first want to ensure that biodiversity stays healthy and vibrant for generations to come. They are focusing on conserving critical places and species that are extremely important for the conservation of our earth's rich biodiversity. The second, is to reduce the negative impacts of human activity which is our ecological footprint . They are working to make sure that the na tural resources required for life; land, water, and air are managed sustainably and fairly.Since the world wildlife fund has been trying to achieve this mission, they have stated that they do not endorse any political candidates or political party solely because they choose to concentrate their efforts on the conservation and the preservation of our land by protecting endangered species and habitats. In addition, they work night and day to preserve and create protected areas, link conservation needs with human needs, build effective institutions to help sustain conservation efforts, and address serious global threats like climate change and toxic chemicals that cause pollution.The world wildlife fund has a mission that they wish to achieve and by doing so, the fund will keep working as hard as they have been to conserve nature and most importantly the worlds endangered species. The WWF has taught me a lot more than i thought i knew about the fund. Realizing what the fund is truly ab out opened my eyes and the love that i have for animals makes me want to become apart of the organization some time in my future. This special interest group was a true match for me. I learned more about what is is, what they represent and how they operate. Special Interest Group Research Paper Interest groups are one important mechanism through which citizens in the United States make their ideas, needs, and views known to elected officials. Citizens can usually find an interest group that focuses on their concerns, no matter how specialized they may be.An interest group is an organization of people with similar policy goals that tries to influence the political process to try to achieve those goals. In doing so, interest groups try to influence every branch and every level of government. The multiple policy arenas help distinguish interest groups from political parties. Interest groups may also support candidates for office, but American interest groups do not run their own slate of candidates. Interest groups are often policy specialists, where as parties are policy generalists. Which means, interest groups do not face the limitation imposed, by trying to appeal to everyone.The interest group i have chosen to study and do research upon is the World Wildlife Fund. It is t he world's largest independent conservation organization with over 5 million supporters worldwide, working in more than 100 countries, supporting around 13,000 conservation and environmental projects. WWF supports the enforcement of appropriate wildlife trade laws by supporting enforcement of cities, the best known international body for regulating international trade in wildlife. WWFs mission is to conserve nature and reduce the most crucial threats to the diversity of life on earth and to build a future in which people live in harmony with nature.The world wildlife fund was founded on April 29th, 1961, in Morges Switzerland by Julian Huxley, Edward Nicholson, Peter Scott, Prince Bernhard of Lippe-Biesterfeld, Prince Philip, and Duke of Edinburgh. To this day, the headquarters is still based where it has been originally founded in Switzerland. Over the fifty years since founded, WWF invested almost $10 billion in more than 13000 projects and, there has been a majority of candidates that have ran for president of the group.Many have made huge impacts to the fund such as; Chief Eleazar Chukwuemeka Anyaoku, Mrs. Sara Morrison, Ruud Lubbers, Syed Babar Ali and many more. But the current president, Yolanda Kakabadse whom started her presidency in 2010 is striving for WWF to give all of their 5 million+ employees all the kinds of benefits they need to support them in their work and home lives. The organization has offices in more than 100 different countries around the world.So in order for WWF to achieve their mission, they focus their efforts on two broad areas; biodiversity and footprint. They first want to ensure that biodiversity stays healthy and vibrant for generations to come. They are focusing on conserving critical places and species that are extremely important for the conservation of our earth's rich biodiversity. The second, is to reduce the negative impacts of human activity which is our ecological footprint . They are working to make sure that the natural resources required for life; land, water, and air are managed sustainably and fairly.Since the world wildlife fund has been trying to achieve this mission, they have stated that they do not endorse any political candidates or political party solely because they choose to concentrate their efforts on the conservation and the preservation of our land by protecting endangered species and habitats. In addition, they work night and day to preserve and create protected areas, link conservation needs with human needs, build effective institutions to help sustain conservation efforts, and address serious global threats like climate change and toxic chemicals that cause pollution.The world wildlife fund has a mission that they wish to achieve and by doing so, the fund will keep working as hard as they have been to conserve nature and most importantly the worlds endangered species. The WWF has taught me a lot more than i thought i knew about the fund. Realizing what the fund is truly about opened my eyes and the love that i have for animals makes me want to become apart of the organization some time in my future. This special interest group was a true match for me. I learned more about what is is, what they represent and how they operate.
