Saturday, August 31, 2019
Rationale Scheme of Work Essay
The rationale for my scheme of work (see appendix 1) is to meet both the learners’ needs and the curriculum requirements. Edexcel is the awarding body who supply the syllabus which gives the framework for delivery and assessment of the subject matter. The Edexcel ITQ Level 2 Certificate curriculum requirements will be met by learners completing practical work-related tasks. They will learn by completing projects and assignments that are based on realistic workplace situations, activities and demands. The content and structure are the most obvious features of any Scheme of Work, since it is the whole syllabus of what is going to be delivered, how it is going to be delivered and when it will be delivered, therefore I have used a logical format according to Gray (2005) the teacher has the ultimate responsibility to organise & sequence the course as a whole, so that the direction is clear from lesson to lesson. According to Gray (2005) the Aims, Objectives and Methods are a fundamental part to the planning of lessons, however also stipulates that they are necessary for the construction of the Scheme of Work. It is important that my scheme of works conveys a balance of learning objectives, such as behavioural, cognitive, affective or personal growth. Another aspect that needs to be taken into account in designing a scheme of work is the structure. I will start off with easier topics and build up to more difficult ones and at the same time, show a relationship between the topics building in revision to aid the learning process, Bruner (1966) called this the spiral curriculum. Therefore I have organised my scheme of work in a spiral manner so that the learner continually builds upon what they have already learned. The subject for my observed session is â€Å"Presentation Software†, This unit is about the skills and knowledge required by an IT user to select and use a wide range of intermediate presentation software tools and techniques effectively to produce presentations which include a combination of media (e.g. images, animation and sound) for education, entertainment or information sharing) and are at times non-routine or unfamiliar. I will set out the Aims and Objectives of the session plan (see appendix 2) to meet the specific curriculum requirements of the Presentation module (see appendix 3). To meet the aims and needs of individual learners the session will allow learners’ use their skills for real purposes and achieve success as a result of using their skills effectively. I will introduce the session by communicating the Aims and Objectives to learners both verbally and by showing them on a PowerPoint slide, I will Incorporate discussion strategies into this section as this can help learners enhance their speaking and listening skills. Reece & Walker (2006) suggests that the negotiating process should be modelled in five stages. The first is preparing for negotiation which is being aware of what the student needs to achieve, the second stage consist of the first session with the learner where a good rapport needs to be made with the learner. Then follows the contract part where actual SMART targets are agreed. These I will incorporate into the Aims and Objectives. The last two stages are the monitoring learning which will carry out during the session by assessing the learners’ through discussion. Question and answer and observation. The final review which can be a discussion of a formal assessment. I will recap previous sessions as according to Knox (1977) effective adult learning entails an active search for meaning in which new tasks are somehow related to earlier activities. Prior learning experiences have the potential to enhance or interfere with new learning. The recap will be in the form of a quiz, where Reece & Walker (2006) explains how we may be using words that create barriers in learning. We must avoid using male dominated language for example words like craftsman should be changed to craft worker and manpower should be replaced with workforce and also using ‘they’ instead of ‘him/her’. Petty (2009) focuses on this along with the role of a teacher not to discriminate against race and ethnicity and the promoting the use of multiculturalism in their particular the subject area. †¢ Integrate learning by linking knowledge within and between the functional areas. †¢ Spend time planning and developing their work. †¢ Make choices, think creatively and act independently. Expert teachers generally are comfortable with a wide range of instructional strategies, and they vary them skillfully with the nature of the learning task and learners’ needs (Berliner, 1986). Tomlinson, Carol Ann. Differentiated Classroom : Responding to the Needs of All Learners. Alexandria, VA, USA: Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development, 1999. p 61. Copyright  © 1999. Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development. All rights reserved. Independent practice that allows students to extend skills or knowledge on their own â€Å"Differentiation is the process whereby teachers meet the need for progress through the curriculum by selecting appropriate teaching methods to match the individual student’s learning strategies within a group situation.†J.Visser, Differentiation and the Curriculum, University of Birmingham, 1993 Why differentiate? Every learner is an individual and has his or her own specific learning needs. Each will be influenced by previous experiences including cultural influences. Differentiation involves the art of giving each of these individuals an equal opportunity to achieve and engage in the learning process. This is why the Further Education National Training Organisation standards 1 state that teachers and trainers should:  · â€Å"select appropriate teaching techniques to accommodate the different ways individuals learnà ¾  · use a variety of teaching methods to meet the needs of groups and individuals, and to provide an environment in which all learners have the opportunity to experience success.†Effective adult learning entails an active search for meaning in which new tasks are somehow related to earlier activities. Prior learning experiences have the potential to enhance or interfere with new learning. (Knox, 1977 as quoted in Brookfield, 1986). Instruction should be designed to facilitate extrapolation and or fill in the gaps (going beyond the information given). Bruner (1973) Bruner, J. (1966). Toward a Theory of Instruction. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Bruner, J. (1973). Going Beyond the Information Given. New York: Norton. (Knox, 1977 as quoted in Brookfield, 1986). Instruction should be designed to facilitate extrapolation and or fill in the gaps (going beyond the information given).
