Thursday, October 31, 2019
Do journalists have an ethical responsibility towards future audiences Essay
Do journalists have an ethical responsibility towards future audiences as producers of the first draft of history - Essay Example Ethics and journalism have always had an uneasy relationship, James Carey (1987) states that ethics were introduced as an attempt to control journalists, he is of the view that ethics reflect status and class conflict between the owners of the press, the readers and the reporters. Other theories surrounding the emergence of ethics in journalism state that it was an attempt to stop large corporations from giving freebies and junkets to journalists in return for a favourable piece in the press (Christi 1989). In the modern world, journalism ethics are fundamentally governed by the Human Rights; which includes the right to freedom of expression, the right to privacy and the right to information. Society’s expectations of the press and mass media also contribute towards deciding of journalistic ethics. Journalists and the mass media have influential power, which is inherent in their role as informers to the general public. It is their fundamental duty to provide complete informati on, and not distort the picture in any way; however it is easier said than done. Not only are journalists reporters; but they are also human beings, with an opinion. They have a particular view of circumstances,and do not always see the truth; therefore it is important that they carry out their task as objectively as possible and not involve their own opinion- for their opinion can distort the facts . As Wolfgang Donsbach (1992) points that ethical journalism consists of the efforts of finding out complete information, and present the facts in a neutral way. Journalists who state their opinion, and influence facts to back up their opinion are not only unprofessional, but also un-ethical. An opposing view is expressed by Malcom (1989) where he states every journalist... Do journalists have an ethical responsibility towards future audiences as producers of the first draft of history? Information is an increasingly important resource and journalists play a crucial role in producing and disseminating that information. Technology has made broadcasting information easier, which makes information more powerful, and therefore makes journalists the carriers of this power. Journalists have influential power on the public; their views can shape decisions and recollections of past events. Given the freedom of expression, journalists now have the power to hold the government accountable for their misgivings, they are able to raise questions on behalf of the public and subsequently force the government to correct their mistakes. They can make history, alter how we remember history and choose what not to include in history. Journalism, Ethics and Society In a democratic world, journalist have the responsibility of reporting corruption, abuse of power and any other item of information that the public has the right to know. They have a special political purpose to seek the trut h, and resist the pressure to convey distortions. Journalism is indeed a first draft of memory, as Zarecka (1994) states, thatthe elements of the past that are remembered are worth knowing about. Hence journalists must seek to solidify the pieces of information that are deemed to go down in history books, and to conceptualize them by depicting them through mass media.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Case Study - Writing a Management Consulting Letter to client Amanda
- Writing a Management Consulting Letter to client Amanda - Case Study Example Expansion should thus depend on social and economic factors such as consumer tastes and preferences. Through planning, Amanda and his workers can describe what they want to achieve and how they want to achieve it by providing a detailed description of how the objectives will be realized. Organizing human, physical and financial resources Amanda should develop and evaluate procedures that support the mission of the business and address specific needs. Failing to determine the best way to organize resources including personnel and resources may be a recipe for organizational failure. She should apply accepted management principles and practices that relate to personnel, financial and operational issues that directly affect the business. Having a well-written policy helps the business to address the procedures that support the needs of the business and its programs (Siobham, Morley & Forley, 2013). Human, physical, and financial resources are needed by this young firm in order to achiev e its vision and they should be strategically aligned in such a manner as to meet the organization's goals. She should realize that human, capital, and financial resources are transformational tools to an institution and enable it to achieve its functions. People who manage the business are an important component of its success and they should distinguish themselves with diligence, innovation, and dedication to the mission of the business (Robbins & DeCenzo, 2010; Shuck & Wollard, 2009). Each person should have his duty clearly defined and targets set within required timeframes to avoid laxity within the business. He should also share and develop the mission statement each time they are in a managerial meeting (Taylor, 2010). Perhaps the most difficult aspect of the organization is to handle the financial resources since there are several key components that need to be considered (Raja & Palanchamy, 2011). Leadership skills Leadership and management must go hand in hand since they a re linked together in business even though they are not the same (Perkins, 2008). Any effort by a business whether big or small to separate the two functions of a business is a recipe for failure and more problems for the business. As a manager, Amanda should plan, organize, and coordinate all the activities of the business and the same time acts as a leader by inspiring and motivating the employees of his small firm. Employees of today look at their manager as a leader and he should not assign trust but define for them a purpose in their jobs (Jackson, Meyer & Wang, 2012). She should organize workers to maximize efficiency and to nurture, develop talent and inspire results and this will ensure that the company remains effective and profitable with time (Wollard & Shuck, 2011). A leader should be in a position to provide feedback to the concerned people to avoid any mistake that is likely to occur in the course of management (Carter and Greer, 2013). Amanda should make his employees provide him with feedback concerning the nature of their duties and he should also provide them with feedback on how he manages the business. Management should clearly define goals of his team to ensure that they know what they are working to achieve and by what means and to enable them prioritize their workload. Recruitment process should be conducted in a slow but sure
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Advantages of Online Banking
Advantages of Online Banking Introduction In the recent years online banking has shot up where by making 21.5 million customers satisfied in using it easy, fast and most of all free services set up by banks in 2009 stated by the UK payments administration. All high tech banks offer the online banking system and most bank do not have branches only existing online. It is quite for a person to change to online banking, first the persons has to open an account with a bank or if they already have an account then just sign up for online banking with our current existing account. For security reasons the bank will provide we with a password which will enable us to activate our online banking system. These after they could log in any time they want. It is easy to open an online bank account and well worth the small amount of effort required. Even when some people are not that familiar with online applications, it is worth persisting through the process. The advantages of using online banking transactions include convenience, easier financial management, and time and cost savings. Even the environment benefits because vast quantities of paperwork doesnt need to be generated. Online banking transactions can simplify our life by reducing the stress of managing our bills and savings. They are easy to use and from the banks point of view, secure. We can have our pay deposited directly into our account and disburse it online. The old way of lining up in bank queues and keeping a track of paperwork is no longer necessary. All banks make it easier to manage our checking account by allowing our set up e-mail alerts so our can be notified when checks clear or when our balance slips below a certain level. There is also a detailed listing of our cancelled checks. Banks describe online banking as a powerful value added tool to attract and retain new customers while helping to eliminate costly paper handling, in an increasingly competitive banking environment. Nowdays, most large banks, many regional banks and even smaller banks and credit unions offer some form of online banking, variously known as PC banking, home banking, electronic banking or Internet banking. Advantages On Online Banking Online banking in this generation is becoming more and more common. Customers can do plenty of transaction just through Internet. Online banking also allows customers to keep track of record on our accounts. Customers can check on it in everywhere and anytime they want. Online banking makes their life easier and faster. Below are a few advantages of using online banking: 1. Pay Your Bills Online For the past 5 years back, bank allowing their customers to pay their bills online. By paying their bills online, customers are starting to eliminate the method by post. It is faster and users are allowed to know did their payment made or not. Customers will just have to register once and they are allowed to use it in everywhere. The banks may charge them a small amount of interest but it will be faster and immediately payment will be made. This will make their life much easier. 2. View Your Transactions Online banking does allow customers to view or check their history payment just in seconds. By now, they do not need to make phone calls to the bank and wait for the bank officer to check for our account. This also will be safer compare to make phone calls or send letters to check their payment. If any lost during the sending process by post, their password or ID will seen by strangers. 3. Transfer Money Between Accounts Online banking allows them to transfer money from one account to another account more quickly. Nowadays, many people are doing business and it may involve million millions of dollars. It will be safer if they can make transfer just from online banking. Online banking also can automated to the service centre that they are using example, phone bills, house loan, monthly purchasing newspaper and many others. 4. Download Banking Transactions If they are using ATM cards often this is a must to download their banking transactions to make sure the balances in their account are correct. This will make sure they are always on track with their account balances. They also do not have to worry about finding a place to keep all our receipts. 