Monday, September 16, 2019
FDE 1000 part A Essay
I am currently working in a small privately run day nursery on a housing estate and have been there now for nearly six years. Within my setting I have two job roles both of which I am very clear as to what my roles and responsibilities are. Common core (2010,2ek) First of which is Deputy officer in charge which has been my role now for nearly two years and holds many responsibilities and challenges on a daily basis, my main responsibilities relate to assisting my manger in the day to day running of the setting and working very closely with all the staff, assisting in interviews working with current and new parents and also working very closely with other agencies involved in the nursery including speech therapist, child physiologists, ofsted and the local authority. My other job role is lead practitioner in the preschool room looking after children aged between two years to four years old. Here my role consists of working closely with my senior nursery practitioner in planning and observing the children in the preschool, helping to prepare them for their transition into primary school. CC (2010,4bs) implementing the daily routine, making sure health and safety towards the children and staff is maintained at all times and mentoring the other staff who work in the preschool room including nursery assistants and trainees. I have many strengths within my job roles but also many weaknesses which I work every day towards improving through observing what others do, listening to what others say and also through teaching myself new things. Completing my training needs analysis made me more aware of strengths and weakness I was unaware of which I had which has brought to light different things in which I need to work on improving to help maintain my knowledge and to help improve my practice. I have worked closely with my work-based mentor and the settings manager to put an action plan into place to improve my practice to the best it can be over the next twelve months, this action plan is based on what areas I have found I need to improve on using my training needs analysis. By completing my Training needs analysis and recently returning to working within a room in my setting which has only been for two months now, I have realised according to the early years teachers standards I do not have such a secure knowledge of early childhood development and I do need to work on how this leads to the children learning successfully when they get to school Early years teachers standards(2013, S3:1) I am not as fully aware of all the new EYFS changes as I thought I was which if I do not change this will effect the learning and development of the children within my care. I have found that when I am now completing the children’s learning journals I need a lot of support from the other staff members in my room to make sure I am observing each child correctly and that I am linking each observation to the correct area of the eyfs and not giving a false indication of where the children may be up to developmentally, before all the changes took place I was always very confident in this area. I do realise I know enough on the new eyfs to be able to plan and track the next steps of development for the children as I am aware of how to observe and find I am very confident in this particular area, but I also know that If I took part in some more research related to the this through reading books provided by my work setting and researching the many options available to me online that I will be able to give the children a better chance of being ready and prepared for their transition to primary school. I am also willing to search for possible training opportunities on the new EYFS through the national day nurseries association as we have took part in training through them in the past. I have put this on my action plan to complete by February of next year as I feel there is a lot of research that can be done to help me in this area and feel that I have given myself enough time to do this research. Also through reflection I have realised I need to update my safeguarding training. In my setting we have a lead safeguarding officer who is the nursery manager, recently my manger has had some prolonged time off and therefore it has become my duty to step into this role as lead safeguarding officer. I am aware of safeguarding and have some knowledge in this area although through looking at my training needs analysis and stepping up into this role it has made me realise I lack confidence in this area and need support. I am able to recognise when a child is at risk but need to build a lot of confidence around acting upon this through my own judgement rather than consistently needed advice and support EYTS (2013, S7:3) although I do understand when it comes to safeguarding issues advice and support from others is essential providing it is within reason and kept confidential. During my time at my setting I have dealt with some safeguarding instances as a support for my manager and parents. I am aware that my safeguarding training certificate Is now out of date and it is f great importance that I take part in a new training course to refresh my knowledge so I am able to act upon legal requirements regarding safeguarding and am more aware and confident in promoting the welfare of the children in my care EYTS (2013, S7:1). Also as I am now deputy officer in charge and lead practitioner within my setting I am aware that I will need to take part in a higher level safeguarding course as I have only took part in level one, I am now looking into doing my safeguarding level two for room leaders and management. By taking part in this training I will be more confident in employing practices which will help to promote the children’s health and safety within my setting EYTS (2013,S7:2). I have put