Friday, August 30, 2019
Financial Aid Appeal Letter Essay
My name is Ali Shaheed and I am writing to appeal my suspension from financial aid. I hope that you will reconsider your decision and grant my financial aid. I would like to begin thanking you in advance for taking the time to read this letter and consider my request to reinstate my financial aid at Henry Ford Community College. I take full responsibility for my unsatisfactory completion rate, but I would like to explain the circumstances. I started my first semester at HFCC in winter 2012, and I failed to attend my classes due to my mother being sick, and I had to rush her to the hospital every other day. I had to take care of her because I’m the only one she had. In a result I failed to make satisfactory academic progress due to me not attending classes. This summer of 2013 I went to Baker College of Allen Park to continue my education because they approved me for financial grants, and because I could not afford to pay my classes at HFCC. Now I’m a full time student at Baker and I have completed one class so far and I got an A in it, and I got 3 more classes that I’m currently attending right now, I will attach my classes schedule and registration with this letter to verify and see that I’m serious about this and I want to move forward to continue my education and be successful and never look back, and my I will also send in my official transcript from Baker when I finish the semester in December 16th 2013. I’m looking forward now to go back to HFCC for the winter semester because they got better learning environment and better teachers and it’s the college that I want to finish my education at. I am really serious about my future and I recognize that a degree is essential in attaining a great career. Again, thank you for taking the time to read this letter, and I assure you, if granted financial aid, my education and will continue to be my main priority.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Communication and Visual Literacy Essay
Brian Kennedy’s lecture on visual literacy was very interesting. I’ve never really thought about visual literacy that way. You really don’t realize how you would perceive things in the world if you couldn’t see anything. He says that we learn everything visual first. Then the others things come after that. The more I think about it, the more I believe what he is saying. In our book the definition of visual literacy is the competent creation and consumption of visual messages (Ryan, 2012). Which is a vague fairly vague definition compared to what Kennedy said. Kennedy really dives deep into the subject and drives home the importance of visual literacy. He has you close your eyes and then he asks you to name off some things that are in the room. I honestly couldn’t remember any of these things. It just goes to show you how important it is for us to see things. When we see things we generate assumptions about them, try to interpret them, and we add text to them. So visual literacy can go a long way for us. Visual literacy is definitely a universal language. Kennedy talks about this a little bit in his lecture. There are all kinds of different things we do visually that translate in any culture. Kennedy’s example was a simple wink. When we see someone wink we interpret what it means. It could mean a lot of different things though as well. Hand signals and numbers don’t really change either. I was just in the Dominican Republic and a lot of the locals didn’t speak English. I had to resort to using hand signals to get things I wanted or communicate with them. Most of the time it worked to. It was easier for me to communicate with them visually and basically the only means of communication I had. So I agree when someone says visual literacy is a universal language. I think visual literacy can impact communication and global understanding. I gave an example in my previous paragraph of how visual literacy impacts communication. That example works here really well too. It impacts communication because we see things first and then we interpret the text, such as body language or hand gestures. They can change how you interpret what someone is saying. It helps with a global understanding because visual literacy is universal. I stated earlier that I though visual literacy was a universal language. When you can’t communicate with some verbally you always turn to visual things like hand gestures. I think this gives us a way to communicate when we can speak through words. Visual literacy is very important to us as a country and throughout the world. References Ryan, W. (2012). Visual literacy: learning to see. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. TedTalk: Brian Kennedy: Visual Literacy and Why We Need It (http://tedxtalks. ted. com/video/TEDxDartmouth-Brian-Kennedy-Vis;search%3Abrian%20kennedy).
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
HEALTH AND BEHAVIOURAL SCIENCES Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
HEALTH AND BEHAVIOURAL SCIENCES - Lab Report Example as no difference found in the motivation of two groups, but the groups with the fewer choices were more satisfied with their decision and they also reported less difficulty levels. Do you have more variety of this product? I think we should visit the corner shop because my friend was telling me that they have a wide collection. I can apply for only a few colleges†¦ I wish I could apply for more college. How many times we have heard or used these sentences or similar kinds of statements. The importance of choices in our lives is very important and it is often realized. People always variety as they feel that it helps them in their decision making process. There are no two thoughts on the fact that choices are very important for us. The effect that choices have on our lives is misinterpreted or misunderstood many a times. Too many choices may not be as beneficial for us as we think they are. It is found that excess of choices can decrease the motivation to buy (Iyengar & Lepper, 2000). Psychology informs us today that choice between two desirable options can lead to dissatisfaction and stress (Huffman, 2008). These results are not in line with the common notion regarding choices. The ability to choose from a variety of alternatives is considered necessary for a better decision. Studies have also suggested that choices are very necessary for human beings and they increase the life satisfaction of people (Deci & Ryan, 1985). These studies have contradicting results and they may confuse a lay man. These results have also added obscurity on the subject of variety and choices to some extent. It is important to understand that variety is very important for people and their survival. However too many choices can lead to dissatisfaction and decrease in motivation. The problem with too many choices is that it increases the stress level of the people as they want to choose the best option (Moushart, 2008). Too many choices actually hinder in decision making by confusing
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Hunter S. Thompson Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Hunter S. Thompson - Essay Example Unlike her teeth, reality has the power to bite. So have I and here comes Lola the lesbian with the pizza. Her boots thump and stomp up the stairs, shaking but not stirring the peace, momentarily. Lola's cool. She's kind, she knows the right people to score the best stuff, she shares. Lola's lonely, an angry, aging remnant of the Women's Movement. She's discarded it, but in truth, it discarded her. She was too loud, too active, too passionate, too public. Honesty was her worst policy. So here she is with her pristine apartment and pedigree pussycat, Comfort. And me, worn out, washed-up, woozy and unpredictable. Or am I But for now, just on the edge, the brink of a life, new and shiny or corroded and crusted with the rust of broken promises "Napkins, forks, here you go, sweetie" Lola croons. "Who the fuck eats pizza that way!" - but I hold the scream inside, there are larger issues at stake. I have a duty to be nice, for now. We need each other, we share a place, a history and a hatred of Bush/Blair. I know we will get to them, come what may, never mind the pepperoni, the buzz and the Bud. Like war, it's inevitable. I hold onto the buzz, see the lights but they become the nights of 'Shock and Awe', bigger lights, more impact, you know Am I myself or somebody else, and who gives a shit I go forward with Lola to Guantanamo Bay, hearing the voices of expert salesmen. "Yes we have a nice range of used cattle-prods, or if they don't appeal, how about some out of date sodium pentathol" Now ain't that their truth, the inhuman, dehumanized leaders of the civilized world. The anger rises, then subsides, Lola and me, we think on and speak on. "And Bush tells Blair: "If I put my hand in the fire, you must do it too, to prove you are my friend. If burning ash, cinders and shit fall on innocent bystanders, why, what the hell, it's the price they pay for us showing strength." And