5. Protect Yourself Online Using online banking there are a few things that they have to take it serious. It is important that they have to protect their own informations. If they are downloading their account transaction from internet, they must remember to clear up the cookies. Passwords and user ID will seen by other people if they are not aware of this. It is very important to make sure they clear everything before they leave the website. Disadvantages Of Online Banking There are also disadvantages to online banking services. The biggest problem is that most people lack of trust, many people have doubts about the transaction, how can people believe a machine, many things can go wrong during the process. How many times have you performed transactions online and wondered whether you did the right thing? Of course, we can overcome the problem by printing the transaction receipt. This receipt will conform whether the transaction has gone through successfully. Online banking can be difficult to learn for a beginner and a site could take time to start up. Some sites ask for photo identification, which can be very inconvenient. Many people have poor eyesight. Most online banking sites provide tutorials for online banking. Some sites provide live online customer support to provide solutions for all the problems. The cases of online banking frauds are considerably low so we dont have to worry about the safety of our money. For some people, online banking is very convenient and useful, there is also people who afraid to handle the banking system. All these have been taken care of now, most banks have now started offering online banking services and a manual transaction could be done also. Maybank Online Banking Malayan Banking Berhad or Maybank is the biggest commercial bank in Malaysia. It holds many financial holders in Malaysia as well as internationally, including Indonesia and Singapore. It was founded by Tan Sri Khoo Teck Puat in 1960. Maybank has grown to the competitive advantage over the years and has more thank 300 branches in Malaysia alone. Few ages ago, the client of Maybank had to at all times go to the Maybank centre and wait for long queues to do their transaction. Nowadays, Maybank is reaching to the top and has become the first commercial bank in Malaysia to run its own on-line banking system. was created in early 2001. Not too long after that, many banking institution now has followed Maybanks step to on-line transaction. offers outstanding services to its clients, such as internet banking, on-line Islamic banking, as well as services for credit and charge cards holders, and many more. Of the entire services offer by Maybank2u busiest service is the on-line banking transaction. These consist of making payments and transferring funds by the internet. runs their own policy under the Maybank Berhad terms and regulations to make sure the security of their service is reliable to the clients. Although the security policy is not publicly stated, as it is confidential, the same security policy is being used in each and every Maybank branches in the world. This is to ensure the safety of the clients information and their satisfaction. It is clear that Maybank2u uses the Transaction Processing System (TPS) for their general information system. A Transaction Processing System (TPS) is a type of information system that helps to collect, modifies stores and retrieves collection of data transaction of an individual entity as well as an enterprise. E-business, e-commerce or other commercial businesses depend on the data reliability of their transaction processing system. This is to make sure that their client get what was asked for and payment are made on time. With Maybank2u, any kind of transaction can be made there and then. It is very time efficient especially for busy people. Transaction processing system involves the financial department. This is because most transaction occur within Maybank2u revolves around cash, credit, charges and account balances. Financial department are responsible on knowing what goes in and out of the bank and clients account. Transaction Processing System The transaction processing system offers features that could relieve enterprise transaction system to process data transactions faster in order to manage the whole enterprise data. There are particular characteristics to operate transaction processing system. A TPS is a very fast way to processing transaction virtually and is very reliable as it is designed with safeguards to manage disaster attack, so customers will not worry of data loss during a sudden disaster. It can easily be retrieved using the customers id and password at the particular service centre. Not only it is reliable, TPS is also standardized by the Transaction Processing Performance Council, meaning that the system will always process every transaction made by the user with the same way every time there is a transaction. This is to ensure the security of the system. Restricted access is implemented to TPS, so that it can only be used by the employees authorized by the system to avoid system errors. There are two types of transaction, which are batch time processing and real time processing. Batch time processing differs from real time processing because batch time processing only processes transactions once a month automatically and stores the resources later for future transaction. This is usually needed when processing credit card transaction. Meanwhile, real time processing is the kind that will update every transaction made immediately. This is important because when a withdrawal of money is being made, bank and customers account need to be updated immediately so that both parties can keep track of their funds. Therefore, both types of transaction are being applied by Maybank2u to serve the public in giving what they need. Another TPS characteristic is its durability which means that when the transaction is successful, no further changes can be made. However, in any case of failure of the system, a log will be created to store all the transaction that has been completed. Th ese common characteristic of a Transaction Processing System will make sure that the system is run systematically and standardized. Security System Nevertheless, security is a major priority to every big enterprises, especially successful commercial banking. There is a lot of security issues involved especially with dealing with on-line transaction such as purchasing items or paying for services on-line. One of the main security threats of internet banking is identity fraud. Identity fraud is not a new threat, as it has been mentioned most of the time. But, there are still people who refuse to follow rules made out to avoid this type of threat. Some retailers and stores are lacking the awareness of identity fraud. Most cases of identity fraud are having their pin code or password duplicated. Purchases by credit and charges card are made by other people but not by the genuine owner or the account. This kind of behaviour can happen anywhere at any time, especially when shopping on-line, purchasing airline and movie tickets. Maybank2u is ready for this kind of situation. For example, before processing a payment, it is shown above to the users on how to find the billing account number, so that the client will not accidentally input the wrong account number. To avoid identity thief or any other kind of identity mischief, Maybank2u requires a Transaction Authorisation Code (TAC) to undergo the payment process .Therefore, in each and every transaction made by the user, a TAC will be sent to the clients cell phone number, and once received it should be input within 2 hours into the TAC box before completing the process. The Transaction Authorisation Code will automatically expire every 2 hours to avoid any security breach to the account. When the transaction is processed is successful, it will be automatically saved into the transaction history for future user reference. Its payment receipt can also be printed for keeps. Maybank has introduced this system to be used in all Maybank centres worldwide. requires only easy set up in creating a account. User can log in using their existing Maybank account. However, user needs to create an on-line password and user name to access their existing bank account. By logging into the system, meaning that the user of the account is aware of the terms and condition applied by, and is aware that the site is secure as shown on the top right of the website. Once logged in, user can access everything regarding of their account information, such as account balance, transaction history, Maybank debit transactions and banking statements. The most interesting thing about Maybank2u is that the client can access their account from home, office or anywhere with an internet connection, without worrying about the hustle of waiting especially on busy hours. Best part is, the site offers billing payment services to all main general services. Almost 300 major payees are now available including Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor (SYABAS), Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB), Telekom Malaysia Berhad, MAXIS and ASTRO. It is wise to say Maybank has chosen a great transaction processing system in order to fulfill all its clients need just by one click a way. Instructions On How To Use Maybank2u Step 1. For Maybank customers, simply just create a Maybank2u username and password at the nearest ATM machine. For Non Maybank customers, the first step is to open up a Maybank bank account at the nearest Maybank service centre before creating the Maybank2u username and password. Step 2. Go to Step 3 At the top right hand side of the website, theres an access to the login page. Click the login icon and it will direct the user to the login page. Log in as a first time user using the username and password created from Maybank ATM machine. Step 4. Once logged in, customers can access the entire account. The customer can now process their transactions by following the instructions. However, for customers that log in using public or shared computers, dare to be reminded to log out properly to avoid another mischief of identity fraud. Maybank2u also add a logout summary to guide users of Maybank2u on how to safely logout from the site Conclusion Looking at the research done we can come to a conclusion that online banking has make everyones lives easy and convenient and mostly saving a lot of their time when it comes to banking. There are a few false in online banking but there are more advantages of using online banking. In todays world technology has improved vastly and many banks have taken the upper hand on it and made banking not only banking paying bills, doing transactions, checking account balances and even online shopping easy for their customers convenience.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Ian Burumas Behind the Mask :: Ian Buruma Behind the Mask
Ian Buruma's Behind the Mask Ian Buruma was born in the Netherlands in 1951. He went to school in both Holland and Japan, and he has spent a great deal of time in Japan. Ian Buruma is an author, journalist and a professor at Bard College in New York. He sometimes writes for the New York Review of Books, the New York Times Magazine, the New Republic, the New Yorker, and the Guardian. The book, Behind the Mask, was a very interesting one. This book is filled with lots of Japans history that most people know nothing about. Much of the content in Behind the Mask is focused on sexuality and violence. The book has thirteen chapters each dealing with a different topic. It starts out with a kind of mythology about the origins of Japan. It is then followed by chapters on mothers in Japan and marriage. Some of the other topics focus on women, geisha, and yakuza. Behind the Mask is a great book explaining a great deal of the sexuality related to the culture and religion of Japan. To the Japanese, sex is a part of nature; it is not considered a sin. The worst thing that can happen to an individual in Japan is to be socially shamed or dishonored. The Japanese do believe in a sort of â€Å"pollution†though. They fear being unclean, death, and blood, among other things. Purification is a big deal in Japan. Ian Buruma, the author, not only explains in great detail much of the history and practices of the Japanese, but he also writes much about significant people and places dealing with the topic. There were many significant people who contributed a great deal to the practices in Japan. He also describes many of the important places where certain events occurred. He explains what the kabuki theaters looked like and also the famous strip clubs. The Washington Post Book World writes, â€Å"A fascinating exploration of Japanese culture: the fantasy life of the Japanese. It fishes its insights from the rich and muddy river of popular culture that the Foreign Ministry has always tried to screen from foreign view. Through skillfully chosen subjects – sex, gender, the mother – we find a comprehensible (if sometimes surprising) fantasy persona behind the inscrutable mask†¦fascinating, imaginative, highly polished, entertaining.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Respect for Tradition