this on my action plan to complete by April of next year which I feel gives me time to find the correct course suited to my needs and the needs of the children that I look after. When it comes to observing the children and writing the observations next steps I am quite confident in doing this where I start to lack the confidence is using these next steps to support the planning for each individual Childs needs, I always state a next step in my observation but don’t always add this to my planning to show progression and development in particular areas for the children EYTS (2013,S4:1). I am currently planning to take part in a staff-planning meeting CC(2010,1cs) this meeting will be regarding our settings planning to air my concerns about my knowledge and confidence and hope this will help by hearing other staff member’s views and advise as well as any concerns that they may have. I a hoping by doing this it will bring to light changes I need to make and possibly the whole setting need to make to be more able to plan balanced activities for the children based on the age and developmental stage and help myself be more confident in recognising other circumstances that may effect the children learning and development EYTS (2013,S4:2). I have added this as part of my action plan and hope to have this completed by December as I feel it is an important part of the day to day running of the setting to be able to have full understanding of the planning we do as if we do not understand it properly it can effect the children’s learning in the future and effect their transition into primary school. My job role as deputy officer in charge comes with a lot of responsibility I have never undergone any management training and have taught myself how to be efficient as deputy manager along the way over the past twenty two months. In many situations as part of my job role I am very confident and do believe I am a good positive leader, I listen to and take in everything that is said to me by other staff members and am very understanding towards all situations CC(2010,1as). I have took part in interviews, meetings with other professionals and staff meetings during my time as deputy but I have not taken lead role in any of these situations and believe I lack confidence in this area EYTS (2013, S8:3) I am aiming to take lead in my first staff meeting and have targeted this for January of next year so that I have sufficient amount of points to discuss during this meeting. I am hoping by doing this it will help to build my confidence as a deputy officer I charge in group situations where the focus is solely on myself EYTS (2013,S8:5). I am more confident in my job role as lead practitioner in preschool as I have more experience within this area although through recent reflection I have noticed I need to be more assertive to other staff around me and to delegate more tasks to the staff in my room to help them to develop their abilities in all areas, I need to be more aware that as lead practitioner other staff member will be looking up to me and what I do in my role as support for themselves EYTS(2013,S8:4). Therefore if I teach my knowledge and understanding towards everything work related to the other staff members they will hopefully see me as a good role model for themselves as they work towards furthering their own careers in childcare CC(2010,4as) I will look at holding room meetings in the near future to help to build on this confidence I have in myself and my team will have in me we can use these meetings as a learning experience for all team members to work more efficiently together and help myself within my lead practitioner role. I will plan to place this alongside leading the whole settings staff meeting. In my setting or any setting previous to this one I have not completed a personal development profile before, I have recently started to gather information to start creating my personal development profile since starting my course. I have set myself a target to have this completed as much as it can be up to now to help me with my development EYTS (2013,S8:6) By starting this file I have realised more of my strengths, weaknesses and achievements during my career so far. Over the next few months I am going to work with my work based mentor and nursery manager to organise my personal development profile efficiently and through the duration of this course and my future job roles and prospects I am going to work hard towards contributing to and improving my file to help benefit myself in anything I do in the future. The target I have set myself for having my file started is October as I feel it is an important part of the progress I have made so far in my career. I have realised since completing my training needs analysis that I have strengths and weakness in many areas of my job roles. I have not previously reflected upon my practices as a nursery nurse lead practitioner or deputy officer in charge and have realised how important self reflection is to help with gaining a more efficient knowledge of my own work and how I need to improve, in my main job role as deputy officer in charge not only is it important for myself to gain higher knowledge and keep up to date with changes that take place but it is also important to all other staff members as they look to me as their leader and my achievements and knowledge can have an effect on others and what they do in the future of their own careers. Self reflection has made me realise how much work I actually need to under go to make myself become the best I can possibly be for myself and for my whole team now and in the furute. EYTS (2013,S8:6,S8:7) Bibliography Children’s workforce development council (2010) common core of skills and knowledge for the children’s workforce National college for teaching and leadership (2013) teachers standards (early years).