we are right to loathe and fear these creatures from the dark side. This bullshit hurts. Lola rolls another joint and the hiss and clink of beer and glass make it easy, like Sunday morning. I eat, I drink, I feel the need to expel these bastards from the vicinity. I don't want Lola's tears to dilute the purity of my anger. The poison of these creatures is enough to keep my resolve alive. But for now, let's party with warm love. There's Lola, the cat, the lights, the grass and me. A soft breeze, the comfort of kindred spirits, all anybody needs. A muted scream from over the way brings a shadow of fear to Lola's soft face. Eyebrows raised in alarm, old memories surface, she's going weird on me. I could show her weird, but I won't, keeping my scars to myself and feeling no pain. A sweeping swarm of locusts now encircle me, are in me, and time moves me onwards to the edge. The soft murmur of her voice forms the backdrop, but cannot drown them out. No matter, I want to finish it. The tide is high but I'm holding on, and ask myself why All I have fought for, all I believe in, destroyed, denigrated and demeaned. The American dream is now my waking nightmare. I could end this and wake up elsewhere. I bought the ticket. I will take the ride. She sighs, shifts, leans to plant a kiss on my head, and leaves to sleep. Thank Jesus she's gone, it's just me and my decision. Exciting, nerve-wracking, life-changing, no, life-ending. Another slice of pizza,
HRM1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
HRM1 - Essay Example The human resources comprising the firm, has in recent years become strategic to decision-making in a strong way. Strategic Human Resource Management (HRM) researchers have devoted considerable effort toward demonstrating that the ways that people are managed, particularly through HR practices, have strong empirical relationships with organizational performance.(Huselid, 2005) The theory of close relationship between HRM and economic success has grown significantly in the last fifteen years. This theoretical progress can be seen in two different arenas: meta-theories describing broad rationales for why HRM and economic success should be linked, and middle level process theories describing how this linkage takes place. The firm's strategy determines the design of the HR system. The HR system impacts the employee skills and motivation, which in turn results in creativity, productivity and discretionary behavior. And, employees' behavior influences the firms operating performance, which leads to profitability, growth and market value. (Wright & Haggerty ) The development of the meta-theory which emphasizes the new process theory of the relationship between HRM and economic success reveals the current trend to identify some of the key variables which are indicators of this relationship. This includes the consideration of three important concepts: time, cause and individuals in the determination of the relationship of HRM with the economic success in the functioning and the operation of the SME's in this era pf globalization. The experience of working in advanced and growing economy of Australia, and the developing economy of Vietnam can be good background for initiating a developmental and strategic plan for the focus of the expansion in China which is the fastest growing developing economy in Asia. Meta theories such as the resource based view indirectly consider time, usually suggesting that competitive advantages stemming from HRM evolve over long periods of time. In which time comes into play with regard to "sustainable" competitive advantages as suggested by Barney (1990) suggesting that the concept requires an advantage that is held over time, it is important to specify both the amount of time and the process through which this evolution occurs to really understand the impact of these practices on the economic success. Another very significant consequence is the relationship between which explores the causal relationship between HRM and the economic success as the temporal precedence serves as a precondition to inferring cause. They propose three criteria for the inferring cause: co variation between the resumed cause and effect, the temporal precedence of the cause, and the ability to control or rule out alternative explanations for a possible cause and effect connection. The final area of the future theoretical attention emerges from the role played by the individuals adding complexity to the phenomena within models of the relationship between HRM and economic success. This considers the emphasis on the different levels of analysis tension inherent in research on people in organization. At the organization and the unit level, theories seek to explain how variation in one level variable relates to variation in
Monday, August 26, 2019
Business Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 2
Business Plan - Essay Example Student Fast Food (SFF) is a small fast food outlet, working in Cambridge for five years, and now intends to transform itself into a proper pizza hut by means of innovative and resourceful strategies. Presently the point, registered with Department of Food and Live Stock, is offering few local fast food items to the students and general public. Generation of revenue and profit is the main purpose of SFF. Since it’s a service provider unit, therefore, customer service is the base of its existence. Our aim is to become the first choice of the customers and make them staying with us again and again. UK fast food is the largest fast food industry in Europe which is double and triple in size than Germany and French markets respectively. The expenditures have been increased since the start of 21st century in UK. "The UK fast food market grew by 5.2% and reached a value of $2.2 billion in 2008" (Datamonitor, August, 2009). The diversified cultures of UK along with various cultural tastes have put a significant impact on pizza industry. The main contributory items of fast food industry are sandwiches (Greggs, Subway, and Thurstens), burgers (McDonalds and Burger King), chicken (KFC), and pizza (Pizza Hut and Domino). In terms of catering and hospitality, the burger sector is leading that had revenue of  £9.33 billion in 2008. This revenue was 4.2% greater than the previous year and it was 22.2% of the total fast food market. By including the business of coffee shops, the revenue would reach  £11.22 billion, greater than 4.4% of the year 2007. The global turndown of 2008 has bene fited the UK fast food industry as it has increased its presence by 8% in 2009 as compared to the last year ( Similarly fast food restaurant has also increased by 8.2% in ten major cities of UK within one year.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Should the EU be involved in a battle against the piracy problem in Essay
Should the EU be involved in a battle against the piracy problem in Somalia - Essay Example Even though only a political settlement in Somalia can bring a long-term resolution to this issue, the measures taken by the international community can significantly improve the situation (Middleton 10). The European Union Naval Force Somalia-Operation ATALANTA, launched by the European Council on the 8 of December 2008, aims to deter, prevent and repress acts of piracy and armed robbery off the Somali coast, and is a part of the global action conducted by the EU to deal with the Somali crisis (â€Å"Mission†1). This operation has several benefits both for Somalia and for international entities affected by the issue of piracy. To start with, operation ATALANTA helps to protect vessels of the World Food Programme (WFP), which deliver food aid to displaced people in Somalia. Since the EU naval escorts for WFP ships began in November 2007, not a single pirate attack on a ship carrying WFP food has been reported. Under the operation ATALANTA, WFP has managed to deliver over 267. 000 metric tons of food to ports in Somalia. Given the increasing need for humanitarian assistance in Somalia, the EU operation contributes significantly to support for numerous victims of the Somali crisis (â€Å"Mission†3). Moreover, operation ATALANTA protects vulnerable vessels in the Gulf of Aden and off the Somali cost. All shipping companies and operators that transit in this region have to register in advance of the website of the Maritime Security Center-Horn of Africa (MSC-HOA). This website facilitates the coordination of maritime traffic as it enables all vessels that observe EU NAVFOR recommendations to be aware of the arrangements taken. MSC-HOA also identifies particularly vulnerable vessels and provides them with close military protection, either from EU NAVOR, or other forces in the region (â€Å"Mschoa†1). These arrangements significantly reduce the risks of pirate attacks or
