Tuesday, December 24, 2019
General Mills and Yoplait Analysis - 3473 Words
Ag Gurus APEC 4821W Project Proposal In 1860, General Mills entered the market as a flour producer that revolutionized the industry by producing flour that had superior baking properties. Great customer satisfaction coupled with their ability to maintain quality enabled them to develop other products that were not considered agricultural commodities. By the 1960s, they were marketing beloved childrens products that included Play-Doh, Easy Bake Ovens, Spirograph, Monopoly and Nerf balls (General Mills, website). The popularity of these products enticed General Mills to create memorable characters such as Betty Crocker and the Pillsbury Doughboy, which have become icons in American history. Throughout the years, General Mills†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"The full line of products that Yoplait offers today is wide and diverse. They offer a yogurt line that consists of the original yogurt, grande, whipped, light, and ultra light. Yumsters is a line for younger children, which includes a spoon attached to the ir yogurt (Nestle LC1).†When considering General Mill’s brand Yoplait they have an absolute cost advantage because of their reputation for quality which in turn establishes brand loyalty. â€Å"Yoplait is a first-mover in the yogurt industry. They have offered many new innovative products to their consumers from Go-GURT to their Nouriche Smoothies. Yoplait created the first ever yogurt placed in a tube called Go-GURT, which has become the yogurt for those that are on the go and always in a rush. Within the last year of introducing Nouriche, the product’s sales have increased by 35%. Yoplait just recently began offering a yogurt that contained sterols, which is a cholesterol-lowering plant (Nestle LC1).†Finally, there are many different flavors, health benefits, packaging, and niche segments that firms utilize to differentiate their products, and this is a central factor for barriers to entry. The third aspect of Porter’s Five Forces is substitut es and complements. When considering General Mills Yoplait, they have so many different varieties of yogurt that a consumer can substitute one flavor for another, but Dannon alsoShow MoreRelatedYogurt Case Study777 Words  | 4 PagesNurul Asyiqin Mohammad Jahangir Sept. 22, 2017 BA3103 – 403 T, 5:30 PM – 8:00 PM General Mills and the Rising Competitors in Yogurt Business Background Yogurt is a food produced by bacterial fermentation of milk and has been marketed as a healthy food. Back in the 60’s, Americans view yogurt as an edgy healthy food as they were not familiar with the food, however, yogurt has now become Americans’ favorite. Yogurt has soared in popularity, from negligible levels in 1970 to almost 1.2 gallonsRead MoreYoplait Critical Analysis883 Words  | 4 PagesCritical Analysis of General Mills’ Yogurt Business Introduction General Mills, Inc., is a U.S. leading based food company, producing packaged flour, breakfast cereals, refrigerated yogurt, dry dinners, frozen vegetable, and similar products. It’s consumer product has been sold and marketed in U.S. Retail stores, convenience stores, and outside of the United States (Forbes, 2017). In General Mills’ several yogurt product lines, â€Å"Yoplait is a leader in the multi-billion dollar U.S. yogurt categoryRead MoreThe Total Global Retail Value For Yogurt1026 Words  | 5 PagesCompanies that dominate the U.S yogurt market currently are Danone, Chobani LLC and General Mills. Yoplait by General Mills who used to be the country’s leading brand, has been surpassed in the US yogurt market by privately-owned Greek yogurt maker Chobani. While Dannon represents the top yogurt brand in the US with a 34% market share (Shoup 2017). Yoplait is originally from France and General Mills held the US license for Yoplait since the 1970s and it acquired a 51% stake in the brand in 2011, but its shareRead More Analysis of Yoplait’s Advertisement Save Lids to Save Lives Essay examples1022 Words  | 5 PagesAnalysis of Yoplait’s Advertisement â€Å"Save Lids to Save Lives†â€Å"Even the lid is good for you.†Yoplait’s â€Å"save lids to save lives†is a very good and effective advertisement. It is so much, in fact, that it makes you want to buy the yogurt not only to eat it, but to help out in a good cause. The purpose of this article, which is to inform its readers about their product, was greatly accomplished. It gives the reader compassion for what this company is trying to do. The company of Yoplait holdsRead MoreInternational Business Marketing1967 Words  | 8 Pagesdecisions in each of the cases. At the end of the discussion it would be clear that how such business decisions play a vital role in the growth of the companies both in home and host countries . 2. Background For the analysis, the focus is on two companies, Tesco and Yoplait who have chosen two different business strategies for their global business expansion. Tesco, one of the world’s largest retailer, UK based supermarket chain expanded its global operations in Asia. It joined hands with SamsungRead MoreNestle History7697 Words  | 31 Pagesdifferent products in the various fields: baby foods, dairy products, breakfast cereals, ice creams, chocolates and confectionery, prepared foods, beverages, food services, bottled water, and pet care. This brings us to the main focus of our case analysis, the dairy division, and the yogurt product LC1 that lies within that division. Dairy Division / LC1 The dairy products at Nestlà © are a big driving force for the growth of the company’s sales. With the health kick of the many individuals aroundRead MoreThe Coca Mass Foods And Bisco Misr839 Words  | 4 Pagesat the DuPont Analysis it is clear that General Mills has the slow and steady strategy when it comes to the three main factors profit margin, asset turnover and financial leverage. With that consistency their return on equity has been steady in the 24% -28% ranges, where Kellogg has a more volatile ROE. Kellogg over the years has done really well with asset turnover and keeping their inventory at relatively low levels. However, Kellogg uses more leverage in comparison to General Mills which helps inflateRead MoreGeneral Mills BCG Matrix Essay1214 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿BCG Matrix Analysis on General Mills Canada General Mills is a company that has many brands in the food industry, however, they are more famously known for their individual brands. 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Executive Summary1129 Words  | 5 Pages| General Mills Inc. | Executive Summary | | Xiao(Cynthia) Chen | 2012/4/24 | | Executive Overview General Mills (NYSE:GIS), our company, is a global consumer foods company. We develop distinctive value-added food products and market with our unique brand names. We work continuously to improve our established products and to create new products that meet our customers’ potential needs and preferences. Our company has $14.88 billion in sales last year. Our sales has grown substantially
Monday, December 16, 2019
Taking Care of Our Elderly Free Essays
Davis 1 E. Diana Davis ENGL 2010 Professor Asplund 21st September 2012 The Responsibility of Taking Care of Our Elders My grandmother knows a lot about how it feels to be left in a house alone, waiting for someone to assist her to just get out of bed. This Saturday morning I decided to go visit her while my grandfather was at dialysis. We will write a custom essay sample on Taking Care of Our Elderly or any similar topic only for you Order Now She was surprised to hear my voice as she turned her head over my way and smiled. I could hear the sound of relief in her voice just knowing her granddaughter was here to see about her. My grandmother has been blind since March 2012; she is a diabetic that has had an eye surgery to help repair a detached retina that is still healing. In the meanwhile she’s been dealing with paralysis on her right side from a stroke she suffered over twenty years ago, and it’s really taken a toll on her health. As I sat down beside her with a pen and paper I told her I wanted to get her point of view on how she feels about being an elderly person in this hard economy. I needed to know if they were able to cover all their needs on a fixed income. Did she really feel like her and my grandfather’s needs were really being met? As she began to tell me about her fears Davis 2 And concerns my heart sunk and I thought to myself, have we really failed to live up to the obligations of taking care of our elders. As she spoke in her little sweet tone, she made me aware of how hard it is to do simple things like taking a shower, cooking and even going to the restroom is a hard task to do these days. She said â€Å"I feel like everyone is too busy to lend a hand, and me and your grandfather don’t want to be a burden on you all. †I thought to myself as her granddaughter, was I even doing enough? Was the responsibility of taking care of our elderly been overlooked, or was it being passed down to the few faithful people who were getting burnt out on the responsibility? My grandparents as parents bared the moral, legal, and ethical responsibilities to care for their children. However, now that my grandparents have reached an age where they can no longer look after themselves, the duties of their adult children to support them is less clear. It is therefore only fair to say now that their children are grown up and now their parents have become elderly, they should take up the responsibility to provide a decent life for their parents. While it is not a legal obligation, it is a moral obligation and it’s time to pay forward what is owed to our parents/grandparents. It’s our responsibility to help any family member in need. Our family has raised us and helped to survive in this uncertain economy, so why shouldn’t we help out when our parents and grandparents reach an age where they need our assistance? Davis 3 Only one out of in five people takes the needed steps to prepare legally and financially for taking care of an incapacitated parent. Consider this contrast between expectations and reality: Only 13 percent of some 4,000 U. S. workers surveyed for the 2011 (Aflac Work Forces Report) believe that the need for long-term care would affect their families. â€Å"The percentage of adult children providing personal care and/or financial assistance to a parent has more than tripled over the past 15 years,†the research group found. Of course, in today’s tough economy, it also is common for elderly adults to be supporting their adult children. But in some ways, that’s easier to accept: Parents often plan to leave whatever wealth they have to their children anyway. The flow of wealth from older to younger generation feels natural to many. But with Americans living so much longer now, the younger generation has to do more thinking about how they might care for parents who have exhausted their savings. After spending the whole day talking with my grandparents about their concerns I felt compelled to lend a hand. I made lunch for them and started to clean the kitchen. By the end of the day the whole house was spotless, and before I left I help my grandfather get my grandmother ready for bed. I have to say I was really exhausted when I finished, but the feeling I felt when I saw them smiling and relaxing together was worth a million bucks. As soon as I got home that night, I was determined that I had to help with this situation right away. The first thing to do was to call a family meeting. It was time for everyone to pull Davis 4 together and take up their responsibility to do their part. First thing we needed to do is put together a schedule and set it in stone. We all agreed that we would be assigned a day to go and check on our grandparents/parents. This action plan would include cooking, cleaning and donating at least a hundred dollars a month to help with their financial needs. So far this is working out great, and all it took was a concerned person to be a good listener and someone to pull a family together to put a plan in action. By working together as a family it helped to mend broken relationships and it helped us to accomplished many beautiful things. I’m happy to say my grandparents are well taken care now, and years have been added to their life span. Davis 5 Works Cited Http://www. aflac. com/ Aflac_WorkForces_Report 2011 How to cite Taking Care of Our Elderly, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