Respect for tradition Cultural differences In order to respect the tradition of India, Union Carbide should have done an investigation of Indian cultural values (Robertson and Fadil, 1998). It is possible that firms even within the same industry develop different values and traditions and the analysis of cultural differences permit to decrease the number of misunderstanding (Donaldson, 1989). One of the most important traits of Indian culture is the fatalism. The Indian population is very spiritual with the notions of karma, fate or destiny. According to them, everything happen for a reason and this way of thinking is significant in decision making in their personal life or within an organisation (Elder, 1966). Fatalism has an impact on two Hofstede’s dimensions. Power distance is defined as a degree of inequality among people of the community (Thomas, 2008). Hofstede (2009) found that India is a country with a high power distance which means that they accept unequal power and wealth. Indians think that people on the top were destined to be on the top so they accepted their decisions due to the fatalism philosophy. However, the power distance in United States is relatively low (Hofstede, 2009). Uncertainty avoidance represents the extent to which people are frustrated by unstructured and unpredictable situations (Thomas, 2008). India has low uncertainty avoidance (Hofstede, 2009). In fact, they prefer few rules as possible and less structures activities. In addition, they are not scared of the unknown and want to take risks. Fatalism emphasises the belief that people do not have the control of every situations (Elder, 1966). United States is also low in uncertainty avoidance (Hofstede, 2009). According to Hofstede research, both India and the U. S are masculine which means that the society accepts values like assertiveness, performance, success and competition (Thomas, 2008). Individualism/ collectivism is defined as the degree to which people in a country prefer to act as individuals rather than members of groups (Thomas, 2008). India tends to be collectivist while United States are highly individualistic (Hofstede, 2009). After analysing Hofstede cultural dimensions between India and U. S, it is worth noting that there exist differences between the two countries. Union Carbide would have examined the Indian cultural values before doing business in the country. This could have avoided the Bhopal’s disastrous. According to Donaldson, it is important for communities to self-define the aspect of their business morality and in this case, Union Carbide would have been aware and accepted it in order to respect the Indian tradition. This is called the moral free space. Usually, business communities develop ethical norms which represent a collective viewpoint concerning deals and the right behaviour to adopt when making them (Donaldson, 1999). The respect of tradition could be in contrast with core human values Donaldson considers that companies have to respect traditions of country where they work; nevertheless, sometimes these traditions could be in contrast with the core human values. As already mentioned, India is a country with high power distance. For example, in Bhopal, the municipal authorities were against the continued use of the Union Carbide India Limited (UCIL) plant at its original location (Shrivastava, 1987). The plant site was for commercial or light industrial use but not for hazardous industries. However, as UCIL was a powerful company in India, the central and state government authorities rejected the city’s objection and authorised the company to stay at its location (Bennett et al. 2005). Everybody accepted it and this decision was final. Even if the hierarchical system is accepted in India, Union Carbide could not have respected this tradition because it is in contradiction with the respect of individual’s basic rights. The government did not protect the individual’s rights because the plant was about two miles from the Bhopal railway station, local commercial activities and two slum colonies were located across the street from the Union Carbide plant (Shrivastava, 1987). So, in order to support and protect the Indian’s right, Union Carbide could not have respected this tradition. Uncertainty avoidance is relatively low in India and it is worth explaining its consequences on the Bhopal plant. The working environment of the plant tolerated negligence and a lack of safety consciousness among workers and managers (Shrivastava, 1987). This behaviour is not only in contrast with the respect of human dignity concept but also with the individual basic rights. In fact, the employees’ low morale jeopardised the population’s health and safety.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
River Restoration – Soft Engineering The River Cole, Oxford
The River Cole forms part of the border between the counties, Oxfordshire and Wiltshire. It is a tributary of the River Thames and joins it near Lechlade. Many mills have altered the river by straightening and polluting it. Much of its upper course has been built over due to urbanisation and so the exact location of the source is unknown. It also ?ows through National Trust land. The River Cole had become very polluted and needed restoration. Restoration is returning a river to its natural state after arti?cial alteration.The river needed restoration in order to change the water course, improve the water quality and manage the bank-side vegetation. In 1994, River Restoration Project was set up in order to show how contemporary restoration techniques could help damaged ecosystems thrive. The project was run by the RRP (River Restoration Project), the Environment Agency, English Nature, the National Trust, the Countryside Commission and the EU. Using the EU LIFE money, three demonst ration projects were set up, helping to restore over a 2km stretch of the River.The project was completed in 1996. In order to bring the river bed back in line with the ?oodplain, the river bed below Coleshill Bridge was raised. More gravel rif?es (fast ?owing midstream ridges) were introduced, as well as some small weirs (small barriers allowing pools to form behind them). Due to the redevelopment of the river bed, it ran at a higher level than a large stretch of the river. A new meandering channel was cut allowing the water to travel at the same height. Parts of the old river were kept and acts as backwaters.During high this provides shelter for ?sh, birds and insects, adding to the growing biodiversity of the river. The meanders also cause more regular ?ooding of the neighboring ?elds, creating water meadows and increasing agricultural productivity. The ancient course of the River Cole has been able to be recreated. This is due to the ?oodwaters, caused by meandering, restoring t he ?ood meadows along the western side of the Cole Mill. The Cole Mill is hoped to be put back into occasional operation by the RRP.However, the water levels in the stream ?owing near the mill must be raised in order for this to be possible. They plan to develop the River Leat (the feeder stream – the tributary that empties in to the River Cole) into a long lake. The plan for wet pasture and reed beds along the sides of the river will accompany this development. These will contribute in cleansing the streams that have been polluted by silt, fertiliser and treated sewage. The restoration has many bene?ts. It has allowed riverside organisms and wetland wildlife to thrive in the river and on the ?oodplain, playing a huge part in nature conservation.Fisheries now have an greater numbers of ?sh of different species. Due to installation of vegetation, there has been an increased interception of pollutants. Sediment has also been naturally settling on the ?oodplain and river bed. Th e restoration also acts as a ?ood defence. Due to the enlarged ?oodplain and the backwaters created by the old river, additional ?ood storage has been created. The restoration has also helped the attraction of recreational activities near the river. The natural landscape created by the restored river has received strong public support.Therefore, the River Restoration Project has been a success for the River Cole. This is thanks to the clear environmental bene?ts. Although the changes had to be paid for, there are economic bene?ts to the restoration. The surrounding landscape is now seen as a much more pleasant environment and so people are more likely to pay for recreational activities to do with the river. The social bene?ts are also clear. The cleaner waters of the river are both aesthetically and morally pleasing to general society. This leads to happier locals as their river is being taken care of.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Free Essays on Management Responsibilities
Good management is practiced in many forms and in a great diversity of business situations. There are basic principles of how to manage, but they would be applied differently in different situations. In an effective organization led by good managers, there is a clear set of strategic objectives I consider skill essential in an effective management such as: communication, motivation, teamwork and goals. There are many more concepts I have learned about management but I will focus on what areas I believe can relate to my needs in my organization. It is worthy to note that a successful organization have managers who have a great deal of flexibility in establishing a workable leadership style. Successful managers, in addition, realize that times, tasks, and circumstances change on a daily basis. Nothing could be easier than failing to communicate. For many years, managers think they can belittle their employees with the  ³I ¹m the boss, get to work ² attitude. It is different today in most places and more people are beginning to understand how important good communication really is. Communicating well is something every one of us does everyday in our lives. However, effective communication seems to be rare in adults. There are some basic concepts that can be implemented to have a successful communication. They are making communication a top priority, being open to other people, and creating a receptive environment for communication. First, I ¹ve learned that I must make time to communicate with my subordinates no matter how busy you might find yourself during the work day. Second, if you can show your colleagues that you are receptive to their ideas, they are more likely to be receptive to you and keep you honestly informed about the things I need to know. I ¹ve learned that a good organization has people caring about the future of the organization and that top managements care as much about their people. Finally, it ¹s a basic fact th... Free Essays on Management Responsibilities Free Essays on Management Responsibilities Good management is practiced in many forms and in a great diversity of business situations. There are basic principles of how to manage, but they would be applied differently in different situations. In an effective organization led by good managers, there is a clear set of strategic objectives I consider skill essential in an effective management such as: communication, motivation, teamwork and goals. There are many more concepts I have learned about management but I will focus on what areas I believe can relate to my needs in my organization. It is worthy to note that a successful organization have managers who have a great deal of flexibility in establishing a workable leadership style. Successful managers, in addition, realize that times, tasks, and circumstances change on a daily basis. Nothing could be easier than failing to communicate. For many years, managers think they can belittle their employees with the  ³I ¹m the boss, get to work ² attitude. It is different today in most places and more people are beginning to understand how important good communication really is. Communicating well is something every one of us does everyday in our lives. However, effective communication seems to be rare in adults. There are some basic concepts that can be implemented to have a successful communication. They are making communication a top priority, being open to other people, and creating a receptive environment for communication. First, I ¹ve learned that I must make time to communicate with my subordinates no matter how busy you might find yourself during the work day. Second, if you can show your colleagues that you are receptive to their ideas, they are more likely to be receptive to you and keep you honestly informed about the things I need to know. I ¹ve learned that a good organization has people caring about the future of the organization and that top managements care as much about their people. Finally, it ¹s a basic fact th...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Jfk J.F.K. John Fitzgerald Kennedy was the youngest person to be ever be elected President, and was youngest to die in office. He was shot and killed on Nov. 22, 1963, after he had serve in office only two years and 10 months as chief executive. The whole world mourned Kennedy's death and Former presidents and royalty walk behind his casket at his funeral. His Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson took his place then they succeeded him as President.The Kennedy Assassination A deadly assassin shot President John F. Kennedy to death when he rode through the streets of Dallas, Tex. The death continued the very unhappy coincidence that, since William H. Harrison, what is weird that every American President to be elected in a year ending in "0" had died or been killed while in office.The purpose When Kennedy Came to Texas He was Accompanied by his wife and Vice President and Mrs.English: President John F. Kennedy with Vice Presi...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Adolf Hitler And The Nazi Party History Essay