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Programming Language Ada 95 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Programming Language Ada 95 - Research Paper Example However, more than 450 programming languages were utilized to manage numerous working projects of Department of Defense but none of them was standardized. The main reason could be the absence of reusability. For these reasons, the Navy, Army and Air Force planned to build a high-level programming language especially for embedded systems (The Language Guide, 1997; Kempe, 1995). Thus, the Ada emerged as a programming language designed to facilitate the development of extremely reliable and long-standing embedded software systems. This language comprises capabilities to describe packages of associated objects, types and relevant operations. Additionally, the language packages can be classified and the types can be extended in order to facilitate the development of language libraries of adaptable and reusable software parts. In addition, these processes can be applied in forms of sub-programs with usual sequential programming control structures, or as accesses that comprise synchronizati on of simultaneous operational threads of control as a fraction of their invocation. Moreover, the programming language is capable of dealing with modularity in the physical way as well with a potential to up-hold split compilation (Kempe, 1995). This report will discuss different aspects of Ada95 programming language. ... In this programming language, different kinds of issue and error are indicated through exceptions and managed explicitly. Additionally, the programming language as well includes the features for system programming; which allows accurate control over the illustration of data and access to system reliant-properties. Most importantly, this programming language offers a comprehensive and predefined programming setting of standard packages comprising amenities for, among others, string handling, input-output, random number generation and numeric elementary functions (Kempe, 1995). HISTORY In 1970s, the United States DoD (Department of Defense) was worried due to a number of different programming languages being utilized for developing and managing its embedded systems and other computer system projects as well as most of them were outdated or hardware reliant and none of them allowed for safe modular programming. Thus, in year 1975, The Department of Defense formed a technology working gr oup known as High Order Language Working Group (HOLWG), with the intention of minimizing this figure by discoing or finding or developing a single technology based programming language which could be used to manage all the embedded systems. As a result Ada emerged (Kempe Software Capital Enterprises, 2011; Feldman, 1999;, Inc., 2011). In addition, Ada programming language greatly took attention of the programming community all through its early days. Its backers as well as others forecasted that it would become a leading language for wide-ranging principle programming as well as not immediately defense-related tasks. In this scenario, Ichbiah widely stated that within 10 years, just two programming languages would stay Ada and Lisp. In
Friday, August 23, 2019
Management Essay on Scenario Planning Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Management on Scenario Planning - Essay Example Nevertheless with the passage of time Joe Papa handed the responsibility of running the business to his eldest son. Now the elder son Little Joe now wants to expand the operations of the company and like to open outlets on parts of the St. Louis County and in the suburbs of St. Louis. The next half of the report will be presenting a list of recommendations that can be applied by the company to formulate their strategies for the next 5-10 years. Recommendations In order to have a sound strategic plan for the future the company at first needs to define its core products, services as well as the target group of customers. Defining target is important as the company exists because of its customers. In this process the company must also develop a mission and vision statement. This will clearly portray the intentions of the company about where it wants to go and what it wants to achieve in the near future. Now since the company wants to operate in other parts of the country it needs to hav e a proper strategy. The selection of place where it will be opening the outlet has to be at busy place. This will ensure steady flow of customers. After a shorter expansion and based on the feedbacks of the local customers regarding products and services, the company can take up international expansion. This will not only help the company to earn more revenue, but will also facilitate them to cater to a large number of segments. Prior taking the international expansion the company needs to ensure it maintains the highest quality of products and services. Also other factors such as customer relationship management and customer query management needs to strong. Depending upon the country of operation and its external environment the company may take up either FDI or joint venture to expand. It is important that within next few years the company develops a core competency for itself. Therefore in order to develop it the company must focus on a number of aspects. Some of the possible a spects on which competency can be achieved are variety in dishes, authenticity of the ingredients, ambience of the outlets, free home deliveries, specialized or localized menu etc. The company should implement information technology into their system of operations. By implementing IT into their system the company will be able to introduce various other options. For example it can introduce online order processing system, inventory management system, customer relationship management and also automation of a number of store activities. The company should promote itself with the help of television advertisement, fliers in the form of discount coupons and also promotion through newspaper will help to serve the purpose. Nevertheless strategic planning can also be an effective tool, if properly utilized by the company. In this context the board of directors for the company must consider one among single, standing and contingency plans. After determining the best possible solution and base d on the evaluation, it should prioritize the plans in a systematic manner. The implementation of the plans should be the next step. The company should also consider controlling the implemented strategies. Assignment II Strategic planning is defined as the process by which organizations decides about the objectives of the company and also decides upon the appropriate courses of action required to achieve the objectives (Cambridge Dictionaries
Thursday, August 22, 2019
My First Lair Essay Example for Free
My First Lair Essay It was 22nd of December, 2001, my 10th birthday. As usual on every birthday when i was 10, my parents bought for me a super fancy bike. That was the best gift i’d ever had, but i was not suitable to receive it. At that times, a Math competition was held at my high-school, everyone in class had to join this event ,and the reward from my parents is the Martin bike . As a arrogant kid, I was very confident about myself, and I assumed that I’ll win that competition. I didnt prepare any things for that contest . â€Å"Piece of cake†is my moto , i always say that whenever I see a math. Until the contest day I still said â€Å" piece of cake†in the test. Step by step, I finished my work quickly and felt very confident about the test. I remember that day, I call the guy who sat in font of me â€Å"loser†because he finished his paper slower than me,and overshadowed Tu whom was bot student in class . I was such an haughty kid. Then i paid for my arrogantly, i lost in that competition, i didnt see the bonus extra point question, so i skipped that. Finally Vinh- the loser did good all the questions. Standing at the 2nd which mean the Martin was still far far away from me. Being on the top a long time, 2nd is unacceptable for me, and I really wanted the Martin. I’d been thinking about that for few days, then I got a evil idea that my parents was always busy with their business, and they would believe anything from me. I decided blithely sacrifice future security in exchange for immediate gratification. I told them that i won the contest, then got a new bike from them. Extremely super ultra awesome was not enough to describe my feeling in this moment. I’d enjoyed my new stuff til that day. Life is not simple as i think, the contest result was hung . One day my parents came home with a bad mood, they just looked at me in a disappointed way, then ignored me in that day. I could predict that they knew the truth . That was the first time i lied to them, they must be very sad . I really really wanted to talk to them in that day, but i could; shame on me . Next day, i put all my bravely into my word; â€Å"I’m sorry†that all i could say, and they just smiled, and said â€Å" it’s ok, you should be honest next time, don’t exchange our faith with a fancy thing â€Å" . I cried after hear that . Their quote always follows me until now . Thing can buy although it’s very expensive , but faith is invaluable . That was how my first lair work on .