Sunday, September 15, 2019
IRAC Brief Essay
According to United States District Court District of Massachusetts Civil Action 11-10313-GAO (2013), Anderson, Silva, Johnson and Funches contracted through a limited liability company by the name of SLS to perform delivery services work on behalf of HDA (United States District Court District of Massachusetts, 2013). Plaintiffs Case Each driver was provided with their truck Trucks provided to the contractors bore Sears Logo Uniforms bore both Sears and HDA logos Each driver hired their helpers and paid their helpers directly Drivers worked full-time and solely for HDA (while under contract) (United States District Court District of Massachusetts, 2013) HDAs Argument Plaintiffs contracted through SLS and not directly with HDA as individuals; therefore, HDA should not be a litigant in this case Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 149,  § 148B is preempted by the Federal Aviation Administration Authorization Act, 49 U.S.C (See Case 1:11-cv-10313-GAO Document 99 Filed 12/30/13 Page 3 of 5) (United States District Court District of Massachusetts, 2013) IRAC Issue: The issues below are the reasons this case has been brought to court. The court must provide the answers to these reasons in order to begin the rule assessment portion of IRAC (1) Were the plaintiffs (Anderson, Silva, and Funches) misclassified as independent contractors by HAD? (2) Were deductions taken from plaintiff’s wages in violation of wage laws? Rules Below are the rules found in Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 149,  § 148B. These rules must be applied to the facts of the case to assess the fault or culpability of the litigants. Below is cited via United States District Court District of Massachusetts Civil Action 11-10313-GAO (2013). (1) The individual is free from control and direction in connection with the (2) Performance of the service, both under his contract for the performance of service and in fact; and the service is performed outside the usual course of the business of the employer; and (3) The individual is customarily engaged in an independently established trade, occupation; profession or business of the same nature as that involved in the service performed. (United States District Court District of Massachusetts, 2013) Application When looking at the mass general law 149 subsection 148B, we can apply the three stipulations of the law to the case against HDA violating this law. The plaintiffs in the case were acting solely for the purposes of HDA as a delivery service wearing both the seniors and HDA logos on uniforms provided to them. None of the drivers worked outside of the scope of work on subcontracts for any other provider other than HDA, and finally, each driver performed these duties under the direction of HDA’s vision. It is clear in this case that circumstances are such that every appearance and performance of duties was done in a way to appear that they were solely employees of HDA in that HDA has violated Mass General Law on salary and wages (United States District Court District of Massachusetts, 2013). When applying this to business setting the business entity hiring subcontractors must stipulate in a written contract as to whether the employee is to be treated as a subcontractor under a 1099 tax form or as a subcontract employee for the business. Under the assumptions made in mass general law 149 subsection 148B, subcontractors are deemed employees if they meet certain criteria within the law. This criteria is easily determined under general operating practices and business owners should be aware of these criteria before hiring subcontractors (United States District Court District of Massachusetts, 2013). Analysis/Conclusion Plaintiffs (Anderson, Silva, and Funches) were misclassified as independent contractors by HDA. It was found that deductions were taken from plaintiff’s wages in violation of wage laws. Thus, findings were established through determining that HDA violated the law in place (Mass General Law on Salary and Wages). For the foregoing reasons, the plaintiffs’ Motion for Partial Summary Judgment as to liability against HDA (dkt. no. 65) is GRANTED. It is SO ORDERED. Business Managerial Setting Application There are numerous torts to consider when reviewing Anderson v HDA: (1) Intentional Tort a civil matter resulting in an intentional act of damages. (2) Unintentional Tort civil matter unintentional acts that results in economic loss, property damage, or physical injuries. (3) Property Torts occur when one’s enjoyment of their private property is interfered with by either acts of trespass or illegal conversion of the private property. (4) Negligence a civil matter resulting damages due to the lack of care or duty that is owed. (5) Strict Liability Torts can be criminal or civil and culpability or finding of fault is not a factor, to name a few. The tort that is evident in the case of Anderson v HDA is an Unintentional Tort resulting in an act of economic loss. The wage deduction and mis-classification of employment status have led to the loss of wages and possible benefits to the plaintiffs and their helpers. The issues that arose in the Anderson v HDA civil lawsuit could have been avoided by utilizing an effective risk management process for contracts review and management. Co-employment issues arise in the third party relationships due to the unknown, so it is beneficial to know as much as possible about all relationships that are encompassed for the work at hand. Understanding the Torts liabilities that can arise in the areas of contract language and negotiations will ensure that liabilities are managed early in the relationship building process. An effective way to manage this risk is to identify the gaps that may exist with employment status classification, ensure that necessary tax forms are completed, monitor direct partnership and obtain direct partnership attestations regarding their direct relationship with their contractors. The next step is to have an ongoing control mechanism in place to monitor regulations and update business checklist and standard operation procedures. Reference United States District Court District of Massachusetts. (2013). Civil Action 11-10313-GAO. Retrieved from United States District Court District of Massachusetts, website.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Economic Status of The United States in 1950 Essay