Adolf Hitler And The Nazi Party History Essay Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party wholeheartedly believed that by applying a selective breeding scheme encouraged by social Darwinism, that the human genome could be greatly improved – similar to applying this notion towards breeding superior strains of dog and cattle as seen today. Although it is may be difficult to comprehend the true nature to why Hitler formulated and articulated the ideas of racial policies, in which is now commonly referred to as Nazi ideology; it is widely acceptable that Hitler and the Nazi’s developed and implemented such doctrines in order to protect what they believed to be ‘the superior race’. However, this foolishness resulted in the ‘final solution’, it justified the genocide of approximately â€Å"11 million European Jews† [ 1 ]  in which the Nazi’s judged as ‘the inferior race’. Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution, coined the survival of the fittest was observed and appli ed to the diversity and complexity of life on earth. However, Hitler crudely manipulated this concept in order to protect and encourage the breeding of the Aryan ‘master race’ [ 2 ]  . The Nazi party â€Å"†¦went further, convincing themselves that, as mankind had become the dominant species through strengthening the features that distinguish humans from lesser beings and handing them down to succeeding generations, so it would be possible to enhance the race by deliberately choosing to breed from men and women whose qualities you wanted to see preserved. The corollary was the suppression, by extermination or enslavement, of people whose undesirable characteristics would pollute the mix† [ 3 ]  . This entailed preventing those perceived as the ‘inferior race’ from assimilating with those believed as superior or Aryan, gifted above all other races – thus effectively reducing the contamination of their gene pool. The notion wa s justified as it was seen to be employing ‘the laws of nature’, as outlined by Hitler in his political autobiography, Mein Kampf or translated to ‘My Struggle’ in which he stated that through the evolution of life, natural selection favoured the breeding of superior organisms and subsequently races. â€Å"No more than Nature desires the mating of weaker with stronger individuals, even less does she desire the blending of a higher with a lower race, since, if she did, her whole work of higher breeding, over perhaps, hundreds of thousands of years, night be ruined with one blow† [ 4 ]  . As such, Hitler who came to power in 1933, by this time he had been undoubtedly convinced that he had found the solution for a better future for the Aryan race as he believed that a person’s characteristics, attitudes, abilities, and behaviour were determined by his or her so-called racial makeup† [ 5 ]  and thus also determined whether or n ot their loyalties lied with Germany. Therefore by intermingling with those believed to be of inferiority; Hitler and the Nazi’s viewed this as the dilution of ideal characteristics and the inconceivable distribution of poisonous genes, with dire consequences to those judged superior. â€Å"à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦he will remain the master as long as he does not fall a victim to defilement of the blood. The result of all racial crossing is therefore in brief always the following:
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Tattoos in Greece and Rome Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Tattoos in Greece and Rome - Term Paper Example Pictures of people who have their noses marked on both sides with the four tattooed historical lines were found on the Aveyron’s and Tarn’s prehistoric stones in France. â€Å"Drawings and figurines discovered in a Thracian burial mound near Philippopolis may depict tattooed people, but considering the complexity of the decorations it is more likely that these represent body painting or finely worked figurines†(Tattoo Temple, n.d.). People in Greece and Rome added their own cultural touches as they inherited the art of tattooing, thus taking it to the next level. Archeologists have readily found tattooed mummies from various parts of the world which suggests how common a practice it has been for a long time in history. Tattoos today are an insignia of fashion and style. The contemporary society has endorsed tattoos as a means of styling. The trend of under-skin inking has been around for thousands of years. This paper discusses the history of tattoos in ancient Greece and Rome. The history of tattooing in Europe commences with the ancient historians of Greek and Roman origin. The Greeks inherited the art of tattooing from the Persians, while the Romans gained it from the Greeks. In the early Greek time followed by the early Roman time, tattooing was a practice linked with the barbarians. According to Herodotus, tattoos were voluntarily associated by the Greeks with the barbarians, including the Thracian women known as the Maenads who assassinated Orpheus because of his homosexual concerns with their husbands. â€Å"Herodotus was the first to use the root â€Å"stig†as in the pejorative â€Å"stigma†to refer to tattoos as a mark (estichthai) or a â€Å"pricking††(Random History, 2008). In the ancient times, tattooing was used as a tool to differentiate between the criminals and/or the slaves and the rest of the people of the society. Prisoners and slaves were tattooed the name of Xerxes. Occasionally, tattoos were also used to send secret messages across the lines of enemies. Criminals and slaves were tattooed so that they would have an irremovable mark on their skin to help others identify them as such. This was done intentionally to discourage the criminals and slaves from running away as attempts to escape were common among the two. Later, the Romans used tattoos to pick out deserters as the Roman army was chiefly composed of the mercenaries. The use of tattoos by the early Greek and Romans suggests that their chief use was punishment as has been mentioned by various authors of the Greek and the Roman origin. Tattoos have been discussed in a punitive sense by such Greek authors as Aristophanes, Xenophon, Herodus, Aeschines and Aelius Aristides (Jones, 2000). Plato was of the opinion that a temple robber should be tattooed on the forehead and the hands to have a trace of the offense while Bion of Borysthenes said that his father’s face was more of a document because of intense tattooing because o f his status of a slave. The process of tattooing has been recorded by the ancient Roman authors. Aetius is one such Roman physician who described the process of applying and removing a tattoo along with the formula for making the tattoo ink in his famous book; Medicae artis principles. At one point, Plato expressed the opinion that tattoos should be placed on people found guilty of sacrilege and thus, they should be expelled from the Republic. Likewise, â€Å"Suetone, a early writer reports that the degenerate and sadistic Roman Emperor, Caligula, amused himself by capriciously ordering
Friday, October 18, 2019
Multinational Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Multinational Finance - Essay Example The cost of capital is the expected return that is required on investments to compensate you for the required risk. However, the cost of capital of a company is affected by various factors. All these factors are discussed in detailed in the forthcoming paragraphs. Capital Structure decisions are a significant managerial decision which influences the risk and return of the investors. Basically, the main goal of any company would be none other than maximization of present shareholder value. In order to achieve this goal, the capital structure decisions that are taken by a company should result in positive net present value which means that the "present value of the expected cash inflow less the present value of the required capital expenditures (, 2002)." The company will have to plan its capital structure at the time of promotion itself and also subsequently whenever it has to raise additional funds for various new projects (Blackwell publishing, 2003). Wherever the company needs to raise finance, it involves a capital structure decision because it has to decide the amount o finance to be raised as well as the source from which it is to be raised. The advent of globalization has also got its influence on the cost of equity capital of a company. Let us suppose that a firm is planning to raise equity in order to finance a particular investment. ... In order to succeed in this process, the managers initially need to convince the shareholders that the investment is worthwhile and it would yield cash flows that are expected but in reality, managers face a plethora of difficulties in convincing the shareholders. This is because due to the advent of globalization, the knowledge levels of managers of modern organizations have grown drastically and they have the information about the investments of the firm which the shareholders lack (Stulz, 1999). There are very many global risk factors which affect the cost of capital of a company. In order to investigate the effect of such factors over the cost of capital, alternative asset pricing models like international Capital asset pricing model etc, need to be assessed (Koedijk, et al., 2004)(Nagel, 2007). Exchange rates also have an impact on the cost of capital. Studies reveal that exchange rate flucutation have an impact on the relative wealth position of different countries of the world and hence they inturn effect the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) (Munisamy Gopinath, 1998). The wealth position of international investors/firms is increased in contrast with that of domestic investors when the dollar depreciates. This is becasue they hold their investments in non-dollar denominated currencies. However, this aspect reduces the relative cost of capital of international firms (Munisamy Gopinath, 1998). Net present value is the most important criteria on which most of the firms rely when planning to invest or undertake a new project. Some firms alternatively rely upon rules like the Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Payback period and Profitability index
Analysis of Royale Comfort Seating Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Analysis of Royale Comfort Seating - Article Example Many of them die. Lives of many workers get disturbed like Ms. Farley is not able to resume a normal life after her occupational injury. The next section of the article, Foam Country, takes the discussion further by describing how work is being done in Royale Comfort Seating, which is located in North Carolina. A polyethylene called slab stock becomes the filling of mattresses, chairs, and cushions. This material arrives in the form of loaves. Cushions are attached to seats with glue. The whole environment gets fogged with glue. The work is tiring, and the workers feel dizziness after they have completed their shifts in the glue filled air at the workplace. They feel quite lightheaded when they leave for homes. This section also talks about the industrialization of North Carolina. The next section, The Chemical’s Use Grows, talks about how the use of nPB glues has become widespread in some past years. It is inexpensive, strong, and reliable. Water-based glues are safer but expensive and can cost millions of dollars to the companies. Initially, companies would use a chemical called 1,1,1-trichloroethane as glue, but since it was thought of as damaging the ozone layer, the companies switched to methylene chloride. That also proved to be very damaging, killing many workers every year. OSHA took action, and companies started using nPB glues, which were as dangerous as the previous brand. So, some companies adopted it while some banned it. Many damages to health due to this glue were reported in the next years. It was found that Royale was not taking safety measures while making use of this glue. There were no fans to eliminate the fumes, and the workers were not provided masks. OSHA has also not regulated the strictness about safety measures. The section, Improvised Remedies, talks about the interviews of Royale’s employees regarding the health damages they faced while working.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
No topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 25