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
The System of Inquiry Essay Example for Free
The System of Inquiry Essay The basic framework of the system of inquiry is to eliminate bias in determining the appropriateness of the actions and decisions of social workers in NASW. It also includes the consideration for the welfare of the people to whom the services of the social workers are rendered without prejudicing the welfare of the social workers at the same time. In essence, the basic framework revolves around the idea of withholding judgment until all the pertinent facts are considered and the natures of the ethical situations are analyzed. This basic framework will be used because social workers oftentimes deal with ethical dilemmas where the ethically sound and valid decisions are difficult to identify. In some cases, the options available for social workers are ethically permissible and yet they are required to choose only one option. It is therefore imperative to choose the most suitable option with the least corresponding harmful consequences possible. Otherwise, the prudent act of choosing carefully from the possible ethical options becomes a futile undertaking. The system of inquiry will be applied only after the facts of the case are identified. Thereafter, the applicable sections of the NASW Code of Ethics will be used as bases for determining the ethical worth of the actions or decisions of the social workers under study. A selected panel will head the investigations of the cases, the results of which are still subject to appeal, after which the decision will be considered final and irrevocable. Thus, the NASW Code of Ethics will not only serve as an immediate guide for the members of the organization. It will also function as an objective â€Å"arbiter†during investigations of ethical complaints or breaches in the proposed ethical conduct of social workers. The System of Inquiry As far as the NASW Code of Ethics is concerned, the primary role of social workers is â€Å"to promote the wellbeing of clients†because â€Å"client’s interests are primary†(Code of Ethics of the National Association of Social Workers). Thus, social workers are expected to set aside their personal bias and other personal concerns when professionally dealing with their clients. Senior leaders in the profession are likewise expected to secure the professionalism of the social workers because these senior leaders â€Å"can create, maintain, or change culture†(Managing Business Ethics Chapter09, p. 230). In other words, the observation that senior leaders can influence the outlook of the organization and its members implies the responsibility to make sure that direction of the actions and decisions of the members are aligned with the policies of the organization including the NASW Code of Ethics. There are instances when social workers face the dilemma of whether or not to allow the request of their clients which social workers know are harmful or do not provide any benefits to their clients. As an example, some social workers in the health profession may face the situation where their patient requests that his life support system should be cut for personal or family reasons. It may be that the patient’s family can no longer shoulder the expenses of providing a life support system to their patient-relative. A variation of this situation is when the terminally-ill patient is no longer capable of making an informed decision on what he wants to be done as far as his medical needs are concerned. As a result, the relatives of the patients are prompted to act or decide on behalf of their terminally-ill family member. In such cases, there arises a conflict in the interests of the patient and the social worker. On one hand, the interest of the social worker is to promote the welfare of the client at all times as a primary concern and as far as the NASW Code of Ethics is concerned, specifically section 1. 01 otherwise known as â€Å"Commitment to Clients†. On the other hand, the interest of the patient or the relatives is to cease the life-support system of their relative who is terminally ill. Most often than not, the attending physician is prompted by the circumstances to consult with his immediate superiors. In this case, the superior of the attending physician will have to use the NASW Code of Ethics as basis for the decision. Section 1. 02 of the NASW Code of Ethics states that social workers should not only respect but also promote their clients’ rights to self-determination and assist their clients in their efforts to identify and clarify their goals†(Code of Ethics of the National Association of Social Workers). Taking into account this section of the Code, it is apparent that the superior should respect the decision of the patient or the relatives of the patient to cut-off the life-support of the terminally-ill patient. It is suggested that it is not within the boundaries of either the attending physician or the superior of the physician to force their clients to follow the decision of the social worker. Since it is the primary obligation of the social worker to promote the welfare of the client, it follows that the social worker should not insist to sustain the life of the patient. It is this instance that shows how the right to self-determination of the patient may override the duty of the social worker.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Managing Business Ethics Effectively Management Essay
Managing Business Ethics Effectively Management Essay The main purpose of my paper is to explore ways to manage business ethics effectively. To achieve this, first of all, I reviewed the concepts and importance of business ethics together with its components, such as corporate ethics codes and corporate social responsibility. Next, I revealed five ways to manage business ethics efficiently. Based on these suggested ways, I recommended four practical actions for managers to have good management skills in this field. These recommendations are setting up an effective corporate ethics code, acting and behaving ethically in any circumstances, setting up rules and regulations, and advancing CSR in a very wise way. My paper concludes with two issues for future researchers. These issues are whether corporations need a business ethics manager or specialist and how companies motivate their employees to act ethically. Managing Business Ethics Effectively Business ethics was such a new concept that not many people were concerned about it (Garone, 1994; Mitchell, 2003). Things have changed over the time, and now business ethics plays a very important role in doing business (Garone, 1994; Mitchell, 2003). The need to manage business ethics becomes essential. In addition, not all cases related to business ethics management are successful (Cooper Nakabayashi, 2010; Garone, 1994; Pedersen, 2006). Therefore, how to manage it effectively is very important to managers. My research paper helps to answer this question above. Before addressing ways to help business people manage business ethics effectively, the research describes the literature framework and importance of business ethics together with its components, such as corporate ethics codes and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Next, five ways to manage business ethics effectively are listed: building an effective corporate ethics code (Mitchell, 2003), improving codes of ethics to change behavior (Buckhoff Wilson, 2008; Lere Gaumnitz, 2007), protecting against deception (Adler, 2007), making an ethical program work (Grace Haupert, 2006), and advancing CSR (Porter Kramer, 2006). The remaining part of the research reveals my four recommendations and two questions for future researchers. A final part summarizes all of the above. Review Section Brief History Garone (1994) stated that It is not difficult to remember when the concept of business ethics was a novelty to most people. It was taken largely for granted by business executives and it attracted little public attention (p. 9). Not many people were concerned much about business ethics. In addition, according to Mitchell (2003), there were many CEOs who focused on taking care of their own individual importance rather than their corporations functioning and profit. Apparently, these presented above show us that business people were not fully aware of or ignored the significance of business ethics. However, things have changed over the time, and ethics has recently played an important role in doing business (Garone, 1994). Moreover, corporations of all sizes, especially multinationals, are more attuned to the bottom-line value of being a good corporate citizen and playing by the rules, and individual business people are seeking to do what is right rather than anything to close the deal' (Mitchell, 2003, p. 2). In other words, most business people have changed their minds and attitudes towards business ethics because they have figured out the close relationship between being ethical in doing business and achieving profitable goals in operating their companies. Although business ethics is already considered to be significant these days and corporations ethical standards and morals have been set to manage it, not all the cases are successful. For example, the NYNEX Corporation confronted an ethical dispute for many years (Garone, 1994); Chinese corruption is so popular all over the world that