Emerging victorious from World War II five years earlier, the United States in 1950 was reaping the benefits of a growing economy – benefits that were actually derived out of the country’s participation in the War. The destruction and mayhem brought by the global conflict also brought with it several positive contributions to the economy. Some would even argue that the country’s participation in World War II actually saved it from the Great Depression. To understand the economic boom of the 1950s it is necessary to appreciate the positive impacts that were borne out of World War II. The foundation for the economic expansion and growth experienced in 1950 and several years after that were laid during World War II. To fund and support the country’s war time efforts, it had to recruit millions of American soldiers to be sent to the war front as well as to be stationed at home. Factories had to be built to produce war materiel – guns and ammunitions, military transport, tanks, fighter planes and bombers, etc. To man the factories women and older people had to be recruited as most of the able-bodied men were at war. WWII created jobs and gave life to many industries and energized a nation. Among the industries that prospered during and immediately after the war were the newspaper industry, the agriculture industry and even Hollywood. Industries that produced transport and plant machineries also prospered. Throughout the War, women, for the first time, were given the opportunity to work outside their homes and participate in nation building. The participation of the women in the labor force started to increase during this time. The War also provided opportunities that would later be manifested in the 1950s. Take for example many of America’s products went overseas – introducing themselves to new markets. Many had actually feared that the end of the War would lead the country back to depression. With production of military supplies coming to an end, this fear had its basis – for the entire economy was propped up by all that had to do with the global conflict. Fortunately, this was not the case. The victory relished by the nation brought about confidence in the government and the economy. The common consumer best exhibited this confidence as the strong consumer demand spurred economic growth after the War. Leading towards the 1950s, industries that experienced a surge in growth included the automobile industry and the housing industry, and new industries experienced fantastic births – industries such as aviation and electronics. There was also another outcome of WWII that contributed to post War growth – the Cold War between U. S. and the U. S. S. R. Many of the military industries that sprouted during the war continued to do big business after it. As communist block emerged as a military power in Europe, America had to arm itself against what it considered as a threat. Huge investments were made in the defense of the country. Such investments meant jobs, factories, huge spending – all contributed to the boom of the 1950s. The economic success of the country probably influenced its leaders to advocate the replication of an open economy at the international level. This is best evidenced by the country’s spearheading the establishment of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. Gross Domestic Product and Per Capita GDP In 1950, the country’s GDP was at $293. 8 Billion (in current dollars). At that time, Per Capita GDP was $9,573. 00 – making the United States the number one country world wide in this aspect. By 1996, GDP was at $13. 194 Trillion. Per Capita GDP was at $43,800. 00 – however, the country ranked only at 10th place world wide in this respect. Post World War II scenario showed that too few economies survive the war while a great majority, especially in Europe, was greatly affected. Many developments starting in the late 1970s toward the early 2000s enabled other countries to overtake the U. S. in terms of Per Capita GDP. As Per Capita GDP is influenced by population, countries that had significant economic growth coupled with low birth rate were able to surpass the U. S. in this indicator. However, the U. S. remains the most powerful economy in 2007 taking into consideration other indicators. Employment and Unemployment In 1950, the civilian labor force was about 58 million strong. Only 5. 3 percent of the labor force was unemployed. 41. 6 million of the labor force at that time were males, while only 17. 34 million were females. By 1996, the labor force grew to about 142 million while unemployment rate as at 5 percent. 76 million were males while 66 million were females in the labor force. In the 1950s, the number of workers in the services sector caught up with workers in goods production industries. The same time also saw the rise of white-collar jobs and the strengthening of labor unions. Awareness on labor rights was on a rise. The biggest impact experienced by the labor force was the increase in women’s participation in employment activities. Accordingly, women have literally poured nto the labor force starting in 1950. By 1990, women’s participation in the labor force would nearly double. On the other hand, men’s participation would drop over time. Per Capita Personal Income In 1950 the Per Capita Personal Income was pegged at $1,501. 