No topic - Essay Example Teamwork is the new individualism in most organizations and industries and hence all employees or employees to be are expected to be able to understand the dynamics of team work and work well with the team members to increase productivity and do so within the provided time frame. Working in teams is not as easy as it may sound as each team member has different personality and a combination of all this may either crash or empower the team in general. What is important to understand is the personality of each team member and how this personality can improve the efficiency of the team for example extroverts can negotiate deals. Leadership of the team is also important as the chosen leader should be assertive, good listener, dedicated to the team and the work, and should be a risk taker and do both leading and following. The team should be able to understand each other as well as find ways to remain motivated and solve their differences if it is to remain together and succeed. Ethics are another important issue in any work environment as breach of ethics may result to negative consequences such as getting fired, lack of promotion among other negative consequences. Every company and industry has its own particular set of ethics and ethical conducts expected from people in that industry. The presentations covered some of these ethics and also shed light that these ethics are the solution to any dilemma that is work related. Thinking outside the box is not as easy as it sounds as it involves doing more than just mediocre thinking which is what many people engage in. It involves not just everything at face value and trying to seek the meaning and reason behind it. It also requires an employee to seek solutions to problems even those that seem impossible through thinking of alternative solutions and different approaches to understand the problem better. These three
Economics For Business, The Canadian Economy in the years 2006, 2007 Essay
Economics For Business, The Canadian Economy in the years 2006, 2007 until end of 2008 - Essay Example The government has catalysed saving by reducing taxes and providing non-taxable savings accounts. (, 2009) Fundamentally, the main objective of the monetary policy of Canada is to ensure Canadian citizen’s wellbeing. This is by enhancing an economic growth that is sustained, increasing employment levels as well as improved standards of living. From experience, monetary policy only achieves this goal by way of offering businesses and households’ confidence as far as the value of money is concerned. In 2008, October 23rd the Bank of Canada released a report on monetary policy. The report contained current financial and economic trends in line with the control of inflation is concerned. According to the report, the three main interrelated world developments are affecting the economy of Canada and resulting to the economic growth outlook more unpredictable. This is due to the world financial crisis resulting to major strains in the markets of financial instruments. Demand is prospected to continue being weak due to exports. Lower prices of goods and services will also lead to an outlook that is damp since the terms of trade for Canada are set to decline as well as a growth in domestic demand that’s moderate. Generally, the Bank of Canada predicts a real GDP growth of 0.6% in years 2008 and 2009. 2010’s is set to be 3.4%. (, 2008) In the 2009’s monetary policy report, the Bank of Canada noted that the economic environment continues to highly unpredictable. This is due to the large negative impacts by the recession of the global economy. Emanating from this, the Canadian economy is projected to fall by 3.0% in the year 2009. Recovery is likely to occur in the fourth quarter and the projected growth in the real GDP is 2.5% in year 2010. 2011’s economic growth is set to be 4.7%. The core
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Should animals be used for research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Should animals be used for research - Essay Example Throughout the paper we establish a single ideal perspective on why should there be continued animal testing for the general good of the public and how proactively can an initiative like this aid in making ground breaking discoveries for the future especially in research fields such as biomedical technology. Should animals be used for research? Medicinal investigators are required to prerequisite and comprehend health complications afore they can cultivate techniques to extravagance them. Certain diseases, illnesses and healthiness complications comprise of procedures that can unsociably be calculated in an active living organism only. Wildlife animals are essential to remedial medicine investigation once it is impracticable or unprincipled to use individual humans as test subjects. Animals brand decent investigative themes for a variation of different explanations. Animals fundamentally stand biologically comparable to humans. They are predisposed to numerous of the identical streng th glitches, besides they obligate to diminutive life-cycles so hence they can straightforwardly be premeditated during their entire life-span or transversely across a number of generations. In accumulative count, researchers can simply govern the surroundings nearby the animal (lighting, temperature, diet, etc.), which would stand problematic to organize for people. Yet, the utmost imperative intention as to why animals are rummage-sale is the fact that it would be ethically erroneous to intentionally render humanoids to health jeopardies in demand to perceive and observe the progression of an illness. Wildlife is casted-off in learning to cultivate medications and medicinal techniques to treat sicknesses. Researchers may regulate such remedies and trials by means of alternate investigation procedures that do not comprise animals. If the new-fangled treatment appears favorable, it is verified in animals to understand whether it appears to be harmless and operational. If the outcome s of the intuitive readings are good, then human participants are requested to yield measure in a experimental trial. The animal trainings are completed initially to give medicinal scientists an improved impression of whatever welfares and technical hitches they are likely to witness in humans. References: "Biomedical research", The Humane Society of the United States, accessed July 5, 2010. "Animal experimentation issues", Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. "Introduction", Select Committee on Animals In Scientific Procedures Report, United Kingdom Parliament. Use of Laboratory Animals in Biomedical and Behavioral Research", Institute for Laboratory Animal Research, The National Academies Press, 1988. Also see Cooper, Sylvia. "Pets crowd animal shelter", The Augusta Chronicle, August 1, 1999; and Gillham, Christina. "Bought to be sold", Newsweek, February 17, 2006. The use of non-human animals in research: a guide for scientists The Royal Society, 2004, page 1 "Science, Medicine, and Animals", Institute for Laboratory Animal Research, Published by the National Research Council of the National Academies 2004; page 2 Animals Used for Medical Research A Philosophical Viewpoint By Carolyn C. Gargaro Written in July 1991
Economics For Business, The Canadian Economy in the years 2006, 2007 Essay
Economics For Business, The Canadian Economy in the years 2006, 2007 until end of 2008 - Essay Example The government has catalysed saving by reducing taxes and providing non-taxable savings accounts. (, 2009) Fundamentally, the main objective of the monetary policy of Canada is to ensure Canadian citizen’s wellbeing. This is by enhancing an economic growth that is sustained, increasing employment levels as well as improved standards of living. From experience, monetary policy only achieves this goal by way of offering businesses and households’ confidence as far as the value of money is concerned. In 2008, October 23rd the Bank of Canada released a report on monetary policy. The report contained current financial and economic trends in line with the control of inflation is concerned. According to the report, the three main interrelated world developments are affecting the economy of Canada and resulting to the economic growth outlook more unpredictable. This is due to the world financial crisis resulting to major strains in the markets of financial instruments. Demand is prospected to continue being weak due to exports. Lower prices of goods and services will also lead to an outlook that is damp since the terms of trade for Canada are set to decline as well as a growth in domestic demand that’s moderate. Generally, the Bank of Canada predicts a real GDP growth of 0.6% in years 2008 and 2009. 2010’s is set to be 3.4%. (, 2008) In the 2009’s monetary policy report, the Bank of Canada noted that the economic environment continues to highly unpredictable. This is due to the large negative impacts by the recession of the global economy. Emanating from this, the Canadian economy is projected to fall by 3.0% in the year 2009. Recovery is likely to occur in the fourth quarter and the projected growth in the real GDP is 2.5% in year 2010. 2011’s economic growth is set to be 4.7%. The core
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Computer Software and Information System Computer Software Essay Example for Free
Computer Software and Information System Computer Software Essay Computer software and information system computer software is no longer a major barrier to wide use of wireless information systems [writers name] [institutes name] computer software is no longer a major barrier to wide use of wireless information systems introduction to know about the connection of these topics it is must to know about the link between these phrases as well as the basic concept of these two. firstly to know what is computer software and wireless information systems and then secondly to discuss about their affects upon each other. computer software is basically some programs or events that are written just to achieve certain functions by the software engineers. events are the set of steps that is written and combined to make a program. Now there arises a question that what is a program then the answer of this question is that: programs are basically a set of rules and instructions on the basis of which a computer act to achieve certain functions. to perform specific set of actions on computers intelligently or normally is the basic need to write a program. wireless information systems are basically the systems that used wireless. what is wireless and why and how question arises then wireless as its name shows that it means some sort of transport of data and information among wireless devices without using wires. it can be used in form of mobiles pdas and on large scale radio is the example of it. Wireless information systems can be range on mobiles wireless devices and networks. the device used for it is basically a device that is installed first and then it can be used. wireless network and information processing system 2008 certain dependencies in case of wireless information systems there are certain dependencies. among those dependencies some of them are very basic and are: mobility of the user mobility of the resource explanation these dependencies can be differentiated in a way that in case of user mobility it can be in the form of travelling user whereas the case with the second dependency is that a network if created among multiple pdas and now in this case if the pdas are moving. Along with this dependency there is certain other as well. just to be focus on the actual behavior of the wireless and then wireless information systems only two are mentioned here to emphasize the main and important factors affecting the wireless in general. important features to consider about there are certain tendencies that are important to know about these systems. according to these information systems have to develop first. while developing these systems a software engineer needs to know the protocols specific rules of dealing on networks and standard to follow upon them and then to develop finally feldman 2007 there are certain standards that need to follow while considering wireless. In this way there appears a need to select a standard according to the type of wireless information system. those standards are as follows: iee802.11 iee802.11a iee802.11b iee802.11g iee802.16 iee802.16a open air home based blue tooth based discussion after implementation of these steps architecture to develop a software program is required. when these wireless systems developed then these should cope with the problem fairly on real time. if an architecture of software program is designed in such a way that it is safe for security flexibility and other issues as well. if technology is implemented selected in an improved way then an information system can work well. if there are leaks in the design and programming tactics and technology implementation then there would be a lot of leak in the system as well that result in a very severe or drastic problem. in this way it can be say that software programs that developed to resolve a problem needs attention in all these metrics to work up on and to get a better result. If there is a better program written by a programmer who is reliable and portable efficient and of strong functionality then fulfill the better requirement in this case. whereas if we are talking about the wireless information systems things become more sensitive as we are dealing on real time and gather a lot of security risks. thats why after applying and implementing rules and regulations and following the standards will get the better results. the use of wireless information systems is beneficial for the companies and organization in various ways first of all it is accessible in minimum resources. it reduces the time and mobility issues problem and enhances the productivity of the organization in this regard. wireless networking in the developing world session 2007 the use of wireless management systems can improve the effectiveness of applying multiple procedures. output of these procedures when resulted in a good form then increased or enhanced the productivity of the organizat ion in a fast manner. Well reputed industries companies and organizations are referring towards these wireless information systems that is very fast growing. along with all this there are still new advancements are just coming on the way to increase the quality of the projects or to attain the benefits of the technologies as much as it can be. references phillip m. feldman 2007 emerging commercial mobile wireless technology and standards suitable for the army: network and information processing system 2008 wireless network and information processing system 2008: networking in the developing world session 2007 wireless networking in the developing world session wireless network:
Monday, October 14, 2019
A Review Of Woolworths Limited Commerce Essay
A Review Of Woolworths Limited Commerce Essay Woolworths Limited is one of the major Australian companies with extensive retail interest around Asia-pacific region. Largest food retailer in Australia, Largest retail firm in Australia and New Zealand and largest takeaway liquor retailer, hotel and poker machine operator in Australia. The Woolworths limited family is one of the huge employers in Pacific-Asia. With around 200,000 team members working in support offices, stores and distribution centres across Newzeland and Australia. Woolworths limited also continues to develop in buying and wholesaling offices in India and Asia. Retailing is most people focused business that makes recruiting, retaining intelligent employees and developing significant to their success. Through Woolworths limited policies, educate and development opportunities, reward and recognition programs, career opportunities and initiative to provide a balance and healthy work life, they target to keep doing the right things by their people and they keep on to recognise Woolworths limited as such a great place to work. Woolworths limited is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer. A diversity strategy has been certified and developed by the top management group, part of Woolworths ongoing commitment to diversity. In Woolworths limited, where all employees are treated with respect, dignity and courtesy, this is their target to provide a healthy work environment. They acknowledge that diversity adds significance in bringing dissimilar perspectives to work environment and in reflect the communities they serve. It helps business benefits as well. A diversity working community has been created comprising and Human Resource managers from all divisions. The purpose of the community is to, prioritise events to harness diversity within the company, make sure that recognising diversity owned by the business and managing accordingly. The gender at Woolworths, female constitutes 55% of the company workforce and proud of the progress the company made in the area of gender diversity, mainly in the top leadershi p role. 16.7% of leadership roles in company were held by women, for the financial year 2003-04 and 27% had increase in the year 2008-09. In facilitating womens career development and progression, Woolworths Limited focuses to create an environment that is appreciation and supportive of difference. Men and women offer various perspectives those provide undeniable business benefits and they try to remove the barriers that may restrict the women career progression. These include the structured networking opportunities and mentoring. Woolworths board members two are women out of nine, which represent 22% of the board. Peter chandler, a part time employee of Woolworths at Katherine in northern Territory, which is 320 kilometres from south Darwin, is among an expanding group of Indigenous Aussies who are become Woolworths employees. Peter has gained experience in almost all departments of the store, such as perishable, bakery and presently working as a night fill employee. Woolworths is such a great place to work, diverse backgrounds such as people with disability, should have the opportunity to be work with Woolworths, which job they are suited. Woolworths limited has a memo of understanding with disability works Australia (DWA) and when recruiting a disability candidate, Woolworths require the contractor to use service of the Disability work Australia. The contractor is the supported to wage system is used decide the employees wage. Woolworths sources the great majority of people for new vacant roles from their talent pool. In addition develop and promoting their own employees, Woolworths also recruiting talent from the local market. Where candidates are not available locally, they source them globally. This ensures Woolworths access fresh ideas but continue to join deep industry expertise and knowledge. Almost 54,000 people started work with Woolworths in the year 2008-09. Less than half of 1 % of those people was sourced worldwide. Usually, external recruitment focuses on specialist roles, frequently at their corporate support office in Norwest, Sydney, Woolworths always source the candidate through different channels to ensure they locate those nice suited to the role and organization. That includes recruitment agencies, online job boards, employee referral, career expos, industry magazines, word mouth and press advertising. Woolworths has a long-standing dedication to building internal ability. They consider this to be main driver of their capacity to perform, change and grow. Woolworths had retained more employees during the past year and turnover rates have decreased in seven of the Australian territories and states. During that period overall turn of the company decreased by 10% points. Turnover also decreased at top level, the rates falling from 8.6% to 6.5% with respect to 2008 to 2009. In the calendar 2008 year, company delighted to have retained all executive women, who were due to return from parental leave. To help they retain their diverse employee base, they offer a range of non-financial and financial worker benefits. Those are includes access to flexible work arrangements, a range of wellness programs, professional development options and paid maternity leave. To recognise as leader in sustainable retailing in Australian retailing sector is the Woolworths limiteds long-term goal. Such as, integrating sustainability and corporate responsibility into their day-to-day business practices is a high priority. Commitments, priorities, initiatives and targets to direct the industry towards this goal were recognised with the publication of doing right thing: sustainability strategy 2007-2015. In their five year strategic plans, all divisions are incorporated with their sustainability; required to take sustainability criteria and these into calculate in any major investment decisions. All responsibilities lie with board. The board oversees the effectiveness of their health and safety program through its people policy committee. To evaluate the implementation and effectiveness of the health and safety standards, vision, policy, strategy, governance and procedures across the group; Woolworths limited health and safety executive committee chaired by company Chief Executive Officer comprises divisional management and meets. Woolworths limited is a tough supporter of competition in retail business. Competition is not only helps to price low for consumers, but it also run the retailer to supply better services and products. The food retail sector in Pacific-Asia is highly competitive, and there are many retailers entre into the market and growth in the number of independent and specialist retailers. This is awareness that the Woolworths limited, the fresh food people, dominates the food retail business. But however according to Morgan supermarket Monitor (2007) and their research shows that 68% of consumers spending on fruit and vegetables takes place outside the Woolworths markets. Building in-house capacity is fundamental to their continued success and growth. To retain their talented people, Woolworths offer numerous professional and personal benefits, includes well being programs and flexible work arrangements. It is a core component of Woolworths limited, human Resources strategy to provide staff with opportunities for development and progression within the organization. Woolworths limited well known for their practices of promoting from within, with many staff spending their working time within the Woolworths family. Cross-cultural experience is highly valued and is characteristic shared by their senior management Group. Woolworths people are given great concern when new opportunities arise; giving them access to specialise and growth strengthen Woolworths limiteds internal skill and knowledge base. HR INNOVATIONS: Human Resources representatives determine whether any behaviour reported to them under this Policy constitutes Unacceptable Conduct and whether the matter requires investigation. Role of Group Human Resources Policy owner Group Human Resources manages the implementation of the Policy, including: requiring all employees to regularly complete online awareness training providing role-based training to EEO Contact Officers (in Australia only at this stage), who are a point of contact for staff regarding this Policy providing training on request to Human Resources representatives regarding their responsibilities
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Stealing Home :: Essays Papers
Stealing Home Can you imagine living somewhere all your life, and then having a stranger tell you to move? What about having you home taken away from you because you live differently then others? Or even yet, can you imagine having someone move in next door to you, and you die from a sickness that they brought with them? Native Americans have lived this way since the days of Christopher Columbus. As they were shuffled around and pushed westward, the crowd followed, until there was nothing left for them. American Indians roamed the lands of America long before settlers from Europe even dared to travel across the oceans. They lived from and with nature, respecting the laws of life, and cherishing every aspect of their civilization. They hunted and fished, using each part of their prey, wasting nothing. Bones were used for weapons; hides, for clothing and shelter. They lived simply. It was impossible to tell that their worlds would be turned upside down. When settlers first arrived in America, they were greeted by Native Americans. They helped the settlers learn to live the way they did – to use nature to its fullest and to respect it. Meanwhile, millions of Indians were dying from the diseases brought over from Europe. Indian villages were burned to stop the spread of disease. The settlers were scared of these diseases that no one seemed to understand. They blamed the Native Americans for deaths of settlers that were due to the diseases. This blind blame would be seen later in history, as the railroad invaded the territory of the Native Americans, and they were again blamed for death and warfare. Between the beginning of the Civil War and the Gold Rush of 1849, thousands of emigrants had been crossing the plains in search of gold. The Indians of the North-west generally accepted the government policy that the land west of the Mississippi River was theirs, and they expected settlers to stay out. Of course, the pioneers needed to cross that territory, which the Native Americans considered sacred hunting grounds (Schmitt 2). The Native Americans first learned of the railroads by runners – those who ran the land to learn of gold seekers and settlers moving across the territory. They called the railroad the "iron horse on the iron track," and as it moved across the Mississippi, it was evident to them that once again, their land would be taken (Schmitt 6-7).