many foreign companies with operations in China have to find ways to deal with this phenomenon (Pedersen, 2006); the scandal of melamine in milk in China revealed the unethical aspects in doing business (DeLaurentis, 2009); additionally, the U.S. and Japanese life insurance markets faced up to serious ethical turmoil in the marketing and management of insurance products, resulting in an erosion of public trust in the industry (Cooper Nakabayashi, 2010, p. 64). From these cases presented above, the significance to know how to manage business ethics effectively is really needed. Literature Review Before figuring out the ways to do this, let us have more understanding about what business ethics is: Business ethics defines how a company integrates its core values such as honesty, trust, respect and fairness into its policies, practices and decision-making. Business ethics, of course, also involves a companys compliance with legal standards and adherence to internal rules and regulations. As recently as decade ago, business ethics consisted primarily of compliance-based, legally-driven codes and training that outlined in detail what employees could or could not do in regard to areas such as conflict of interest or improper use of company assets. (Mitchell, 2003, p. 9) As what we have seen in the definition above, honesty, trust, respect and fairness are considered to be very important values to the company. They can be called the spine of formulating business ethics. In addition, the companys rules and regulations must be set to manage business ethics. Without rules and regulations, the company has almost nothing to follow and distinguish what goes right and what goes wrong in case of something related to business ethics happens. More importantly, the code of ethics also plays an important role in letting business people know what they should or should not do. Understanding the concept of business ethics, now we move to its significance in the business world. Epstein (2007) said that ethics contributed to ever-escalating standards for corporate performance (p. 217). In relation to this matter, Mitchell (2003) stated the following: More and more corporations see business ethics as a bottom-line issue not an optional one of morality. The acceptance of ethics as contributing to corporate operating profits or losses means they are receiving unprecedented attention. It is for this reason that behaving ethically and responsibly may be the wave of the future, if only because the right thing to do can also be the profitable thing to do. (Mitchell, 2003, p. 2) From this point, we can see that companies did not pay much attention to business ethics before. Many companies perceived that it seemed to be not a necessary part in running a company. An optional one of morality (Mitchell, 2003, p. 2) means that corporations so far did not care of business ethics at all, or they only thought of or concerned themselves about it whenever they like. However, things have changed, and the world of business has been changing, too. Corporations now have the ability to figure out the significance of business ethics. Even more, they are aware of the connection between business ethics and their bottom line. Corporations have to admit that there is a relationship between the two listed above, so Mitchell (2003) pointed out that the right thing to do can also be the profitable thing to do (p. 2). Let us move on to the code of ethics that is included in the definition of business ethics (Mitchell, 2003). Kitson (1996), Blodgett and Carlson (1997), Moyes and Park (1997), Hume, Larkins, and Iyer (1999), and Schwartz (2001) defined codes of ethics as tools that are commonly used as one of the efforts to encourage ethical behavior, and pointed out there may be a great deal of room for improvement of existing codes (as cited in Lere Gaumnitz, 2007, p. 7). Moreover, Frankel (1989) lists the following potential reasons for the existence of codes of ethics: 1) provide group guidance for an individual when that individual faces a novel situation, 2) provide a basis for public expectations and evaluation of the organization, 3) strengthen the sense of common purpose among members of the organization, 4) enhance the organizations reputation and public trust, 5) preserve entrenched organizational biases, 6) create an environment in which reporting unethical behavior is affirmed, 7) provide support for individuals when faced with pressures to behave in an unethical manner, and 8) serve as a basis for adjudicating disputes among members of the organization and between members and non-members. (as cited in Lere Gaumnitz, 2007, pp. 15-16) Apparently, without a specific tool to evaluate and motivate ethical behavior, corporations find themselves hard to let their staffs and employees follow the right way or avoid the wrong one. And the code of ethics helps them to do that. Personally, I agree with the reasons why companies have to have their code of ethics like what Frankel (1989) listed above (as cited in Lere Gaumnitz, 2007, pp. 15-16). When business people come up with any new circumstances that they have to make a decision but they do not know how to do it and what guides to follow, their companys code of ethics lightens up their mind. Thanks to the code of ethics, the staffs and employees can overcome the pressure of perceiving what they should do to follow the ethical standards and keeping off the unethical ones. Generally, the code of ethics is like a basis for companies to formulate their rules or regulations to orient themselves and their personnel. Another aspect of business ethics is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) which is considered to be very important to build a companys reputation (Porter Kramer, 2006). Prieto-Carrà ³n, Thomsen, Chan, Muro, and Bhushan (2006) specified CSR as a concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations and in their interaction with their stakeholders on a voluntary basis (p. 978). Furthermore, Prieto-Carrà ³n et al. (2006) also perceived CSR as an umbrella term for a variety of theories and practices all of which recognize the following: (a) that companies have a responsibility for their impact on society and the natural environment, sometimes beyond legal compliance and the liability of individuals; (b) that companies have a responsibility for the behavior of others with whom they do business (e.g. within supply chains); and that (c) business needs to manage its relationship with wider society, whether for reasons of commercial viability, or to add value to society. (Prieto-Carrà ³n et al., 2006, p. 978) These definitions cited above show us that companies and societies do have a close relationship with each other. Chung, Eichenseher, and Taniguchi (2008) stated that businesses have a social responsibility beyond making profits (p. 131). Providing more detail, Davies (2003) points out that corporate responsibility is a pact for mutual benefit between society that needs business for economic and social development, and business that needs a supportive business environment (as cited in Gugler Shi, 2009, p. 5). Sharing the same thoughts, Mitchell (2003) affirmed an interesting point that the more common view today is that societies can and do have the right to expect business to function at certain levels of ethical standards (p. 10). Furthermore, Mitchell (2003) emphasized the following: With large mergers and the development of new markets around the world, major corporations now wield more economic and political power than the governments under which they operate. In response, public pressure has increased for business to take on more social responsibility and operate according to higher ethical standards. (Mitchell, 2003, p. 10) To me, I consider this matter as a fair one because this is a two-way benefit: the societies create markets for corporations to trade their goods and services to earn profit, survive, and develop, so in exchange, the companies have to do something good and beneficial for their societies. We cannot say it is a must for companies to do that, but they themselves have to be aware of CSR as a fair and good tendency to stick with. I like the way Mitchell (2003) used the phrase in response (p. 10) as presented above because it completely tells us that this is really a two-way relationship between corporations and societies. We usually call business people who have contributions to their society philanthropists, but more significantly, when they do something good for the societies, they also show their responsibility and obligation to appreciate what the society gives them. After understanding the basic elements and significance of business ethics, now we come to the ways to manage it effectively. Followings are five ways to do that: build an effective corporate ethics code (Mitchell, 2003), improve code of ethics to change behavior (Buckhoff Wilson, 2008; Lere Gaumnitz, 2007), protect against deception (Adler, 2007), make an ethical program work (Grace Haupert, 2006), and advance CSR (Porter Kramer, 2006). First, building an effective corporate ethics code must be taken into consideration because according to Mitchell (2003), not many companies have a written code of conducts and ethics although they have already known about the significance of corporate ethics (p. 90). For instance, seventy one per cent of companies in Australia