00. By 2006 this rose to about $36,600. 00. Though marked by huge difference in amount, it can be noted that $1,501. 00 in 1950 could by more goods and services than the $36,600 in 2006 as illustrated by the CPI rates for both years. Consumer Price Index and Inflation With 1967 as base year, CPI in 1950 was registered at 72. – meaning that a basket of goods and services bought in 1950 were 72. 1 percent of the price of the same goods and services bought in 1967. By 2006, the CPI was at 603. 5. This meant that the same basket of goods and services bought in 1967 would cost 603. 5 percent more in 2006. Inflation rate in 1950 was at a steady 1. 09 percent. In 2006 the rate was at 3. 24 percent. Emerging Industries 1950 saw the emergence of new industries that were anchored on new technologies. Among these is the aerospace industry. The great success of the heavy bombers during the war emphasized importance on innovation. Improvements in engine design, metallurgy, and arms technology helped advance the industry as well as improve manufacturing procedures. The onset of the Cold War ensured that the industry was there to stay. At its peak, the industry hired hundreds of thousands of workers in four major factories. The industry was also fueled by a $3 billion government spending. Other industries that grew during this time were boosted by other industries. Take for instance the housing boom experienced after war. New homes meant additional furniture and appliances as well as new cars. The consumer-led growth likewise spread to other areas. The introduction of television to the masses spurred the growth in electronics. There were also after effects in the growth of industries. As the demand for homes and cars increased, many Americans were lured out of central cities to the suburbs. The construction of better highways also contributed to these phenomena. Farmers though were facing tough times. As people left farm lands, lesser people were left behind to do farm work. This led to a drop in the productivity of the farm sector. Innovations and the Transformation of Business At a personal level, 1950 saw the introduction of the first hand held T. V. remote control – a device that would be seen as a necessity in many households for years to come. Color TV also emerged thru the issuance of a license to CBS Network. Another innovation is the introduction of the first credit card – Diners – also an item that would come across as a necessity in modern times. The first pagers were also developed in 1950. In the business front, 1950 would usher in an era marked by consolidation of large companies. Businesses would combine to create bigger, greater businesses. Example, International Telephone and Telegraph bought Sheraton Hotels, Continental Banking, Hartford Fire Insurance, Avis Rent-a-Car, and other companies. Notable Events and Personalities Notable events of 1950 included the following: Start of the Korean War – influenced greatly by the U. S. and USSR at opposite sides, North and South Korea would tangle in a three-year war that highlighted the tension during Cold War regime. Development of the Hydrogen Bomb – raged by the atomic bomb testing by USSR, the government pursued the development of a hydrogen bomb. Senator Joseph McArthy – started the Red Scare in halls of the U. S. Senate – making accusations that the State Department was filled with Communists or their sympathizers. The Senator’s actions led to the adoption of the term McCarthyism – describing intense anti-Communists sentiments. This period coincided with and fueled the onset of the Cold War between America and the USSR. Thousands of Americans were accused of being Communists or sympathizers during this time – Americans in various sectors of the society. History would later judge these accusations as reckless and baseless. While Senator McArthy gained considerable media mileage at the start of his â€Å"campaigns,†he would be later unmasked as a grandstanding antic who had little or no evidence to back up his accusations. Many of the people Senator McArthy accussed suffered greatly. Many loss their jobs, had their careers ruined while some were even unjustly imprisoned. Conclusion The end of World War II led to the end of the Great Depression and the start of a long period of economic expansion through the 1950s. It is quite ironical that the most destructive war in history would contribute to the emergence of the strongest and biggest economy in the world. The confidence on the economy was obviously brought about by the country’s victory in the War. Tempered by strong collaboration between the government, businesses and the consumers, the U. S. emerged from the War a lot stronger and economically strengthened. Industrial expansion during wartime brought economic impetus that would be carried on even after WWII. The fact that most of the major economies were slow to recover from the after effects of the conflict placed the United States at absolute and relative advantage over both its allies and its enemies.
The Enlightment