I heard the cry plaintive, pitiable wail of a lost and frightened child Essay Example For Students
I heard the cry: plaintive, pitiable wail of a lost and frightened child Essay I heard the cry: plaintive, pitiable wail of a lost and frightened child. It was one of those usual days, when the sun flared like a fiery blaze of a gem in the water filled sky. Feeling not for the first time- the immense weight of duty settling upon me. This would have been daunting if I had not sensed an equally great strength and a will to survive helping to burden. I was an aid worker yet the aid they needed à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" I had none. Like vermins crawling from the cracks and crevices they emerged, hesitantly at first, but with increasing boldness. Hobbling, scuttling dragging deformed limbs, they scrambled in to the square. My mouth went dry and I fought to swallow the clot of sand that suddenly clogged my throat. One could sense that they were famished by hunger and aflame by thirst but a hidden more mysterious side to these simple people became clear in the sunny blaze, a side that had experienced the soul destroying effects of poverty yet some how survived, living and breathing the hope that is now burdened upon my shoulders. Peering at me was easily the ugliest man I had ever seen: small-faces, gross in every feature, his long nose ending in a fleshy hook, and his mouth , the wide thick-lipped cleft of a frog, and cracks at all sight. Ears like jug handles protruded from under a thick pelt of white wispy hairà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦like handy floss which floated over his head rather than resting there, and large wide spaced eyes bulged balefully from beneath a single ridge of wispy brow. He held my gaze for the tiniest of fractions yet enough for me to subconsciously sense that he saw me. He slowly stepped forwardà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Water he uttered the word cautiously as if it might hurt his tongue. My pulse beat in my temples like the sound of an African dance that persisted at a steady yet uneasy tempo, which unnerved me, and filled me with dull alarm, while my heart palpited , lumping awkwardly in my chest as though it was a rock. I felt his blood warming in the furious scorch of the sun. The skin on the back of neck sizzled and burnt, and I wondered Why had god brought such pain and fury thinking aloud he repliedà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. Son we are the lucky onesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦we have you to thank. His words touched a guilty nerve in my conscience and I squirmed. I pausedà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. The silence seemed appresive almost like a à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. Physical force, chocking off all soundà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Im so à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. what I mean is à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦wellà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Imà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. ..reallyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦SORRY! the waterà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦we couldnt bring it! I exclaimed with icy clarity. His eyes flicked to me then away towards the shattered people, I felt my stomach tighten in apprehension. Trembling with rage, he swallowed hard, and long, then glared murderously at me, yet what he murmured at me I will never forgetà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. But he sadly spoke. butà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦*you* promised he finally announced almost bursting out loud, yet a tear slowly ran down his rough face yet before it evaporated it carved a path a lonely tear carving the signature of my failure to these people. Whispers hissed through the crowd, people fell to their hands and knees. The ball of worms that was now my stomach revolved every second causing this feeling of dizziness. I knew that to them water was the essential spirit of the family, it was their life in a song, and a lamp which guides their steps along the path of destiny, yet they trusted me to provide it. In fact to them I was a ray of light , I was a wave upon the sea, I was hot blood flowing in their hearts, yet to myself I was a failure! .ucdff6ca841fe05fda7ef6548dc3f8458 , .ucdff6ca841fe05fda7ef6548dc3f8458 .postImageUrl , .ucdff6ca841fe05fda7ef6548dc3f8458 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ucdff6ca841fe05fda7ef6548dc3f8458 , .ucdff6ca841fe05fda7ef6548dc3f8458:hover , .ucdff6ca841fe05fda7ef6548dc3f8458:visited , .ucdff6ca841fe05fda7ef6548dc3f8458:active { border:0!important; } .ucdff6ca841fe05fda7ef6548dc3f8458 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ucdff6ca841fe05fda7ef6548dc3f8458 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ucdff6ca841fe05fda7ef6548dc3f8458:active , .ucdff6ca841fe05fda7ef6548dc3f8458:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ucdff6ca841fe05fda7ef6548dc3f8458 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ucdff6ca841fe05fda7ef6548dc3f8458 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ucdff6ca841fe05fda7ef6548dc3f8458 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ucdff6ca841fe05fda7ef6548dc3f8458 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ucdff6ca841fe05fda7ef6548dc3f8458:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ucdff6ca841fe05fda7ef6548dc3f8458 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ucdff6ca841fe05fda7ef6548dc3f8458 .ucdff6ca841fe05fda7ef6548dc3f8458-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ucdff6ca841fe05fda7ef6548dc3f8458:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Emily Jimenez EssayI thought that if I listened- if we all listened very hard we might hear the single drip of this vibration. Sometimes I imagined that I did hear it-like the echo of a forgotten song which lingered just beyond the threshold of hearing, yet this time it was different I could hear it , I could truly hear it! my stomach tightened and my mouth filled with bile, I gagged and chockedà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ because before me the sky ripped open, black swirls of cloud, unseen seconds ago now filled the sky, a gaping mouth of twisting cloud gashed open, pelting us hard in the faces with drops of pure glorious drops of water, reminding me of an ice cold shower after a jog down the park, pure heaven. Eyes transfixed at this scene of hundreds of people with hands wide open and eyes shut just appreciating life and savouring this moment that was truly a blessing from god, I now no longer felt the immense weight of duty but admired this moment. I heard the scream of the same child as before, I spun around thinking what could cause such a shriek, my questions where answered with her sparkling eyes of joy and then the sound of her laughter bubbled up as from a fountain, for peace and happiness was restored to this nation and my very own heart.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Why the philosophy of King is more effective in fighting racism than Malcolms
One cannot speak about racism in America and fail to mention the two great legendary persons like Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X. These are the famous and the most eloquent proponents of the Afro-Americans’ rights in the history of war against racism in the USA.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Why the philosophy of King is more effective in fighting racism than Malcolm’s? specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The freedom and cultural heritage that African Americans enjoy today are actually the result of the contributions of these two great persons. Their philosophical approaches might have been different and sometimes viewed as contradicting, but their ultimate intention was to liberate the blacks from the whites. King’s approach was a peaceful one whereby his belief was founded on his philosophy that whites and blacks can live harmoniously with one another. On the other hand, Malcolmâ€℠¢s approach was propelled by a philosophical idea that whites are inherently evil, and self-defense is the only weapon to liberate the African Americans, although, he is believed to have changed this position thereafter (Howard-Pitney 6). Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how the philosophies of King and Malcolm evolved over time, and why the King’s approach is viewed to be more effective. Both King and Malcolm are distinguished leaders whose philosophical ideas were considerably influenced by their childhood environment. Their background actually explains the source of their dissimilarities as portrayed in their pursuit of the freedom for African Americans from the Caucasians. On the one hand, King was brought up in a Christian family that embraced the love of all children irrespectively of the skin color (Howard-Pitney 4). King received a quality education, and because of his intelligence he earned his doctorate at a tender age. It is after King’ s venture into Philosophical studies that his views on freedom and nature of man began to take a new direction. His family roots contributed greatly to the formation of his character, including, in particular, such traits like calmness, kindness, and courage to liberate his fellow people. All these traits are well portrayed in his revolutionary speeches that he gave all around America with intention of uniting both races. Conversely, Malcolm was born in a ‘chaotic’ family, whereby his parents did not live in a harmony. Malcolm struggled so much with bitter feelings first because of the ill treatment the Afro-Americans received from the Caucasians, and secondly, because of the witness of his mother being assaulted by his father. After his father’s death, Malcolm together with his numerous siblings and their widowed mother lived in deplorable conditions, where even daily meals and education were almost impossible things (Howard-Pitney 6). The year 1939 was tumultuo us not only for Malcolm but his family as well since this is the year his mother suffered a mental breakdown. Now, it was imperative that Malcolm and his siblings could not provide for their needs. A white family took care of Malcolm until he was in the eighth grade at the very point that he dropped out of school. After that, Malcolm started participating in the street crime so as to provide food for him. These crimes finally led him to jail where he met a fellow Muslim inmate who influenced him greatly.Advertising Looking for essay on philosophy? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The above disparity in the backgrounds of King and Malcolm explains the root cause and the power behind their philosophical thoughts that shaped their lives thereafter. King who was born in a peaceful environment carried out a peaceful non-violent activity by his revolutionary speeches and philosophical arguments. The atmosphere that he enjoyed in his family formed in him positive attitude towards his struggle for freedom. Referring to his peaceful family, King once said, â€Å"I have never experienced the feeling of not having the basic necessities of life†(Howard-Pitney 36). In many cases, King encouraged his followers not to engage in any destructive activity but create an environment where peace and harmony were at home among the whites and the enslaved blacks. The idea of harmony and respect of all human beings is a result of his Christian foundation as well as the philosophy of Gandhi that he encountered later on in his life. King says that he became a minister not because he felt so qualified or as a result of any extraordinary experience but it was to answer a call that he felt deep within him to render his service to humanity regardless of color or race (Howard-Pitney 57). It is this positive attitude of encouragement that created an atmosphere in which even the Caucasians seemed to like his ideas. This is the un derlying belief that shaped not only his life but his philosophy as well. King’s non-violent movement soon won the hearts of many people both black and white. Many people loved listening to his eloquence, a desire that compelled them to follow him wherever he was addressing the people. In the process of listening to him, many come to appreciate his ideas. This explains the reason why King was more effective than his contemporary Malcolm. On many occasions as King traversed America selling his bid of peace, respect of all, and the desire to obtain equality among blacks and whites, he was heard to encourage especially the youths to embark on handiwork, to do anything that did not compromise their moral principles as they engaged themselves in a mature leadership. Consequently, King changed the minds of numerous individuals by encouraging them to work hard so as to alleviate their lives. Thus, it is believed that African Americans are so hard-working till the present day because King instilled in them the culture of handiwork. He wanted them to know, that by hard work they would win respect from the whites. Similarly, the philosophy of Malcolm finds its shape from the melancholies encountered during his childhood. The experiences coined by the burning of their only home, an incident that led to the death of his father, the trauma caused by seeing his mother go throw a mental breakdown left him in a state of desolation, hatred, and vengeance.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Why the philosophy of King is more effective in fighting racism than Malcolm’s? specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This is the tread that his philosophy followed. Malcolm hated the whites to an extent that he called them devils (Howard-Pitney 55). Malcolm was propelled by bitterness to fight for freedom by use of violence. His philosophy was based on the belief that it is only by self-defense against the whiteâ €™s oppression together with the separation of the two races that was going to liberate the blacks. His revolutionary speeches provoked rivalry between the blacks and whites. To realize how bitter Malcolm was, one can think over his saying: â€Å"White America must now pay for her sins†¦ White America is doomed†(Howard-Pitney 102). This portrays Malcolm as a man already prepared to take responsibility for the outcome of his actions, even if this meant shedding his own blood as long as he fought for the rights of the African Americans. However, when Malcolm broke his relationship with the Islamic movement after the visit to Mecca, his philosophy changed and he began to advocate unity among both races. He began to mend his former reputation in which he had called for violence, hatred, and ravage. He encourages the blacks to have self-respect and be proud of their heritage. After a critical analysis of the two great activists’ philosophies, we are now in a posit ion to establish who had more effective ideas. This also enables us to judge the sincerity of their motives as well as the source of zeal and strong will that is found in both. As presented above, Malcolm is portrayed as a man who has faced a lot of difficulties in life. His childhood predicaments clearly give directions of his future activities and thoughts. Malcolm’s bitterness and desire for revenge can be clearly viewed in his revolutionary speeches. Therefore, we can say that his motives were not purely to liberate blacks but a desire to revenge as well. King, on the other hand, is a calm person who has nothing to revenge for but a desire to go against anger and share love to all human beings since they shared the same nature. He believed that nothing good could be achieved by revolt characterized by violence and hatred between the two races, but instead by mutual respect and love. His approach is partially welcomed by both races although some Caucasians considered him a s an enemy. Works Cited Howard-Pitney, David. Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, and the Civil Rights Struggle of the 1950s and 1960s: A Brief History with Documents, Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2004. Print.Advertising Looking for essay on philosophy? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This essay on Why the philosophy of King is more effective in fighting racism than Malcolm’s? was written and submitted by user Ezequiel Colon to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Sex Education in Public Schools Essay Example
Sex Education in Public Schools Essay Example Sex Education in Public Schools Essay Sex Education in Public Schools Essay Essay Topic: The Second Sex Today, formal courses and discussions on sex education are offered in the public school system all over the United States both on the elementary and secondary level.Recent school programs are adopted the principle that complete information about sex, suitable to the developmental level of children and youth, is desirable. The underlying premise is that sex is normal, natural phase of life and that an objective knowledge in this field by youth should be regarded as making for a potentially good adjustment.The programs call for an unemotional, objective yet moral approach to sex education, which should continue into adult life. The emphasis is on the development of wholesome attitudes and personal adjustment. (Menachem, 1986, p, 140)While sex education is deemed necessary there are many who still question whether it belongs to the elementary schools. The schools and the agencies view sex education as a program to help boys and girls achieve a happy, healthy sex attitude and a norma l, stable family life. The religious and spiritual dimension of sex, however does not find a place in to such a program, since public schools and secular organizations seem to reflect mostly the new morality that is in fashion in contemporary society.Public School is nearly a universal experience as exists in our society. While supplementary means may be necessary to reach some teens, the vast majority are reachable in the school setting. Second, public schools provides an opportunity for the early introduction and timely and continuous reinforcement of age- appropriate sex education material as it becomes relevant at succeeding developmental stages. Although the public schools are beleaguered, sex-related preventive education is viewed as so necessary and the schools are so potentially good a vehicle as to justify further claims on a system with already strained resources. Other settings for intervention ranging from infusing soap operas and teen music and magazines with preventive messages, to use of the existing public health network to diffuse relevant information, may supplement basic reliance on continuous public school sex education.( Edwards, 1990,p,91)Sex education in Canadian society is addressed within the formal educational system. The content and the role of the education system, as it pertains to issues of sexuality, is a matter of debate with in the Canadian Muslim Community. Ways, in which sex education should be approached and discussed, especially with respect to Muslim women, is a point of particular contention in Canada.Public Schools across Canada include sex education as part of their curriculum. Sex education courses are age specific and incorporate biological, moral and emotional dimensions. Boys and girls are taught the same material, including description of male and female anatomy; mental emotional and social aspects of pubescent change; the risks of unprotected sex; methods of contraception; varying conceptions of sexual orienta tion ( heterosexuality, homosexuality, bisexuality, trans-sexuality); and social attitudes toward sexuality, such as gender discrimination. Canadian public schools, although sensitive to the religious considerations of various traditions, limit discussions relating to religion and impart the same material to all students.While public schools provide sex education most Islamic schools in Canada, both weekend and full-time do not. As yet there are no standardized courses or materials available on sex education for Muslim in Canada. Some members of the Canadian Muslim Community fear that sex education will encourage sexual experimentation amongst Muslim youth. Recently, however, Canadian Muslims have began to recognize that educating youth in matters related to sexuality is not the same as allowing sexual activity.( Afsanh suad, 2007,p, 408)Canadian Muslim children are continuously exposed to media laden with sexual overtones, which many believe compromise their childrens Islamic valu es. The widespread perception regarding sexuality within the Muslim community maintains that sexual education is necessary to dispel messages communicated by the mass media. In this regard, sex education taught in public schools is considered insufficient, as it does not project Islamic perceptions of sexuality. From the Canadian Muslim perspective, matters concerning sex utility should be taught within the parameters of Islam.Unfortunately, comprehensive sexuality education in the school is not a wide-spread phenomenon. U.S. society tends to devote much time and energy to coping with unwanted pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, and related problems once they have occurred, but very little to helping people prevent them in the first place. Some experts believe that only a minority of young people in the United States receive adequate sex education in public schools. Most are exposed to scattered presentations on basic reproductive facts- the plumbing, so to speak, of human sex uality. Since only a small number of parents educate their children about sex, the result is many sexually vulnerable citizens. (Jeffrey, 1986, p, 383)It is hard to understand why Americans fallen so short in this area since for years surveys have indicated that most Americans favor sex education in the public schools. Perhaps it is because there is so much disagreement about the content of sexuality education, how and by whom it should be taught, and whose values should be conveyed.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Sentence Transformation Exercises for ESL Students
