Sunday, October 20, 2019
Adolf Hitler And The Nazi Party History Essay
Adolf Hitler And The Nazi Party History Essay Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party wholeheartedly believed that by applying a selective breeding scheme encouraged by social Darwinism, that the human genome could be greatly improved – similar to applying this notion towards breeding superior strains of dog and cattle as seen today. Although it is may be difficult to comprehend the true nature to why Hitler formulated and articulated the ideas of racial policies, in which is now commonly referred to as Nazi ideology; it is widely acceptable that Hitler and the Nazi’s developed and implemented such doctrines in order to protect what they believed to be ‘the superior race’. However, this foolishness resulted in the ‘final solution’, it justified the genocide of approximately â€Å"11 million European Jews† [ 1 ]  in which the Nazi’s judged as ‘the inferior race’. Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution, coined the survival of the fittest was observed and appli ed to the diversity and complexity of life on earth. However, Hitler crudely manipulated this concept in order to protect and encourage the breeding of the Aryan ‘master race’ [ 2 ]  . The Nazi party â€Å"†¦went further, convincing themselves that, as mankind had become the dominant species through strengthening the features that distinguish humans from lesser beings and handing them down to succeeding generations, so it would be possible to enhance the race by deliberately choosing to breed from men and women whose qualities you wanted to see preserved. The corollary was the suppression, by extermination or enslavement, of people whose undesirable characteristics would pollute the mix† [ 3 ]  . This entailed preventing those perceived as the ‘inferior race’ from assimilating with those believed as superior or Aryan, gifted above all other races – thus effectively reducing the contamination of their gene pool. The notion wa s justified as it was seen to be employing ‘the laws of nature’, as outlined by Hitler in his political autobiography, Mein Kampf or translated to ‘My Struggle’ in which he stated that through the evolution of life, natural selection favoured the breeding of superior organisms and subsequently races. â€Å"No more than Nature desires the mating of weaker with stronger individuals, even less does she desire the blending of a higher with a lower race, since, if she did, her whole work of higher breeding, over perhaps, hundreds of thousands of years, night be ruined with one blow† [ 4 ]  . As such, Hitler who came to power in 1933, by this time he had been undoubtedly convinced that he had found the solution for a better future for the Aryan race as he believed that a person’s characteristics, attitudes, abilities, and behaviour were determined by his or her so-called racial makeup† [ 5 ]  and thus also determined whether or n ot their loyalties lied with Germany. Therefore by intermingling with those believed to be of inferiority; Hitler and the Nazi’s viewed this as the dilution of ideal characteristics and the inconceivable distribution of poisonous genes, with dire consequences to those judged superior. â€Å"à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦he will remain the master as long as he does not fall a victim to defilement of the blood. The result of all racial crossing is therefore in brief always the following:
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