and seventy per cent of companies in Japan do not have a written code of conducts and ethics (Mitchell, 2003). However, when recognizing that a code of ethics fulfills many purposes within an organization and in order to compete effectively, global companies must ensure that their ethics codes and codes of conduct are culturally coherent to all employees (Mitchell, 2003, p. 88). How might companies do this? Mitchell (2003) showed us the following interesting point: A corporate ethics code needs to be more than the rules of the road; it should include a statement of the companys core valuesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Code of conduct must provide clear direction about ethical behavior when the temptation to behave unethically is strongestà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ In a nutshell, the code should be: Easy to read Practical and relevant for each business or geographic market Sufficient but not excessive in detail Well written and accessible in tone (Mitchell, 2003, pp. 94-95) According to what I am thinking, what Mitchell stated looks like a magnetic needle, a very clear way, to build an effective corporate ethics code. More significantly, it was emphasized that corporate ethics codes have to be clear so everyone, even in the smallest unit of a company, can understand and follow. This is logical because if a company sets up an ethics code that sounds very well and interesting but is ill-defined, not everyone can understand its basis and what to do. In this point I think, the set code of ethics is useless and has no meaning, and even more seriously, it can make business people confused. Second, we can manage business ethics effectively by improving codes of ethics to change behavior. In detail, when we talk about changing behavior, we would like to mention about changing perception, which is formally described as changing the decision makers beliefs (subjective probability distribution) as to whether an action is ethical (Lere Gaumnitz, 2007, p. 9). In general, the purpose of improving codes of ethics to change behavior can be achieved by careful (1) selection of code content and (2) design of enforcement mechanisms (Lere Gaumnitz, 2007, p. 7). Personally, I want to focus more on designing enforcement mechanisms: An organization choosing to have an enforcement provision in its code of ethics is providing additional incentives (disincentives) to encourage (discourage) selection of certain actions. Although enforcement mechanisms can provide both incentives and disincentives, they seem to generally rely on penalties imposed when an unethical action is takenà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Two ways the organization can increase the expected value of the penalty are to increase 1) the size of the penalty and 2) the probability that the penalty will be borne. (Lere Gaumnitz, 2007, p. 12) Sharing the same idea above, Buckhoff and Wilson (2008) said that the costs of dishonesty must exceed the benefits derived from dishonest behavior, so people will think twice before doing it (Buckhoff Wilson, 2008, p. 55). In this point, I want to analyze the reason why corporations should have something that we call enforcement mechanism, or more specifically, penalty (Lere Gaumnitz, 2007, p. 12). First, human beings are very diversified. We have many different kinds of people, including good and bad ones. Second, different kinds of people have different behaviors when faced with a particular issue. For example, in a travel agent, a tour guide can perceive that he deserves to receive tips from his customer because he has taken a good care of the customer. On the contrary, the agents board of management can perceive this differently that taking good care of customers is the tour guides responsibility and vocational ethics, and of course he has to follow that. Here the problem appears, or we can say, this makes the related people confused. Therefore, if the agents board of management wants every tour guide not to receive any tips from customers, they have to set regulations to let the tour guides know that. This is a must, but it is not enough. Together with the regulations, the management board has to impose a penalty on their tour guides who receive tips from their customers. The penalties can be eliminating ten per cent of monthly wage, three days off, or five percent of yearly bonus. To me, I believe that such kinds of penalty can let all tour guides think more seriously and carefully before receiving any tips or presents from their customers. On the whole, when we see this in a big picture, we can be aware that business people will be discouraged to do something violating ethical principles thanks to thinking of penalties they would suffer. Third, managing business ethics effectively can also be achieved by protecting against deception (Alder, 2007). Nowadays, we are living and working in an informative technology period of time, so we know for sure that information plays a very important role in doing business, especially making decisions. However, wrong information can be approached by business people because of deception, such as telling lies. Unfortunately, one of the enduring truths about human beings is that we lie frequently and often quite casuallyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Lying is a central aspect of human behavior (Adler, 2007, p. 69). There is a fact that according to the most conservative estimates of human resource managers, 25% of all rà ©sumà ©s contain significant lies (Adler, 2007, p. 69). Especially, lying is extremely pervasive in the negotiation process. According to Adler (2007), although we do not have any perfect tool to protect ourselves completely from this pervasive phenomenon, we can greatly minimize the risk of lies in bargaining through a series of steps designed either to expose lies and liars before negotiations begin or to provide protection from lies (p. 71). For example, before negotiations begin, preparation is particularly critical when facing opponents for the first time and the stakes are high, and this preparation can be researching the other sides character and bona fides, and participating scenarios that might play out in the negotiation (Adler, 2007, p. 71). How about during the negotiation process? Adler (2007) advised us eight ways to detect lies. In person, I pay attention to ask questions in different ways, take notes during negotiations, and trust but verify (Adler, 2007, pp. 72-73). The reasons I want to raise this issue are that the negotiation process is usually a part of doing business, and telling lies is considered to be violating business ethics. An ethical negotiator or an ethical business person participating in a negotiation process cannot allow himself/herself to tell lies to provide inexact information only in order to achieve his/her personal goals. As I have mentioned above, the phenomenon of telling lies happens often. Moreover, according to my own experience in the negotiating environment, I recognize that we should have some tips, or ways, to protect ourselves from deception. And thanks to the advice above, I have the opportunity to pay more attention to preparation and in negotiation process. Here, I want to generalize this issue, or I want us to see this issue in a big picture. That is, when we want to protect ourselves from deception in doing business, it is a must that we have good preparation and skills to reveal deception. First, good preparation in thinking of everything that can happen, checking our business partners before cooperating with them, and investing in ways or solutions to deal with any problems can help us be more confident. Second, skills in revealing deception need to be learned and practiced more often so that no one can tell us a lie or cheat us in doing business. Next, let us move on to the fourth way to manage business ethics effectively. That is, making our ethical program works (Grace Haupert, 2006). There is a framework called ESD that encourages everyone to work ethically, supports those inclined to work ethically, and deters those who may be tempted to veer from the path of ethical behavior (Grace Haupert, 2006, p. 66). Or, we can say that the ESD program is a combination of encouraging, supporting, and deterring. Three conditions are needed to run this program. First of all, a risk profile needs to be set up. Risk profile is developed by public accountants, internal auditors, risk-management and legal staff, and perhaps outside help from consultants and error-and-omissions carriersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ once the risk profile is created, checks and balances to mitigate these risks can be developed (Grace Haupert, 2006, p. 67). Then, the board of management needs to be a mirror for every staff can look at and follow: management must follow t he lead of the board by acting ethically and insisting that the staff do the same (Grace Haupert, 2006, p. 67). Last, staff must also have confidence that management will fully support those who report malfeasance by others, including their superiors (Grace Haupert, 2006, p. 67). As we can see in the ESD program above, all important criteria are listed. Personally, I have a high evaluation of this program. Let me tell you the reasons why. This program emphasizes preparation and checks. The preparation appears at the risk profile. It requires