Sentence Transformation Exercises for ESL Students Sentence transformation exercises are a great way to expand your English language skills. The ability to rewrite sentences so that they have the same meaning as the original is often required for ESL and EFL exams such as Cambridges First Certificate, CAE, and Proficiency. Knowing how to rewrite sentences effectively also will help you prepare for the TOEFL examination (Test of English as a Foreign Language). Transforming Sentences The beauty of the English language lies in sentence construction. By choosing your words carefully, you can write two different sentences that mean the same thing. Consider these two sentences: Ive lived here since 2002. I moved here in 2002. The subject (I) is the same in each sentence, while the verbs (lived, moved) are different. But they both express the same idea. Test Yourself Ready to put your skills to the test? Rewrite the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. Use no more than five words. See answer key at the bottom of the page. This will be my students first performance in Canada.This will be the first time ____________ This course will take us six months to complete.In six months time ____________ There will be someone to meet you on arrival.When ____________ The number of people who understand his ideas exceed his expectations.More people ____________ The money didnt arrive for a month.It was ____________ The last time I saw him was in 2001.I havent ____________ Shell have to make her presentation at the end of his speech.The moment he ____________ Sharon will finish her exams. Then she will have more free time.Once ____________ Quite a few DVDs are missing from the shelves.Several people ____________ Peter wasnt always so moody.Peter didnt ____________ Quiz Answers This will be my students first performance in Canada.This will be the first time my student has performed in Canada. This course will take us six months to complete.In six months time, we will have completed this course. There will be someone to meet you on arrival.​When you arrive someone will be there. The number of people who understand his ideas exceeds his expectations.More people understand him than he expects. The money didnt arrive for a month.It was a month before the money arrived. The last time I saw him was in 2001.I havent seen him since 2001. Shell have to make her presentation at the end of his speech.The moment he finishes shell have to make her presentation. Sharon will finish her exams. Then she will have more free time.Once Sharon has finished her exams she will have more free time. Quite a few DVDs are missing from the shelves.Several people have not returned (their) DVDs. Peter wasnt always so moody.Peter didnt use to be so moody.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The Role of Emotionfocused Theory in Functional Assessment Essay
The Role of Emotionfocused Theory in Functional Assessment - Essay Example Johnson credits Fritz Perls with the experiential gestalt concept that is critical to EFT (Greenberg & Johnson, 2005; Johnson, 2003). In the experiential approaches, the goal of therapy is . . . to increase awareness of emotional experience so that it is available as orienting information in dealing with the environment, and to help clients become aware of and responsive to the action tendencies toward which feelings prompt them (Greenberg, 2006, p. 501). EFT involves the therapist's creative involvement with the clients in a manner in which the therapist moves the clients into a structure of therapy that progresses beyond simple construction. That is, although EFT initially very much outlines conflict struggles in the clients with simple terms and concepts to invite client acceptance of the problems, as therapy moves onward, painting pictures becomes more of the art of therapy (Johnson, 2003). Experiential theory incorporates the complete being of the client in the present here-and-now focus. Johnson observed that it is the exception rather than the rule to delve into deep unconscious experience or repressed memories, as there is plenty of substantial information right in front of the therapist's eyes (Johnson, 2003). The substance of EFT is the client, including what and how the client experienced communication in the client's senses, body, and expressions (Perls, 1969). The verbal communication is secondary to the therapist: Words can lie, but expression does not. EFT and Humanistic Theory After the first movement of psychodynamic psychology and the second movement of behaviorism, the third movement of humanistic psychology (later, Humanistic Existential) emphasizes in the client a potential capability toward "self-directed growth" (Corey, 2001, p. 205). . The therapist's belief that the client has both strength and desire to fulfil potentialities positively affects the client's progress: "Individuals have within themselves vast resources for self-understanding and for altering their self concepts, basic attitudes, and self-directed behavior; these resources can be tapped if a definable climate of facilitative psychological attitudes can be provided" (Rogers, 2001, p. 115). Thus, EFT adopts a therapeutic act of honoring the client as a unique human being (Greenberg & Johnson, 2005; Johnson, 2003). This empathic interaction increases a client's congruence, a term Rogers used to describe the incorporation of self and experiences as they become more similar, unitary, and true. EFT and Existential Theory Existential theory concerns itself with core structures of the self, including meaning, being, crisis, anxiety, freedom, responsibility, guilt, and death. While Johnson summarized the "I-thou" relationship, an existential concept from Martin Buber (Greenberg & Johnson, 2005; Johnson, 2003), she presented presumptuously existential concepts within the EFT theoretical framework. Studying the client from a phenomenological perspective embraces the assumption that the client is the expert in his or her world. The job of the client is to assist the therapist to enter that client's experiential world. As such, this position of the client enhances the qualities necessary for the therapist to be as accepting, nonjudgmental, and genuine as
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Thailand's Economic Development and Growth Research Paper
Thailand's Economic Development and Growth - Research Paper Example The research strategy is mainly deductive in nature. The findings from this paper suggest that Thailand has experienced a steady surge in the GDP over the years. There has been positive impact of this growth on the social factors like, level of literacy, conditions of Health and finally, the impact on poverty of the nation. This work has identified two areas of shortcomings for Thailand to improve: it has to focus on the quality of secondary education and reduce the inequality of income between the rich and the poor. Thailand has been a success story and the policies followed by it have been taken as a lesson for other developing economies to follow. Thailand’s incredible growth has put it in the league of the other Asian tigers. This work has found out that the regional pockets of poverty in Thailand needs serious attention from the Government. The government must follow inclusive growth policies to include the poorest of the poor into the formal structure of the labor market in order to reduce the income inequality. Introduction The economic progress witnessed by Thailand is perhaps one of the most interesting economic development literatures that continue to interest economists all over the world. Such in fact has been the pace of growth of Thailand’s economy, that in a recent study by the World Bank, Thailand has been upgraded to the status of a high middle-income economy from a low middle-income one in 2011 (The World Bank, 2013). So, the pertinent question revolves around the wide economic changes during the period of 1980’s to 2000 that had led the economy to achieve the status that it had achieved today. It was observed that during the specified time period, Thailand had experienced an increasing trend of capital inflows by opening up its economy and integrating it with the world economy (Beja, Junvith and Ragusett, n.d.). About two decades ago, Thailand experienced a growth that had become exemplary worldwide and since then, its su ccess story acts as a benchmark for the other economies to follow. However, right at the end of the millennium, the noteworthy rise came to a grinding halt due to the unfavorable conditions of the world economy, better known as the Asian crisis. This paper aims to understand the factors which were responsible for such high rates of growth in Thailand. For the research purpose, the period from 1980’s to 2000 has been considered. The main objective is to evaluate the growth of the economy along with studying the growth of population, in this period. Then, the impact of growth on the level of literacy and conditions of health will be analyzed in details. An inductive methodology is used for the purpose. Based on the findings, the results are drawn accordingly. The paper mainly tries to understand the reasons behind the economic growth admitting the fact that there was indeed a huge growth (Chuenchoksan and Nakornthab, 2008). The most astonishing aspect, inspite of the definite i ncome growth, is the spectacular levels of income inequality.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Perception of the African American Males Essay Example for Free
Perception of the African American Males Essay
Thursday, November 14, 2019
black and white :: essays research papers
Change as changing times and techology................. People often use these terms without realizing that word CHANGE has neither a denotation nor a connotation of advancement,improvement or progress; a change can take place at any direction: forward, backward, up and downward! In common, plain English, speaker is required to specify the condition and direction of Change as the expressions are used to define the changing subject matter as in: "change for the better" "change for the worse" Those who promote and seek change in society, by their misuse of the word CHANGE, mostly will misrepresent their agenda or program for change in existing conditions and stations of their community. Beware when you hear the talk of changing societty I am going to write this paper through the eyes of someone else, who had a impact on my life. As it made me realize the number of different ways people are being taught about a specific issue. It was at the beginning of my freshmen semester, I went into a classroom without the intentions of it having any impact of my life. What I did not know was that this course held not only a vision for the future but also answers to my past. Growing up, I was influenced by a society that was inhabited almost entirely by blacks. For that reason only, I have been completely aware of any bias or unfair treatment to minorities. Because of this upbringing, I found many incidences discussed in this one class I was in quite believable. However, my views on our society and the educational system have been broadened which leads me to believe that the teachers of the future now have the key to a fair, unbias education for each student that enters the school. As she seen me in class, and I seen the curiousty in those blue eyes, I knew it was only time before we were going to examine the differences in our lives as well as our values, As time went on we learned that we shared some of the same hurdles growing up. The death of a sibling as well as the experience at multiple schools as "the new student" are just a few of the ways in me and her that were quite similar. As many people know, dealing with issues like this can be quite hazardous to how a young child develops into a functioning adult. She would say to me, the course discussions and lectures that I experienced had a dynamic impact on my personal beliefs and values.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Capstone 9 Hsm260