Sydell Mejia Prof. Goulding EN202-21 2/25/10 Importance of Reason The Enlightment age was a very important time period; it started in the eighteen century. This age was also known as the age of reason. Men of this age felt they were â€Å"Enlightened†group. They believed they were coming to their senses, educated men of this time thought that the universe was logical, rational, and reasonable, and this could even out a man's modern passions and actions. They had the beliefs that they had come closer to any other age to figure out how the universe and men worked and how to live more a good life more reasonably. The Enlightenment also challenged many of the former ideas, one of which was ignorance. Orgon in Moliere’s, Tartuffe, exemplifies the idea of ignorance, due to the fact he is ignorant of Tartuffe’s true character. DORINE: â€Å"There was that headache Madame had the day you left. Well, it got really bad. She had a fever†. ORGON: â€Å"And Tartuffe? †DORINE: â€Å"He’s fine- Rosy nose and red cheeked, drinking your wine. †ORGON: â€Å"Poor Man! †(1. 4. 8-14). Although Orgon hears news about his ill wife, he only shows his care towards Tartuffe. He also fails to recognize that Tartuffe is tricking them and is not thinking as reasonably as Cleante is. In Act I, scene 5, Cleante is trying to talk sense into Orgon; he is the voice of reason in this scene. Cleante accuses Orgon of being unable to distinguish hypocrisy and true devotion to the family. He tells Orgon that his love of Tartuffe is unrealistic, and attempts to â€Å"enlighten†him about Tartuffe's true character: Cleante: â€Å"Orgon, listen, You’re out of your mind. / Or you’re mocking me. Or both combined. / How can you speak such nonsense without blinking? †(1. 5. 73-75). Although Cleante knows that Orgon is wrapped around his feelings for Tartuffe. Orgon believes so strongly in Tartuffe's piety and goodness that he is willing to sacrifice the happiness of his daughter, therefore thinking unreasonably and affecting his family negatively, such as making his daughter marry someone she does not want to marry, sacrificing the happiness of his daughter. Dorine is another character that presents reason throughout the play. Dorine, Mariane’s maid, is someone with a low social status and because she is a member of the working class, she is portrayed as ignorant in the family because of her low social status. Although in the play she is of low social status, she is smarter than Orgon and also a lot more reasonable. She is able to point out that Tartuffe is an imposter. Dorine says, â€Å"Now there’s a lie that beats everything. / His pretended reverence for our king! †(5. 7. 25-26). This shows that it does not matter what social class one comes from to determine their level of reason. Dorine is someone from a lower social standing than the family, but yet, is able to socialize and befriend the family she works for. His control affects his family, especially his daughter. In the play, she is to marry to the man she loves, but when Tartuffe enters the picture, Orgon breaks his promise to her fiance, and tells her she has to marry Tartuffe instead. However, Orgon is challenged by his family, who work to prove Tartuffe is a fake. This is a conflict to the power order of society and brings into question the authority of this order, by the end of the play, Tartuffe turns his back on Orgon and tries to arrest him. He brings an officer of the king back to take Orgon. However, while Tartuffe attempts to get Orgon arrested, the king saw through him and reasoned that Tartuffe was the one to be accused and put to trial. In his Narrative, Oluadah Equiano, describes in detail his experiences when he was captured and enslaved. In an attempt to persuade the reader of the Englishmen evil actions, Equiano reveals the hypocrisy of European ideas of enlightenment and the dehumanizing nature of slavery. Equiano Olauduah's autobiography, The Interesting Narrative Life of Equiano Olauduah is a unique and intriguing story which includes vivid and great detailed descriptions of the author's life both as a slave and a free black man. Throughout Equiano's life he encounters many hardships and misery. In the beginning of the narrative, he explains his experience on a slave ship when he was sent away: â€Å"These filled me with astonishment, which was soon converted into terror when I was carried aboard†(38). He explains his amazement of the new advances throughout the ship but also explains the terror of being on the ship and watching the miserable slaves upon the ship. He has come in contact with many people of different races, religion and intelligence. Equiano was a well-rounded intelligent black male which many people admired. Although Equiano purchased his freedom and now considered a free man, he still endured man hardships. Works Cited â€Å"Age of Reason. †History – AllAboutHistory. org. Web. 20 Feb. 2010. http://www. allabouthistory. org/age-of-reason. htm. Moliere. Tartuffe A New Verse Translation (ED. Norton Critical Editions_)_. New York: W. W. Norton, 2007. Print.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Multinational Fast Food Company KFC Research Paper
Multinational Fast Food Company KFC - Research Paper Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) was established in Corbin, Kentucky by the able hands of Harland Sanders. He was conceived in a little ranch in Henryville, the United States in 1890. He enjoys cooking and concocting recipes. He attempted to blend eleven herbs and flavors with wheat flour, he was triumphant with his work and he had a mystery formula for cooking chicken. Amid the 1930s, he attempted to develop and got to be known. The State's senator named Harland Sanders a privileged Kentucky Colonel at the first run through. Second, he added to an exceptional, speedy system for spicing and weight on the grounds that he had opened a 142-seat eatery, gas station and motel. In 1950, he chose to close his eatery in light of the fact that the clients diminished, however, he put the first establishment in 1952 plus 105 USD with the mystery formula. He got shares for 5 percent every piece of chicken for copyright. In 1964, a speculator bunch purch ased Kentucky Fried Chicken and made an arrangement that Sander was Kentucky Fried Chicken representative for helping and offering a proposal to them. In 1971 Kentucky Fried Chicken together with Connecticut-based particularly in nourishment and in 1986 Kentucky Fried Chicken had a huge breakthrough that Soft-Drink titan, PepsiCo purchased Kentucky Fried Chicken for $840 million from RJR Nabisco. They arranged to discrete KFC, Taco Bell, and Pizza Hut to be another Corporation under the name Tricon Global Restaurant, and they had income.