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Facts About Orthoptera :: essays research papers
Facts about Orthoptera Where they live.      Field crickets, the familiar black or brownish crickets are often abundant in meadows and fields. Also in dwellings or in small clusters in the ground. Tree Crickets are more often heard then seen. Usually colored green these slender crickets live in shrubs and trees. Mole Crickets can burrow rapidly through moist soil. They also can live in caves, hollow logs, beneath stones, and other dark moist places. Grasshoppers are also part of this group. They often become very abundant, and migrate in tremendous swarms. Destroying nearly all plants in their path. They like to live in wet grassy areas. Locust also contribute to Orthoptera. Locust plagues have been recorded since the beginning of history and are still one of the worlds major insect problems. Cockroaches are in this group too. Their are an estimated 3,000 cockroach species in the world. About 55 live in the U.S., and only 4 species ar common household pets. German cockroaches or Croton bugs, are common in the U.S. especially in the northern states. They commonly enter the house in bags or boxes from grocery stores. They tend to cluster in warm moist places around hot water pipes. They stay hidden when they are not eating. Eat      Crickets will eat holes in paper or in garments especially those soiled with persperation. They also eat young roots and seedlings, peanuts, garden crops, grain, clothing, and sometimes other insects and even each other. Grasshoppers are a different story. They eat crops and destroy millions of dollars a year in them. Cockroaches are just a pest and they eat almost any thing. Cockroaches feed on a great variety of foods, meats, cheeses, sweets, and starches(like the starch in clothing or in the glue like that in book bindings, and stamps.). When abundant they may also eat human hair, skin and nails. They secrete sticky, odorous fluid that may be lift on foods or materials. Movement      Cockroaches move very swiftly. They have 6 legs with 3 joints, as muscles contract at the base of the body the legs move. This motion causes a roach to lurch forward in rapid motion. Crickets have wings so they may fly. The movement of the crickets aren't the same as the grasshopper's. The grasshopper is an insect that can leap about 20 times the length of its body. If a human being had the same leaping ability as the grasshopper they could jump at least 20 feet. Helpful things they do.      In Russia roaches have been regarded as an antidote for dropsy. Also in Southeast Asia, and China the bits of meat plucked from around the legs of
Friday, October 11, 2019
Barack Obama Essay
There is no doubt that President Barack Hussein Obama II has received much attention and interest from not only the United States, but international. He is not only praised because of his skin color, but because of the values he believes in and what he stands for. He represents something the country has needed for a long time. During his 2008 campaign for US president, he embodied the very meaning of the word â€Å"hope†. Obama’s election was truly revolutionary. His story can been considered a huge milestone in the United States’ history. The very fact that Barack Obama was voted in, and by a very large margin, shows proof that the country has abandoned its usual ideas on who is â€Å"fit†to run in high office. Barack’s multi-cultural background serves to represent the melting pot America is. He was born in Honolulu, Hawaii to a Kenyan father, Barack Obama Sr., and Stanley Ann Dunham, a Caucasian woman from Wichita, Kansas. He has gone through many hurdles and has climbed his way up a focused political ambition ladder. Being the first president of African American descent to the illustrious United States and also his many achievements have made him a person of much respect and high admiration. Obama’s presidency has gone through a series of success and accomplishments. After being elected, he successfully passed many legislations, such as the healthcare bill. The bill aimed for offering tremendous coverage while providing an affordable healthcare. Barrack’s presidency is also branded by other victories such as the $787 billion Stimulus Bill. The passing of this bill took place one month later after succeeding the presidency from George W. Bush. The stimulus bill helped boost the staggering economy. Two years later, he passed the Wall Street Reform to regain control of the economy after its practices which caused the Great Recession. This law tightens capital requirements on large banks and other financial institutions, requires that large banks provide â€Å"living wills†to avoid hectic bankruptcies, limits their ability to trade with customers’ money for their own profit, and creates the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to catch abusive lending products and companies. He was heavily praised for ending the War in Iraq. All U.S. military forces were ordered out of the country, with the last troops leaving on December 18, 2011. With new policies, diplomacy, and rhetoric, he reversed a sharp decline in world opinion toward the U.S. during the Bush years. From 2008 to 2011, favorable opinion toward the United States rose in ten of fifteen countries surveyed by the Pew Global Attitudes Project, with an average increase of 26 percent. To summarize, Obama, with his qualities accompanied with key factors such as human approach, empathy, positive attitude, courage to take risk, and bravery to face challenges is a great leader, particularly for the US and generally for the world. His background and experiences in life, united with vibrant qualities of a good leader, make him a wonderful role model and universally acceptable. References: Glastris, Paul, Ryan Cooper, and Siyu Hu. â€Å"Obama’s Top 50 Accomplishments.†The Washington Monthly. N.p., Mar.-Apr. 2012. Web. 28 Aug. 2013. â€Å"Barack Obama.†Organizing for Action. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Aug. 2013.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
The Role Played by Socialisation in Shaping Human Behaviour Has Been Overstated.’ Assess This Claim
Common sources of conflict – Conflict is an inevitable part of human relationships. Where commitment to mission and long hours with minimal resources intersect, nonprofit workplaces can be rife with conflict interchanges. Conflict can arise from managing differing perspectives and seemingly incompatible concerns. If we can accept it as a natural part of our emotional landscape, it can be easier to work with than if we expect (or wish! ) conflict to disappear and never resurface.As a manager, it is important to be able to identify and to understand the varying levels of conflicts and how these levels are manifested in different ways. An early sign of conflict is that â€Å"nagging feeling†or tension you feel, indicating that something is brewing under the surface. Pay attention to non-verbal behaviours such as crossed-arms, eyes lowered or someone sitting back or away from you or the group. These signs can provide you with important information about your current situat ion and can help you in assessing your next steps.If these signs are not dealt with in a timely manner, this sense of apprehension can shift to another level of conflict and can be manifested more directly with opposition and conviction. This aspect of conflict is addressed in more depth in the sections below. More often than not, these early warning signs are a part of a larger web of dynamics present in your organization. As part of our analysis, it is helpful to understand the source of potential conflict. Below are some common sources of conflict: Conflict type | Description |Values conflict| Involves incompatibility of preferences, principles and practices that people believe in such as religion, ethics or politics. | Power conflict | Occurs when each party wishes to maintain or maximize the amount of influence that it exerts in the relationship and the social setting such as in a decision making process. | Economic conflict | Involves competing to attain scarce resources such as monetary or human resources. | Interpersonal conflict | Occurs when two people or more have incompatible needs, goals, or approaches in their relationship such as different communication or work styles. Organizational conflict | Involves inequalities in the organizational chart and how employees report to one another. | Environmental conflict | Involves external pressures outside of the organization such as a recession, a changing government, or a high employment rate. | Once you know more about where the conflict stems from, you will be better equipped to address it. A variety of factors influence when and how conflict will surface. To get the bigger picture, consider all the sources above before taking action.Now, we will look at the various ways in which we can respond and manage conflict. Understanding conflict styles – A first step in dealing with conflict is to discover your preferred conflict style(s) and subsequently, learn how to manage a variety of situations usi ng different approaches. These styles have two basic dimensions: Assertiveness, which relates to behaviours intended to satisfy one's own concerns. This dimension is also correlated to attaining one's goals, Cooperativeness, which relates to behaviours intended to satisfy the other individual's concerns.This dimension can also be tracked as being concerned with relationships. A combination of these dimensions results in five conflict behaviours: 1. Competing 2. Accommodating 3. Avoiding 4. Collaborating 5. Compromising Each style is appropriate in particular contexts and learning how to be strategic when approaching conflict is ideal. Accommodating – The accommodating style is unassertive and cooperative. The goal of this stance is to yield. Typically a person using this conflict mode neglects his or her needs to satisfy the concerns of the other person.There is an element of self-sacrifice and this stance is concerned with preserving the relationship versus attaining goals. The mode is also known as an appeasement or smoothing style and is the opposite of competing. Competing – The Competing style is a power-oriented mode that is high in assertiveness and low in cooperativeness. The goal of this stance is to win. In this mode the individual aims to pursue one's agenda at another's expense. This may mean standing up for one's needs, defending a cherished position and/or simply trying to win. The goal is deemed very important.This style is also referred to as a forcing or dominant style. Avoiding – The avoiding style is both unassertive and uncooperative. The goal of this stance is to delay. In this mode an individual does not immediately pursue his or her concerns or those of another. There is indifference to the outcome to the issue and the relationship and the person withdraws or postpones dealing with the conflict. This style can provide a needed respite from the situation or it can inflame things if the issue keeps being pushed aside. This mode is also known as flight. CollaborateThe collaborating style is both assertive and cooperative. The goal of this stance is to find a win-win situation. Typically this mode is concerned with finding creative solutions to issues that satisfy both individual's concerns. Learning, listening and attending to both the organizational and personal issues are addressed with this conflict style. It takes time and effort. This mode is also known as a problem solving or integrative style and it is the opposite of avoiding. Compromise The compromising style lands one right in the middle of being assertive and cooperative.The goal of this stance is to find a quick middle ground. Parties find an expedient, mutually acceptable solution by having each person give up something and split the difference. This mode is also known as sharing. Dealing with difficult people When working in a group, there may be times when you will have to work with a difficult person. Often times, this person is no t aware of his or her impact on the group or the implications of his or her actions on others. Depending on the perspective, everyone has been viewed at one time or another, as a difficult person.Everybody has the capacity to be both productive and problematic in the workplace. It is all in how you view the situation. With a simple change in perspective, your experience with a difficult person can change from a situation that is happening to you to a possibly enriching learning experience. If you are experiencing a strong reaction to another person, there are two elements you need to consider: you and the other person. First, start with yourself. It is essential to understand why you are reacting to that person and the possible strategies you can use to address the situation.For example, a preferred conflict style can be exacerbated by a particular method of communication. If you have a tendency to avoid conflicts, are emails the only way you solve issues at the office? Or do you fi nd yourself saying things on email that you would never say in person. Many of us can hide behind our computers or take on a bolder, more aggressive persona. In essence, change your behaviour to work effectively with someone. There are many ways in which to communicate with your colleagues – face to face meetings, phone calls, e-mails, video conferencing etc. he possibilities are limitless. When working with a difficult person, begin to locate the problem inside yourself. Dr. Ronald Short, in his book, Learning in Relationship, states: â€Å"The impact someone has on us (feeling and thoughts we have inside) is our responsibility. To understand impact, we need to look at ourselves – not judge others†(1998). Remember, as a rule (and this is easier said than done), try not to take things personally. Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a direct reflection of what is happening inside of this person. The Role Played by Socialisation in Shaping Human Behaviour Has Been Overstated.’ Assess This Claim Common sources of conflict – Conflict is an inevitable part of human relationships. Where commitment to mission and long hours with minimal resources intersect, nonprofit workplaces can be rife with conflict interchanges. Conflict can arise from managing differing perspectives and seemingly incompatible concerns. If we can accept it as a natural part of our emotional landscape, it can be easier to work with than if we expect (or wish! ) conflict to disappear and never resurface.As a manager, it is important to be able to identify and to understand the varying levels of conflicts and how these levels are manifested in different ways. An early sign of conflict is that â€Å"nagging feeling†or tension you feel, indicating that something is brewing under the surface. Pay attention to non-verbal behaviours such as crossed-arms, eyes lowered or someone sitting back or away from you or the group. These signs can provide you with important information about your current situat ion and can help you in assessing your next steps.If these signs are not dealt with in a timely manner, this sense of apprehension can shift to another level of conflict and can be manifested more directly with opposition and conviction. This aspect of conflict is addressed in more depth in the sections below. More often than not, these early warning signs are a part of a larger web of dynamics present in your organization. As part of our analysis, it is helpful to understand the source of potential conflict. Below are some common sources of conflict: Conflict type | Description |Values conflict| Involves incompatibility of preferences, principles and practices that people believe in such as religion, ethics or politics. | Power conflict | Occurs when each party wishes to maintain or maximize the amount of influence that it exerts in the relationship and the social setting such as in a decision making process. | Economic conflict | Involves competing to attain scarce resources such as monetary or human resources. | Interpersonal conflict | Occurs when two people or more have incompatible needs, goals, or approaches in their relationship such as different communication or work styles. Organizational conflict | Involves inequalities in the organizational chart and how employees report to one another. | Environmental conflict | Involves external pressures outside of the organization such as a recession, a changing government, or a high employment rate. | Once you know more about where the conflict stems from, you will be better equipped to address it. A variety of factors influence when and how conflict will surface. To get the bigger picture, consider all the sources above before taking action.Now, we will look at the various ways in which we can respond and manage conflict. Understanding conflict styles – A first step in dealing with conflict is to discover your preferred conflict style(s) and subsequently, learn how to manage a variety of situations usi ng different approaches. These styles have two basic dimensions: Assertiveness, which relates to behaviours intended to satisfy one's own concerns. This dimension is also correlated to attaining one's goals, Cooperativeness, which relates to behaviours intended to satisfy the other individual's concerns.This dimension can also be tracked as being concerned with relationships. A combination of these dimensions results in five conflict behaviours: 1. Competing 2. Accommodating 3. Avoiding 4. Collaborating 5. Compromising Each style is appropriate in particular contexts and learning how to be strategic when approaching conflict is ideal. Accommodating – The accommodating style is unassertive and cooperative. The goal of this stance is to yield. Typically a person using this conflict mode neglects his or her needs to satisfy the concerns of the other person.There is an element of self-sacrifice and this stance is concerned with preserving the relationship versus attaining goals. The mode is also known as an appeasement or smoothing style and is the opposite of competing. Competing – The Competing style is a power-oriented mode that is high in assertiveness and low in cooperativeness. The goal of this stance is to win. In this mode the individual aims to pursue one's agenda at another's expense. This may mean standing up for one's needs, defending a cherished position and/or simply trying to win. The goal is deemed very important.This style is also referred to as a forcing or dominant style. Avoiding – The avoiding style is both unassertive and uncooperative. The goal of this stance is to delay. In this mode an individual does not immediately pursue his or her concerns or those of another. There is indifference to the outcome to the issue and the relationship and the person withdraws or postpones dealing with the conflict. This style can provide a needed respite from the situation or it can inflame things if the issue keeps being pushed aside. This mode is also known as flight. CollaborateThe collaborating style is both assertive and cooperative. The goal of this stance is to find a win-win situation. Typically this mode is concerned with finding creative solutions to issues that satisfy both individual's concerns. Learning, listening and attending to both the organizational and personal issues are addressed with this conflict style. It takes time and effort. This mode is also known as a problem solving or integrative style and it is the opposite of avoiding. Compromise The compromising style lands one right in the middle of being assertive and cooperative.The goal of this stance is to find a quick middle ground. Parties find an expedient, mutually acceptable solution by having each person give up something and split the difference. This mode is also known as sharing. Dealing with difficult people When working in a group, there may be times when you will have to work with a difficult person. Often times, this person is no t aware of his or her impact on the group or the implications of his or her actions on others. Depending on the perspective, everyone has been viewed at one time or another, as a difficult person.Everybody has the capacity to be both productive and problematic in the workplace. It is all in how you view the situation. With a simple change in perspective, your experience with a difficult person can change from a situation that is happening to you to a possibly enriching learning experience. If you are experiencing a strong reaction to another person, there are two elements you need to consider: you and the other person. First, start with yourself. It is essential to understand why you are reacting to that person and the possible strategies you can use to address the situation.For example, a preferred conflict style can be exacerbated by a particular method of communication. If you have a tendency to avoid conflicts, are emails the only way you solve issues at the office? Or do you fi nd yourself saying things on email that you would never say in person. Many of us can hide behind our computers or take on a bolder, more aggressive persona. In essence, change your behaviour to work effectively with someone. There are many ways in which to communicate with your colleagues – face to face meetings, phone calls, e-mails, video conferencing etc. he possibilities are limitless. When working with a difficult person, begin to locate the problem inside yourself. Dr. Ronald Short, in his book, Learning in Relationship, states: â€Å"The impact someone has on us (feeling and thoughts we have inside) is our responsibility. To understand impact, we need to look at ourselves – not judge others†(1998). Remember, as a rule (and this is easier said than done), try not to take things personally. Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a direct reflection of what is happening inside of this person.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Integrated Marketing Communications Plan
INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS PLAN A. ADVERTISING Advertising refers to the paid promotion of goods and services through a sponsoring organization or company. While marketing has the objective to choose markets that have the capacity to purchase a product,  advertising, on the other hand, is the paid communication through which relevant information about the product is conveyed to potential consumers (2001). In a general sense, the author plans to use advertising in order to be able to impart to interested Christian women aged 13-45 the availability of slots in the Virtuous Woman Pageant.In a way, advertising will also be able to provide critical information regarding the Virtuous Woman Pageant. The author believes that when the advertising campaign for the Virtuous Woman Pageant is achieved effectively, this can lead to an increased interest for Christian women to join the pageant. There are commonly three main objectives of advertisements: (1) conveying relevant informatio n regarding a particular product or service; (2) persuading consumers to purchase the advertised product; and, (3) keep the company under the watchful eyes of the public (2002).But in this particular case, the author plans to mix the elements of all three objectives. Since the Virtuous Woman Pageant is a relatively new event, then it must be supported with informative and persuasive ads. Evaluation of Advertising 1) Advantages The existence of Internet and the continued revolution in the world of Information Technology are certainly positive signs for the successful advertising campaign for the Virtuous Woman Pageant. For instance, the author plans to use Popup ads and email ads as a form of online advertisement. ) Disadvantages In recent years, the public opinion regarding advertising has become very negative. They view it as a medium that only promotes lies. This is of course contrary to the purpose of advertisements to encourage the target market to patronize a particular product or service. Nowadays, most advertisements are either perceived as merely stating opinions or portraying a product or service in a totally distorted idea away from reality. It is his alarming situation regarding the true objectives of advertising that could lead to an increase in the responsibilities that the author and the organizers of the Virtuous Woman Pageant would face. B. PUBLICITY Publicity is a term that is closely related to public relations. While public relations refers to the proper management of all means of communication among the companies and the people involved, publicity, on the other hand, is the careful management of a product or service’s means of communication between the company and the general public. Therefore, it is basically an informative process.However, its main objective is the promotion of products and services being offered by a company. Thus, a publicity plan is being made along the process in order to obtain excellent press coverage for the company’s products (2003). The author and the organizers plan to issue a press release regarding the launching of the Virtuous Woman Pageant, but other methods including Internet releases are in the author’s options. However, in order for these tools and techniques to be effectively utilized by the media, they must be able to generate a great interest from the public.For this to happen, the author and the organizers of the Virtuous Woman Pageant plans to manipulate the press release in order to be a perfect match to the Christian women. The author believes that the most successful publicity releases are often related to topics that the general public can easily relate to. Evaluation of Publicity 1) Advantages The advantages of publicity include having low costs, and its credibility. New technologies such as web cameras and convergence are gradually changing the cost-structure. ) Disadvantages The disadvantages include the lack of control over how the releases will be used, and the accumulation of frustration regarding the low percentage of releases that are being accepted by the media. C. PERSONAL SELLING Sales are an important part of any commercial transaction. The most common approach to personal selling pertains to a systematic process of continuous yet measurable methods in which the person selling describes his offered products or services in such a way that the buyer will be able to visualize ow to benefit from the offered products or services in an economic way. Selling is basically a part of the implementation procedures of marketing. It often forms a particular grouping within a corporate structure, employing independent specialist operatives known as salesmen (2003). The continued interrogation in order to understand a consumer’s goal as well as the establishment of a set of feasible solutions by conveying the necessary information that convinces a buyer to achieve his goal at a reasonable cost is the main responsibility of the sales person.On the other hand, the main objective of professional sales is to be able to know the needs and satisfy the wants of consumers effectively, and therefore convert possible customers into actual and reliable ones (2002). Evaluation of Personal Selling 1) Advantages Some of the distinct advantages that the author sees in the use of personal selling as an IMC tool for the Virtuous Woman Pageant include the immediate access to feedback, the persuasive nature of the endeavor, the option of choosing a target audience for the sales person, and its capability to give detailed information. ) Disadvantages Personal selling may have the tendency to become extremely expensive per exposure, and the gathered information may be different among the sales persons involved. It is a well-known fact that the main objective of selling is to help a consumer achieve his / her goals in a reasonable way. However, this is not always the case. For instance, Christian women can easily be persuaded by outside factors to join the Virtuous Woman Pageant that normally does not have any interest to them.Some sales people are being commanded by their mother companies to sell to consumers odd products that they don't necessarily need. This anomalous behavior is being supported by incentives of sales personnel to increase their total number of sales, incentives from the companies of service providers to sales personnel to sell their products where other similar products offered by competitors are offered, and the incentive to sell a consumer a product that is in need of being wiped out.CONCLUSION The results of the analysis carried out on the proposed IMC tools that would be used for the Virtuous Woman Pageant indicated very significant effects, even amidst the threats of unrest. Therefore, we could conclude that the IMC tools could still be expected to contribute to the successful launching of the Virtuous Woman Pageant. The review of the capabilities and resources of the IMC tools revealed very little inconsistencies regarding the overall strategies.This is coherent with the traditional inside-out approach. However, the need to reconcile both the inside-out and outside-in approaches becomes imperative now for the author and the organizers of the Virtuous Woman Pageant. The analysis among the environment as well as the capabilities of the IMC tools revealed certain gaps, most of which are biased towards the environment.However, these gaps paved the way towards determining a number of recommended strategic options to secure the competitiveness of the IMC tools. Also, the author and the organizers of the Virtuous Woman Pageant has to find a balance between adherence to internal forces within the management and to the changing forces of the environment in order to implement such strategic options Read more: http://ivythesis. typepad. com/term_paper_topics/2009/11/integrated-marketing-communications-plan. html#ixzz29wJi0bUf
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