Capstone 9 Usha Dillard April 17, 2013 HSM/260 Wanda Rainey-Reed I think it is very important especially if you want to improve the services that are being provided to the clients, no organization wants to have a loss, and every organization wants to have growth, especially when it deals with health sector. So having a proper financial management for the human service organization would give it an edge over other organization in Quality of Service and Net growth per year.Which I think that many HR people are not financially aware and this impacts their decisions, but by then having this knowledge it will give them a competitive advantage. Also as well rounded look at the finance’s which effect developing their personal awareness to operational issues and marketing issues. The knowledge of financial management is essential as the human service professional strives to create a tenable and largely acceptable model that serves the collective benefits of a group or a community that they are trying to reach.Each professional in the organization should have a grasp on budgetary allocations of different facets of societal work like social welfare policy analysis, human services management, community organization, health services etc. The human service professional must know if the funds allocated are judiciously spent on all the wings of the welfare activity. For this the human service professional should work in tandem with the policy makers to see the program is adequately funded and help them devise the plans and explain them the situation at grass root levels.The professional should also ensure that cost-cutting measures are implemented wherever applicable and identify areas that are either surplus/scarcely funded areas and intimate the same to program’s The human service professional decent knowledge in financial management helps them to be a better team player and helps chalk out a chart for better promotion of social welfare activities in their com munities.Example’s why needed: 1. The complexity of client problems appears to be growing, as are expectations that agencies will be accessible, accountable, and better able to document outcomes. 2. Funding limits constrain agency efforts to offer competitive salaries and to fully fund training programs for all staff and board members.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
“Malgudi Days†by R.K. Narayan Essay
In Malgudi Days, although R.K. Narayan seems to present us with a bleak portrayal of India where life is very hard and there is very little human happiness, he means to reflect the triumph of the human spirit over the cruel circumstances of life. In India, poverty and the lack of education are prejudiced against and people are discriminated against because they are poor. In ‘A Willing Slave’, Ayah is discriminated against and treated badly merely because she is an uneducated servant. When she comes back late for the first time after her visit home, her employers imagine the worst, thinking ‘she has perhaps been run over by a car and killed’, ‘she must have taken it in her head to give herself a holiday. No one is indispensable. I will dismiss her for this.’ Although Ayah has contributed much to the family, no one but Radha appreciates it. The same goes for Sidda in ‘Leela’s Friend’, who is immediately assumed to be a thief si mply because he was an ex-convict. However, the characters are not totally unhappy. Both Ayah and Sidda have a close, loving relationship with their charges, Radha and Leela, who seem to cling on to them more than they do to their parents. The children are free from prejudice and appreciate the true value of their servants. It is also untrue that the vicious cycle of poverty condemns a person to a life of unhappiness. In the story ‘The Martyr’s Corner’, the lack of education does not mean a poor and unhappy life for Rama, who was said to be ‘earning more money than graduates’. At times, external circumstances overturn previously happy lives and characters are not in control of their destiny. In ‘The Axe’, the appearance of the developers literally tear down Velan’s happy existence and forces him to leave the house. In ‘The Martyr’s Corner’, Rama is forced to become a waiter when his life starts on a downward spiral after his ‘old spotâ€⠄¢ was taken up by a statue of a dead political leader. Yet, while the characters are not in control of external factors, they still have control over their inner lives. Rama lives with and adapts to his new environment and still retains his usual, placid manner. People also seem to be manipulated and exploited by other people. In ‘Selvi’, Mohan uses Selvi as an emotionless mannequin, even to the point where he gives her a ‘script’ to follow, all for money and his personal fame. However, Selvi’s emotional and spiritual self does not seem to be affected. She was ‘rapt in some secret melody or world of her own’ and even though Mohan controls her body, he is unable to control her mind. She also eventually rebels and goes back to live in her old home. In ‘A Willing Slave’, Ayah seems to have been exploited by her employers. Her ‘self-imposed tasks’ go unappreciated and even when her husband takes her away, he feels ‘proud of his slave’. However, Ayah seems spiritually happy at being used, she seems to need feeling needed and is as happy serving others as they are exploiting her. It is her happiness that matters in the end. There seems to be little human happiness presented in Malgudi Days. Love causes hurt and pain, people are torn apart by conflicting circumstances. Mixed blessings give cause for lament when people cannot enjoy their rewards. In ‘Forty-Five A Month’, Venkat Rao cannot spend more time with his family as he seems to have been purchased outright for forty-five rupees. However, as we look behind his reasons for slaving at his job, we find that he swallows insults at work so that his family can swallow food. His love for his daughter is great and it gives rise to his motivation at work. In ‘A Shadow’, Sambu misses his father immensely as he loves him a lot. However, the very existence of Love is a great triumph for the human spirit. Therefore, though there may be hardship and s uffering, in the end we see that the human spirit has the ultimate victory.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Principal vs. Principle
Principal vs. Principle Principal vs. Principle Principal vs. Principle By Mark Nichol What’s the difference between principal and principle? The principle is of principal importance. Here’s the background for these close cousins, as well as related terms. Principal derives by way of French from the Latin term principalis, meaning â€Å"first in importance.†In English, it initially referred to a ruler, but the word also came to be associated with an amount of money on which interest is paid, because that sum is first in terms of priority and the interest (one hopes) is a relative small amount. Only about two hundred years ago did principal come to be associated with education; the principal, or first, teacher was often also head of the school, and â€Å"principal teacher†was simplified to principal. The word is still often used as an adjective, as in â€Å"principal violinist†or â€Å"principal consideration.†Principle, by contrast, though it was originally merely a spelling variant, came to mean â€Å"proposition or truth,†and later â€Å"law of nature†and â€Å"rule of conduct.†And, unlike principal, it does not serve as an adjective except in the form of principled. Prince and princess, and such derivatives as principality (princehood, or the country ruled by a prince), like principal and principle, ultimately stem from the Latin word princeps, meaning â€Å"first.†That’s why, although prince and princess usually refer to children of a monarch, prince itself is sometimes associated with someone primarily designated as a king (though no parallel relationship between queen and princess exists.) Princeps itself comes from primus, from which English has developed the words prime, primer (pronounced with a long i when referring to an explosive cap and as PRIM-er when referring to a schoolbook), primary, and primate. â€Å"Prima donna,†Italian for â€Å"first lady,†originally referred to the principal female singer in an opera; because of the association of such personages with outsized egos, the term was borrowed as a synonym for an arrogant, demanding person of either gender. (Its synonym, diva, is also Italian and means â€Å"goddess†; that word is related to divine.) Premier and premiere are related to principal and principle as well; they started out as adjectives meaning â€Å"first.†â€Å"Premier minister,†an alternative to â€Å"prime minister,†was shortened to premier to refer to the chief executive of a nation, and â€Å"premiere presentation†was truncated to premiere to denote a first performance. â€Å"The principal is your pal†is a venerable mnemonic that reminds us which spelling to use to refer to a person, but remember that, as mentioned above, principal can also refer to things such as funds. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:When to Use â€Å"That,†â€Å"Which,†and â€Å"Who†Best Websites to Learn EnglishEnglish Grammar 101: Sentences, Clauses and Phrases
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Good Essay Topics
Good Essay Topics Good Essay Topics Good Essay Topics Any essay written on persuasive essay topics must have an introduction, main body and conclusion. You may write what you want from any perspective, however, the essential parts for the argumentative essay topics are the same! Introduction should focus on the relevance of essay topic or explanation of the scientific interest to the issue, describing the problems that should be considered for the full disclosure of the essay topic. The main text of college essay writing is, in fact, the detailed disclosure of the topic. You may use recent data, examples, and facts to support the thoughts of essay writer. Conclusion answers the questions presented in the Introduction, including findings and perhaps recommendations of college essay writer. Essay Writing Tips While writing an essay, you may take into account the following examples of the topic 'The influence of the computer games on the forming psychological dependence of the man' . Essay introduction: With the appearance of computers appeared computer games that at once also have found a lot of fans. With improvements of computers, the games were developing as well, attracting more and more people. So far computer technology has reached a level of development that enables software programmers to create very realistic games with a good image, and sound processing. With each leap in the field of Computer Technology increases the number of people, popularly known as computer fans or gamers' Essay conclusion: So, mankind is immersing in computers and computer networks, with each day more and more people (particularly children) are psychologically dependent on computer games. Every day they come to the computer and receive dose - those 20 minutes, may be an hour or more... This is a problem. We can only suggest to what it might lead the mankind in its further development. We should think about it since today. Miscellaneous scientific disciplines must come together to study this area, and Psychology should be at the head of these works - the works on the exploration psychological aspects of human interaction with computers. Writing the main body on such an essay topic you must explain why the computer games are really so dangerous, to what sequences they may lead, what the probable solution to this problem and the most important what you think about this essay issue. Are you agree or disagree with the essay topic? Why? May be you also computer fan? provides you with an opportunity to order professional custom essay writing services. We are able to write good essays on any topic and of any complexity. Moreover, we are never late with delivery!