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Learning disability Nurse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Learning disability Nurse - Essay Example It can also be a lifelong condition (Health Grades Inc, 2009) However, in 19th and 20th centuries, several institutions have been developed to address the health care needs of people with LD and this became the period of moral awakening in the area for better care and treatment for â€Å"special persons†. In 1996, The UK National Health Service Executive formulated a sequence of markers for six (6) medium term priorities, in order to integrate the efforts among service providers, health authorities, general practitioners and regional offices (UK National Health Service Executive, 1996). Within the United Kingdom (Department of Health, 2001), the term â€Å"mental handicap†was changed in the early 1990s; thereby calling it as the â€Å"learning disabilities†and does not embrace specific learning difficulties like dyslexia, dyspraxia, as well as other related learning difficulties. The same term is used within nursing services. The said term is directly analogous to the terms â€Å"intellectual disabilities†or â₠¬Å"mental retardation†that is utilized in the United States of America. In United Kingdom, community care is widely recognized as superior to that of the institutions (Emerson & Hatton 1994). People’s support to learning disability is very strong and not only viewed as a professional activity for nurses. In fact, practitioners who are working within the UK learning disability services operate amidst a range of agencies such as public; not for profit; and the private institutions. The National Health Service (NHS), together with their nurses and social workers represent the public sector health care team. In particular, the institution was able to operate for several years according to team settings in the community. In the same manner, Community Mental Handicap Teams, in which name was replaced as Community Learning Disability Teams (McGrath & Humphreys 1988),
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Management 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Management 2 - Essay Example The Chairman outlines the activities and financial conditions of the firm in the previous year followed by his/her discussion on hopes and future plans for the firm. In this part of the annual report, the Chairman attempts to explain why the company’s operations resulted in the results mentioned and why it chooses to advance with new projects or policies. In a nutshell, the statement or report is mainly a promise or explanation for company activities by the Chairman and its Board of Directors to the stockholders. However, the questions are: Why do they need the reports? What do the stockholders do with them? And more importantly, what do they do to deserve an explanation? To answer these questions, one has to firstly understand the concept of stockholder’s equity. When an individual goes to the market and buys stocks, he/she basically buys ownership! A corporation is basically a public-owned enterprise. By declaring itself a corporation, the company or enterprise is selling itself to the public. This is done by the company to essentially generate more money and finances. When it becomes a corporation, the company is actually giving the stockholders a right or privilege to vote for the Board of Directors. The elected Board of Directors is then responsible to make decisions about the company and see where and how the company can maximize the profits. The stockholders then gain from the profits. The stockholders do not directly earn the profit but are given dividends instead. These dividends are paid annually, every year except when the company is going in loss to an extent that it even fails to pay back the liabilities it has borrowed. At such times, the liabilities are preferred and paid first and the remaining is given as dividends to the stockholders. To further understand the relationship between the company and the stockholders, Walt Disney Corporation will be used as a case for analysis and descriptive explanation. But, before
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Antibiotic Resistance in Anaerobic Bacteria Essay - 1
Antibiotic Resistance in Anaerobic Bacteria - Essay Example Then there is the danger that the ignorant man may easily underdose himself and by exposing his microbes to non†lethal quantities of the drug make them resistant. Here is a hypothetical illustration. Mr. X. has a sore throat. He buys some penicillin and gives himself, not enough to kill the streptococci but enough to educate them to resist penicillin. He then infects his wife. Mrs. X gets pneumonia and is treated with penicillin. As the streptococci are now resistant to penicillin the treatment fails. Mrs. X dies. Who is primarily responsible for Mrs. X’s death?†(Fleming, p88). It is not only the irrational use of the drugs that cause antibiotic resistance but there are reports of the naturally occurring resistance. According to an experiment conducted by Joshua and Esther Lederberg in 1952, penicillin-resistant strains of bacteria developed much more before the start of penicillin in medicinal practices. Joshua Lederberg and his student Zinder also demonstrated t he pre-existence of Streptomycin resistance strains (Nelson, p 294). The major antibiotic-resistant pathogen associated with nosocomial infection is Staphylococcus aureus. It was one of the earlier organisms to develop penicillin resistance. Methicilin was then used against the resistant strains but in the year 1961MRSA (Methycillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) was detected in Britain. It was reported that there was an increase in the number of fatal cases of sepsis from 4% in 1991 to 37% in 1999 in the UK due to MRSA. By the 1980s MRSA had spread and become quite common in US hospitals and along with resistance to Methicillin. There was a steady increase in oxacillin (Methycillin) resistant S. aureus in U.S. hospitals in the year 1997 which increased to 26.2%. ( Pfaller et al,p1886). Most of these Staphylococcus aureus also showed resistance to tetracycline and erythromycin.
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