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Chinua Achebe's Things fall apart Research Paper
Chinua Achebe's Things fall apart - Research Paper Example Culture may mean a set of shared paradigms that reflect the values, attitudes and beliefs of a person, together with the tools and artifacts that make life possible for a unit of individuals. Future generations inherit the norms and beliefs, leading to further acquisition of culture. Culture usually consists of values and norms that guide the behavior of those who share in it, thereby, it is synonymous to tradition. Cultural differences are as a result of many factors, but most importantly, geographical locations. It is also common to find a minor culture within a major one, that is to say, cultures and sub cultures. For example, many people would be aware of the African culture that emphasizes unity and brotherliness. However, within the African culture, there are subcultures defined by the location of each country. Even further, there are subcultures within a country. In reference to the definition of a culture, it is clear that a culture is present everywhere; within a society, an organization, a family or among friends. However, this paper will emphasize on societal culture with emphasis on conflicts caused by culture and its aspects such as sexuality, culture change and language. The paper gives reference to Things fall apart, a book by Chinua Achebe. Chinua Achebe narrates the consequences and struggles that accompany cultural change, and how it affects the people of a rural village, Umuofia. Before the arrival of missionaries, the people in Umuofia village had a patterned culture, which defined their traditions. They worshiped gods, offered sacrifices and lived communally. Additionally, leadership and war determined a man’s worth to the society. Achebe uses Okonkwo as an example of what the village expects of a man (Achebe 35). Achebe develops conflict in the eyes of a clash between change and culture. The arrival of missionaries threatens the stability of this culture, bringing with it unexpected change. Whenever there is an anticipated change in culture and tradition, conflict usually arises. Conflict refers to a state of competition between groups or people with goals that are incompatible, struggle for power, or struggle for scarce resources. Conflict is an essential aspect of human relationships, and so people always devise appropriate ways to resolve conflicts whenever they occur. For the people of Umuofia, villager elders resolved conflicts between people or groups within the village. People conceive conflicts differently, and this determines the ways they devise to deal with conflicts. Some people conceive conflict as a result of a struggle for resources necessary for people to reach their goals. Others perceive it differently, with no connection to material acquisition. They see it as a result of divergent perceptions about issues, situations or beliefs. These conceptions reflect the complexity of social behavior and perceptions. Understanding conflicts requires insight that most conflicts include mixed motives that include cooperation and competition. One must also understand that the parties conflicting believe that their respective divergent goals are responsible for the conflicts. This is important because the people involved will ultimately act on their perceptions and beliefs. The conception that conflict is as a result of the struggle for scarce resources is referred to as â€Å"realismâ€
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Do journalists have an ethical responsibility towards future audiences Essay
Do journalists have an ethical responsibility towards future audiences as producers of the first draft of history - Essay Example Ethics and journalism have always had an uneasy relationship, James Carey (1987) states that ethics were introduced as an attempt to control journalists, he is of the view that ethics reflect status and class conflict between the owners of the press, the readers and the reporters. Other theories surrounding the emergence of ethics in journalism state that it was an attempt to stop large corporations from giving freebies and junkets to journalists in return for a favourable piece in the press (Christi 1989). In the modern world, journalism ethics are fundamentally governed by the Human Rights; which includes the right to freedom of expression, the right to privacy and the right to information. Society’s expectations of the press and mass media also contribute towards deciding of journalistic ethics. Journalists and the mass media have influential power, which is inherent in their role as informers to the general public. It is their fundamental duty to provide complete informati on, and not distort the picture in any way; however it is easier said than done. Not only are journalists reporters; but they are also human beings, with an opinion. They have a particular view of circumstances,and do not always see the truth; therefore it is important that they carry out their task as objectively as possible and not involve their own opinion- for their opinion can distort the facts . As Wolfgang Donsbach (1992) points that ethical journalism consists of the efforts of finding out complete information, and present the facts in a neutral way. Journalists who state their opinion, and influence facts to back up their opinion are not only unprofessional, but also un-ethical. An opposing view is expressed by Malcom (1989) where he states every journalist... Do journalists have an ethical responsibility towards future audiences as producers of the first draft of history? Information is an increasingly important resource and journalists play a crucial role in producing and disseminating that information. Technology has made broadcasting information easier, which makes information more powerful, and therefore makes journalists the carriers of this power. Journalists have influential power on the public; their views can shape decisions and recollections of past events. Given the freedom of expression, journalists now have the power to hold the government accountable for their misgivings, they are able to raise questions on behalf of the public and subsequently force the government to correct their mistakes. They can make history, alter how we remember history and choose what not to include in history. Journalism, Ethics and Society In a democratic world, journalist have the responsibility of reporting corruption, abuse of power and any other item of information that the public has the right to know. They have a special political purpose to seek the trut h, and resist the pressure to convey distortions. Journalism is indeed a first draft of memory, as Zarecka (1994) states, thatthe elements of the past that are remembered are worth knowing about. Hence journalists must seek to solidify the pieces of information that are deemed to go down in history books, and to conceptualize them by depicting them through mass media.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Case Study - Writing a Management Consulting Letter to client Amanda
- Writing a Management Consulting Letter to client Amanda - Case Study Example Expansion should thus depend on social and economic factors such as consumer tastes and preferences. Through planning, Amanda and his workers can describe what they want to achieve and how they want to achieve it by providing a detailed description of how the objectives will be realized. Organizing human, physical and financial resources Amanda should develop and evaluate procedures that support the mission of the business and address specific needs. Failing to determine the best way to organize resources including personnel and resources may be a recipe for organizational failure. She should apply accepted management principles and practices that relate to personnel, financial and operational issues that directly affect the business. Having a well-written policy helps the business to address the procedures that support the needs of the business and its programs (Siobham, Morley & Forley, 2013). Human, physical, and financial resources are needed by this young firm in order to achiev e its vision and they should be strategically aligned in such a manner as to meet the organization's goals. She should realize that human, capital, and financial resources are transformational tools to an institution and enable it to achieve its functions. People who manage the business are an important component of its success and they should distinguish themselves with diligence, innovation, and dedication to the mission of the business (Robbins & DeCenzo, 2010; Shuck & Wollard, 2009). Each person should have his duty clearly defined and targets set within required timeframes to avoid laxity within the business. He should also share and develop the mission statement each time they are in a managerial meeting (Taylor, 2010). Perhaps the most difficult aspect of the organization is to handle the financial resources since there are several key components that need to be considered (Raja & Palanchamy, 2011). Leadership skills Leadership and management must go hand in hand since they a re linked together in business even though they are not the same (Perkins, 2008). Any effort by a business whether big or small to separate the two functions of a business is a recipe for failure and more problems for the business. As a manager, Amanda should plan, organize, and coordinate all the activities of the business and the same time acts as a leader by inspiring and motivating the employees of his small firm. Employees of today look at their manager as a leader and he should not assign trust but define for them a purpose in their jobs (Jackson, Meyer & Wang, 2012). She should organize workers to maximize efficiency and to nurture, develop talent and inspire results and this will ensure that the company remains effective and profitable with time (Wollard & Shuck, 2011). A leader should be in a position to provide feedback to the concerned people to avoid any mistake that is likely to occur in the course of management (Carter and Greer, 2013). Amanda should make his employees provide him with feedback concerning the nature of their duties and he should also provide them with feedback on how he manages the business. Management should clearly define goals of his team to ensure that they know what they are working to achieve and by what means and to enable them prioritize their workload. Recruitment process should be conducted in a slow but sure
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Advantages of Online Banking
Advantages of Online Banking Introduction In the recent years online banking has shot up where by making 21.5 million customers satisfied in using it easy, fast and most of all free services set up by banks in 2009 stated by the UK payments administration. All high tech banks offer the online banking system and most bank do not have branches only existing online. It is quite for a person to change to online banking, first the persons has to open an account with a bank or if they already have an account then just sign up for online banking with our current existing account. For security reasons the bank will provide we with a password which will enable us to activate our online banking system. These after they could log in any time they want. It is easy to open an online bank account and well worth the small amount of effort required. Even when some people are not that familiar with online applications, it is worth persisting through the process. The advantages of using online banking transactions include convenience, easier financial management, and time and cost savings. Even the environment benefits because vast quantities of paperwork doesnt need to be generated. Online banking transactions can simplify our life by reducing the stress of managing our bills and savings. They are easy to use and from the banks point of view, secure. We can have our pay deposited directly into our account and disburse it online. The old way of lining up in bank queues and keeping a track of paperwork is no longer necessary. All banks make it easier to manage our checking account by allowing our set up e-mail alerts so our can be notified when checks clear or when our balance slips below a certain level. There is also a detailed listing of our cancelled checks. Banks describe online banking as a powerful value added tool to attract and retain new customers while helping to eliminate costly paper handling, in an increasingly competitive banking environment. Nowdays, most large banks, many regional banks and even smaller banks and credit unions offer some form of online banking, variously known as PC banking, home banking, electronic banking or Internet banking. Advantages On Online Banking Online banking in this generation is becoming more and more common. Customers can do plenty of transaction just through Internet. Online banking also allows customers to keep track of record on our accounts. Customers can check on it in everywhere and anytime they want. Online banking makes their life easier and faster. Below are a few advantages of using online banking: 1. Pay Your Bills Online For the past 5 years back, bank allowing their customers to pay their bills online. By paying their bills online, customers are starting to eliminate the method by post. It is faster and users are allowed to know did their payment made or not. Customers will just have to register once and they are allowed to use it in everywhere. The banks may charge them a small amount of interest but it will be faster and immediately payment will be made. This will make their life much easier. 2. View Your Transactions Online banking does allow customers to view or check their history payment just in seconds. By now, they do not need to make phone calls to the bank and wait for the bank officer to check for our account. This also will be safer compare to make phone calls or send letters to check their payment. If any lost during the sending process by post, their password or ID will seen by strangers. 3. Transfer Money Between Accounts Online banking allows them to transfer money from one account to another account more quickly. Nowadays, many people are doing business and it may involve million millions of dollars. It will be safer if they can make transfer just from online banking. Online banking also can automated to the service centre that they are using example, phone bills, house loan, monthly purchasing newspaper and many others. 4. Download Banking Transactions If they are using ATM cards often this is a must to download their banking transactions to make sure the balances in their account are correct. This will make sure they are always on track with their account balances. They also do not have to worry about finding a place to keep all our receipts. 5. Protect Yourself Online Using online banking there are a few things that they have to take it serious. It is important that they have to protect their own informations. If they are downloading their account transaction from internet, they must remember to clear up the cookies. Passwords and user ID will seen by other people if they are not aware of this. It is very important to make sure they clear everything before they leave the website. Disadvantages Of Online Banking There are also disadvantages to online banking services. The biggest problem is that most people lack of trust, many people have doubts about the transaction, how can people believe a machine, many things can go wrong during the process. How many times have you performed transactions online and wondered whether you did the right thing? Of course, we can overcome the problem by printing the transaction receipt. This receipt will conform whether the transaction has gone through successfully. Online banking can be difficult to learn for a beginner and a site could take time to start up. Some sites ask for photo identification, which can be very inconvenient. Many people have poor eyesight. Most online banking sites provide tutorials for online banking. Some sites provide live online customer support to provide solutions for all the problems. The cases of online banking frauds are considerably low so we dont have to worry about the safety of our money. For some people, online banking is very convenient and useful, there is also people who afraid to handle the banking system. All these have been taken care of now, most banks have now started offering online banking services and a manual transaction could be done also. Maybank Online Banking Malayan Banking Berhad or Maybank is the biggest commercial bank in Malaysia. It holds many financial holders in Malaysia as well as internationally, including Indonesia and Singapore. It was founded by Tan Sri Khoo Teck Puat in 1960. Maybank has grown to the competitive advantage over the years and has more thank 300 branches in Malaysia alone. Few ages ago, the client of Maybank had to at all times go to the Maybank centre and wait for long queues to do their transaction. Nowadays, Maybank is reaching to the top and has become the first commercial bank in Malaysia to run its own on-line banking system. Maybank2u.com was created in early 2001. Not too long after that, many banking institution now has followed Maybanks step to on-line transaction. Maybank2u.com offers outstanding services to its clients, such as internet banking, on-line Islamic banking, as well as services for credit and charge cards holders, and many more. Of the entire services offer by Maybank2u busiest service is the on-line banking transaction. These consist of making payments and transferring funds by the internet. Maybank2u.com runs their own policy under the Maybank Berhad terms and regulations to make sure the security of their service is reliable to the clients. Although the security policy is not publicly stated, as it is confidential, the same security policy is being used in each and every Maybank branches in the world. This is to ensure the safety of the clients information and their satisfaction. It is clear that Maybank2u uses the Transaction Processing System (TPS) for their general information system. A Transaction Processing System (TPS) is a type of information system that helps to collect, modifies stores and retrieves collection of data transaction of an individual entity as well as an enterprise. E-business, e-commerce or other commercial businesses depend on the data reliability of their transaction processing system. This is to make sure that their client get what was asked for and payment are made on time. With Maybank2u, any kind of transaction can be made there and then. It is very time efficient especially for busy people. Transaction processing system involves the financial department. This is because most transaction occur within Maybank2u revolves around cash, credit, charges and account balances. Financial department are responsible on knowing what goes in and out of the bank and clients account. Transaction Processing System The transaction processing system offers features that could relieve enterprise transaction system to process data transactions faster in order to manage the whole enterprise data. There are particular characteristics to operate transaction processing system. A TPS is a very fast way to processing transaction virtually and is very reliable as it is designed with safeguards to manage disaster attack, so customers will not worry of data loss during a sudden disaster. It can easily be retrieved using the customers id and password at the particular service centre. Not only it is reliable, TPS is also standardized by the Transaction Processing Performance Council, meaning that the system will always process every transaction made by the user with the same way every time there is a transaction. This is to ensure the security of the system. Restricted access is implemented to TPS, so that it can only be used by the employees authorized by the system to avoid system errors. There are two types of transaction, which are batch time processing and real time processing. Batch time processing differs from real time processing because batch time processing only processes transactions once a month automatically and stores the resources later for future transaction. This is usually needed when processing credit card transaction. Meanwhile, real time processing is the kind that will update every transaction made immediately. This is important because when a withdrawal of money is being made, bank and customers account need to be updated immediately so that both parties can keep track of their funds. Therefore, both types of transaction are being applied by Maybank2u to serve the public in giving what they need. Another TPS characteristic is its durability which means that when the transaction is successful, no further changes can be made. However, in any case of failure of the system, a log will be created to store all the transaction that has been completed. Th ese common characteristic of a Transaction Processing System will make sure that the system is run systematically and standardized. Security System Nevertheless, security is a major priority to every big enterprises, especially successful commercial banking. There is a lot of security issues involved especially with dealing with on-line transaction such as purchasing items or paying for services on-line. One of the main security threats of internet banking is identity fraud. Identity fraud is not a new threat, as it has been mentioned most of the time. But, there are still people who refuse to follow rules made out to avoid this type of threat. Some retailers and stores are lacking the awareness of identity fraud. Most cases of identity fraud are having their pin code or password duplicated. Purchases by credit and charges card are made by other people but not by the genuine owner or the account. This kind of behaviour can happen anywhere at any time, especially when shopping on-line, purchasing airline and movie tickets. Maybank2u is ready for this kind of situation. For example, before processing a payment, it is shown above to the users on how to find the billing account number, so that the client will not accidentally input the wrong account number. To avoid identity thief or any other kind of identity mischief, Maybank2u requires a Transaction Authorisation Code (TAC) to undergo the payment process .Therefore, in each and every transaction made by the user, a TAC will be sent to the clients cell phone number, and once received it should be input within 2 hours into the TAC box before completing the process. The Transaction Authorisation Code will automatically expire every 2 hours to avoid any security breach to the account. When the transaction is processed is successful, it will be automatically saved into the Maybank2u.com transaction history for future user reference. Its payment receipt can also be printed for keeps. Maybank has introduced this system to be used in all Maybank centres worldwide. Maybank2u.com requires only easy set up in creating a maybank2u.com account. User can log in using their existing Maybank account. However, user needs to create an on-line password and user name to access their existing bank account. By logging into the system, meaning that the user of the account is aware of the terms and condition applied by Maybank2u.com, and is aware that the site is secure as shown on the top right of the website. Once logged in, user can access everything regarding of their account information, such as account balance, transaction history, Maybank debit transactions and banking statements. The most interesting thing about Maybank2u is that the client can access their account from home, office or anywhere with an internet connection, without worrying about the hustle of waiting especially on busy hours. Best part is, the site offers billing payment services to all main general services. Almost 300 major payees are now available including Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor (SYABAS), Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB), Telekom Malaysia Berhad, MAXIS and ASTRO. It is wise to say Maybank has chosen a great transaction processing system in order to fulfill all its clients need just by one click a way. Instructions On How To Use Maybank2u Step 1. For Maybank customers, simply just create a Maybank2u username and password at the nearest ATM machine. For Non Maybank customers, the first step is to open up a Maybank bank account at the nearest Maybank service centre before creating the Maybank2u username and password. Step 2. Go to www.maybank2u.com Step 3 At the top right hand side of the website, theres an access to the login page. Click the login icon and it will direct the user to the login page. Log in as a first time user using the username and password created from Maybank ATM machine. Step 4. Once logged in, customers can access the entire account. The customer can now process their transactions by following the instructions. However, for customers that log in using public or shared computers, dare to be reminded to log out properly to avoid another mischief of identity fraud. Maybank2u also add a logout summary to guide users of Maybank2u on how to safely logout from the site Conclusion Looking at the research done we can come to a conclusion that online banking has make everyones lives easy and convenient and mostly saving a lot of their time when it comes to banking. There are a few false in online banking but there are more advantages of using online banking. In todays world technology has improved vastly and many banks have taken the upper hand on it and made banking not only banking paying bills, doing transactions, checking account balances and even online shopping easy for their customers convenience.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Ian Burumas Behind the Mask :: Ian Buruma Behind the Mask
Ian Buruma's Behind the Mask Ian Buruma was born in the Netherlands in 1951. He went to school in both Holland and Japan, and he has spent a great deal of time in Japan. Ian Buruma is an author, journalist and a professor at Bard College in New York. He sometimes writes for the New York Review of Books, the New York Times Magazine, the New Republic, the New Yorker, and the Guardian. The book, Behind the Mask, was a very interesting one. This book is filled with lots of Japans history that most people know nothing about. Much of the content in Behind the Mask is focused on sexuality and violence. The book has thirteen chapters each dealing with a different topic. It starts out with a kind of mythology about the origins of Japan. It is then followed by chapters on mothers in Japan and marriage. Some of the other topics focus on women, geisha, and yakuza. Behind the Mask is a great book explaining a great deal of the sexuality related to the culture and religion of Japan. To the Japanese, sex is a part of nature; it is not considered a sin. The worst thing that can happen to an individual in Japan is to be socially shamed or dishonored. The Japanese do believe in a sort of â€Å"pollution†though. They fear being unclean, death, and blood, among other things. Purification is a big deal in Japan. Ian Buruma, the author, not only explains in great detail much of the history and practices of the Japanese, but he also writes much about significant people and places dealing with the topic. There were many significant people who contributed a great deal to the practices in Japan. He also describes many of the important places where certain events occurred. He explains what the kabuki theaters looked like and also the famous strip clubs. The Washington Post Book World writes, â€Å"A fascinating exploration of Japanese culture: the fantasy life of the Japanese. It fishes its insights from the rich and muddy river of popular culture that the Foreign Ministry has always tried to screen from foreign view. Through skillfully chosen subjects – sex, gender, the mother – we find a comprehensible (if sometimes surprising) fantasy persona behind the inscrutable mask†¦fascinating, imaginative, highly polished, entertaining.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Respect for Tradition
Respect for tradition Cultural differences In order to respect the tradition of India, Union Carbide should have done an investigation of Indian cultural values (Robertson and Fadil, 1998). It is possible that firms even within the same industry develop different values and traditions and the analysis of cultural differences permit to decrease the number of misunderstanding (Donaldson, 1989). One of the most important traits of Indian culture is the fatalism. The Indian population is very spiritual with the notions of karma, fate or destiny. According to them, everything happen for a reason and this way of thinking is significant in decision making in their personal life or within an organisation (Elder, 1966). Fatalism has an impact on two Hofstede’s dimensions. Power distance is defined as a degree of inequality among people of the community (Thomas, 2008). Hofstede (2009) found that India is a country with a high power distance which means that they accept unequal power and wealth. Indians think that people on the top were destined to be on the top so they accepted their decisions due to the fatalism philosophy. However, the power distance in United States is relatively low (Hofstede, 2009). Uncertainty avoidance represents the extent to which people are frustrated by unstructured and unpredictable situations (Thomas, 2008). India has low uncertainty avoidance (Hofstede, 2009). In fact, they prefer few rules as possible and less structures activities. In addition, they are not scared of the unknown and want to take risks. Fatalism emphasises the belief that people do not have the control of every situations (Elder, 1966). United States is also low in uncertainty avoidance (Hofstede, 2009). According to Hofstede research, both India and the U. S are masculine which means that the society accepts values like assertiveness, performance, success and competition (Thomas, 2008). Individualism/ collectivism is defined as the degree to which people in a country prefer to act as individuals rather than members of groups (Thomas, 2008). India tends to be collectivist while United States are highly individualistic (Hofstede, 2009). After analysing Hofstede cultural dimensions between India and U. S, it is worth noting that there exist differences between the two countries. Union Carbide would have examined the Indian cultural values before doing business in the country. This could have avoided the Bhopal’s disastrous. According to Donaldson, it is important for communities to self-define the aspect of their business morality and in this case, Union Carbide would have been aware and accepted it in order to respect the Indian tradition. This is called the moral free space. Usually, business communities develop ethical norms which represent a collective viewpoint concerning deals and the right behaviour to adopt when making them (Donaldson, 1999). The respect of tradition could be in contrast with core human values Donaldson considers that companies have to respect traditions of country where they work; nevertheless, sometimes these traditions could be in contrast with the core human values. As already mentioned, India is a country with high power distance. For example, in Bhopal, the municipal authorities were against the continued use of the Union Carbide India Limited (UCIL) plant at its original location (Shrivastava, 1987). The plant site was for commercial or light industrial use but not for hazardous industries. However, as UCIL was a powerful company in India, the central and state government authorities rejected the city’s objection and authorised the company to stay at its location (Bennett et al. 2005). Everybody accepted it and this decision was final. Even if the hierarchical system is accepted in India, Union Carbide could not have respected this tradition because it is in contradiction with the respect of individual’s basic rights. The government did not protect the individual’s rights because the plant was about two miles from the Bhopal railway station, local commercial activities and two slum colonies were located across the street from the Union Carbide plant (Shrivastava, 1987). So, in order to support and protect the Indian’s right, Union Carbide could not have respected this tradition. Uncertainty avoidance is relatively low in India and it is worth explaining its consequences on the Bhopal plant. The working environment of the plant tolerated negligence and a lack of safety consciousness among workers and managers (Shrivastava, 1987). This behaviour is not only in contrast with the respect of human dignity concept but also with the individual basic rights. In fact, the employees’ low morale jeopardised the population’s health and safety.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
River Restoration – Soft Engineering The River Cole, Oxford
The River Cole forms part of the border between the counties, Oxfordshire and Wiltshire. It is a tributary of the River Thames and joins it near Lechlade. Many mills have altered the river by straightening and polluting it. Much of its upper course has been built over due to urbanisation and so the exact location of the source is unknown. It also ?ows through National Trust land. The River Cole had become very polluted and needed restoration. Restoration is returning a river to its natural state after arti?cial alteration.The river needed restoration in order to change the water course, improve the water quality and manage the bank-side vegetation. In 1994, River Restoration Project was set up in order to show how contemporary restoration techniques could help damaged ecosystems thrive. The project was run by the RRP (River Restoration Project), the Environment Agency, English Nature, the National Trust, the Countryside Commission and the EU. Using the EU LIFE money, three demonst ration projects were set up, helping to restore over a 2km stretch of the River.The project was completed in 1996. In order to bring the river bed back in line with the ?oodplain, the river bed below Coleshill Bridge was raised. More gravel rif?es (fast ?owing midstream ridges) were introduced, as well as some small weirs (small barriers allowing pools to form behind them). Due to the redevelopment of the river bed, it ran at a higher level than a large stretch of the river. A new meandering channel was cut allowing the water to travel at the same height. Parts of the old river were kept and acts as backwaters.During high this provides shelter for ?sh, birds and insects, adding to the growing biodiversity of the river. The meanders also cause more regular ?ooding of the neighboring ?elds, creating water meadows and increasing agricultural productivity. The ancient course of the River Cole has been able to be recreated. This is due to the ?oodwaters, caused by meandering, restoring t he ?ood meadows along the western side of the Cole Mill. The Cole Mill is hoped to be put back into occasional operation by the RRP.However, the water levels in the stream ?owing near the mill must be raised in order for this to be possible. They plan to develop the River Leat (the feeder stream – the tributary that empties in to the River Cole) into a long lake. The plan for wet pasture and reed beds along the sides of the river will accompany this development. These will contribute in cleansing the streams that have been polluted by silt, fertiliser and treated sewage. The restoration has many bene?ts. It has allowed riverside organisms and wetland wildlife to thrive in the river and on the ?oodplain, playing a huge part in nature conservation.Fisheries now have an greater numbers of ?sh of different species. Due to installation of vegetation, there has been an increased interception of pollutants. Sediment has also been naturally settling on the ?oodplain and river bed. Th e restoration also acts as a ?ood defence. Due to the enlarged ?oodplain and the backwaters created by the old river, additional ?ood storage has been created. The restoration has also helped the attraction of recreational activities near the river. The natural landscape created by the restored river has received strong public support.Therefore, the River Restoration Project has been a success for the River Cole. This is thanks to the clear environmental bene?ts. Although the changes had to be paid for, there are economic bene?ts to the restoration. The surrounding landscape is now seen as a much more pleasant environment and so people are more likely to pay for recreational activities to do with the river. The social bene?ts are also clear. The cleaner waters of the river are both aesthetically and morally pleasing to general society. This leads to happier locals as their river is being taken care of.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Free Essays on Management Responsibilities
Good management is practiced in many forms and in a great diversity of business situations. There are basic principles of how to manage, but they would be applied differently in different situations. In an effective organization led by good managers, there is a clear set of strategic objectives I consider skill essential in an effective management such as: communication, motivation, teamwork and goals. There are many more concepts I have learned about management but I will focus on what areas I believe can relate to my needs in my organization. It is worthy to note that a successful organization have managers who have a great deal of flexibility in establishing a workable leadership style. Successful managers, in addition, realize that times, tasks, and circumstances change on a daily basis. Nothing could be easier than failing to communicate. For many years, managers think they can belittle their employees with the  ³I ¹m the boss, get to work ² attitude. It is different today in most places and more people are beginning to understand how important good communication really is. Communicating well is something every one of us does everyday in our lives. However, effective communication seems to be rare in adults. There are some basic concepts that can be implemented to have a successful communication. They are making communication a top priority, being open to other people, and creating a receptive environment for communication. First, I ¹ve learned that I must make time to communicate with my subordinates no matter how busy you might find yourself during the work day. Second, if you can show your colleagues that you are receptive to their ideas, they are more likely to be receptive to you and keep you honestly informed about the things I need to know. I ¹ve learned that a good organization has people caring about the future of the organization and that top managements care as much about their people. Finally, it ¹s a basic fact th... Free Essays on Management Responsibilities Free Essays on Management Responsibilities Good management is practiced in many forms and in a great diversity of business situations. There are basic principles of how to manage, but they would be applied differently in different situations. In an effective organization led by good managers, there is a clear set of strategic objectives I consider skill essential in an effective management such as: communication, motivation, teamwork and goals. There are many more concepts I have learned about management but I will focus on what areas I believe can relate to my needs in my organization. It is worthy to note that a successful organization have managers who have a great deal of flexibility in establishing a workable leadership style. Successful managers, in addition, realize that times, tasks, and circumstances change on a daily basis. Nothing could be easier than failing to communicate. For many years, managers think they can belittle their employees with the  ³I ¹m the boss, get to work ² attitude. It is different today in most places and more people are beginning to understand how important good communication really is. Communicating well is something every one of us does everyday in our lives. However, effective communication seems to be rare in adults. There are some basic concepts that can be implemented to have a successful communication. They are making communication a top priority, being open to other people, and creating a receptive environment for communication. First, I ¹ve learned that I must make time to communicate with my subordinates no matter how busy you might find yourself during the work day. Second, if you can show your colleagues that you are receptive to their ideas, they are more likely to be receptive to you and keep you honestly informed about the things I need to know. I ¹ve learned that a good organization has people caring about the future of the organization and that top managements care as much about their people. Finally, it ¹s a basic fact th...
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