top management to think of every kinds of risk that can happen to their corporations. Only when they are aware of these kinds of risk, they can have strategies to deal with and check what is going on in this process. Moreover, the program points out a perception that if top management wants everybody in their company to follow the rules not to violate business ethics, first of all, managers have to do that. They have to be a bright mirror for everybody in the corporation to look at and follow what they are doing to protect and practice business ethics. This is an important point to me. Furthermore, this ESD program creates a two-way close relationship between top management and staffs. Let the staffs have a chance to talk , to raise their voice, and to announce what is going wrong to their top management. This is very beneficial for a corporation to know what is happening inside the company and inside every staff members mind. Thanks to these kinds of open talks and discussions, corporations can be aware of what to do to keep business ethics running in a good way. The last in the five ways to manage business ethics effectively is advancing CSR (Porter et al., 2006). The interesting point is that Corporations are not responsible for all the worlds problems, nor do they have the resources to solve them all. Each company can identify the particular set of societal problems that it is best equipped to help resolve and from which it can gain the greatest competitive benefit. (Porter Kramer, 2006, p. 92) The idea is interesting, and I myself share the point of view of Porter and Kramer (2006). Corporations are not completely social philanthropists, so they do not have to worry about or take care of all social concerns, problems, or requirements. Perceiving that doing something good for the society that companies are running in is also doing something good for the companies, top management can choose some social issues only and take care of them. Focusing like this is enough, and this will help corporations have enough time and resources to deal with many other issues. What is presented above shows us that there are copious ways to help improve business ethics management. Thanks to these methods, top management can have a frame of what needs to be done to take care of business ethics. However, sometimes when standing in front of many ways like this, corporations boards of management find it hard to choose which one to follow. The followings are recommendations of some practical ways for managers to deal with managing business ethics more effectively. Recommendations Before giving recommendations, I want to sum up some significant points. So far, we have gone through what business ethics, code of ethics, and CSR mean and their importance to business people. In addition, we have figured out the close relationship between doing something good for business and doing something good for society. However, how can companies be successful in managing business ethics? This is a big question to those concerned with this issue. Being deeply aware of the significance of these elements, many scholars pointed out five ways to help manage business ethics efficiently. Among these methods presented above, personally, I feel interested in four practical ways that can help. First, managers have to set up an effective corporate ethics code. This recommendation comes from Mitchell (2003). How can we know if the corporate ethics code is effective or not? It is effective when written carefully, simple for everybody to understand, and applicable for every company member from top managers to staff to follow. Moreover, I want to add one more practical criterion: the corporate ethics code set has to be as detailed as possible. This set of code must include all ethical business aspects of a company, so it can be considered as a concession of all matters related to business ethics between all staff members and the company. Second, managers have to act and behave ethically in any circumstances. In this point, I base my opinion on and totally agree with Grace and Haupert (2006)s idea. When managers want their employees to go in the same ethical way in doing business, they have to be the first ones to do that. As I have mentioned before, top managers are considered to be bright mirrors that reflect their actions to their staffs to look at. We can easily imagine what would happen if the staff members always see their manager act and behave unethically, but the managers always ask for ethical behavior from their staffs. Apparently, the employees will perceive that it is very unfair for them to follow business ethics while their top managers do not. From this perception, the purpose of managing business ethics from top management cannot be reached. Third, managers have to set up rules and regulations to manage business ethics in a corporation. This recommendation is accumulated thanks to the ideas of Lere and Gaumnitz (2007) together with Buckhoff and Wilson (2008). Human beings are all different people, so some usually stick with behaving ethically, but the others may not. Therefore, how can managers follow up what is going on related to their actions without rules and regulations? The rules and regulations, in another way, are set to force everybody to follow ethical actions. Furthermore, I want to add my own idea and recommendation. When talking about rules and regulations, we are usually concerned about punishments, or penalties, to treat people when they break the rules or have unethical actions. This is a must, but not enough. I want to emphasize that if we have punishments, we also need to have awards. The awards are to encourage business people to act ethically all the time they are doing business, or we can say in anot her way, that the awards are set to add more motivation for business people to stick with business ethics. Managers should pay more attention to this. Finally, managers have to advance CSR in a very wise way. This recommendation comes from the ideas of Porter and Kramer (2006). Once again, corporations are apparently not social philanthropists. Hence, they will not have enough resources to concern themselves with every little aspect of society. Knowing the close relationship between doing something good for society and doing something good for corporations, managers have to select some, not all, social issues to work on. When they are concentrated like this, they will have enough time and resources to invest in making it run well. This is beneficial for both companies and society. These are my recommendations of four ways managers should manage business ethics more effectively. One more issue I want to mention in the following part is that after going through the researching process, I would love to raise two questions that we need to look at to advance business strategy knowledge related to this business ethics issue. The first one I want future researchers to take into consideration is the following: Do corporations need a business ethics manager or specialist? The one in this position will have the responsibility to take care of all the issues and problems that relate to business ethics. For example, he/she will set up business ethics codes, rules and regulations, strategies, and plans for CSR programs. The second question that I want future researchers to think of is this: How do companies motivate business people to stick with acting ethically? We did have research about penalties, but we are lacking research about awards and motivation to encourage busin ess people. I believe that having this knowledge of motivation, managers will be more confident to know how to encourage their employees to follow the corporations business ethics. Conclusion Unlike what happened in the past, business ethics now plays a very significant role in doing business. More and more people are taking care of this matter seriously. With the purpose of discussing more about the topic, my research paper concerns about ways for managers to manage business ethics efficiently. Beginning with the literature framework and importance of business ethics and its components, such as corporate business ethics and CSR, the research step-by-step comes to the five ways to manage it effectively. Additionally, knowing the importance of business ethics but not knowing how to manage it in a good manner is a hard problem for managers. My research helps to solve this by giving a set of guidelines including four recommendations: setting up an effective corporate ethics code, acting and behaving ethically in any circumstances, setting up rules and regulations, and advancing CSR in a very wise way. Finally, this paper comes to give my two issues for future researchers to take into consideration, in hopes that they would help. They are whether corporations need a business ethics manager or specialist, and how companies motivate their employees to act ethically.
Why Write Reports? Essay -- Writing
Have you ever felt irritated or discouraged when asked to write a report? Do we do report writing because of some bureaucratic regulation? We would rather do the ‘real’ work by recruiting workers and training them besides organizing meetings instead of the boring writing. Function of the introduction is to state clearly the reasons for discussing the particular subject. Just why was the report written? This is to indicate the importance of the subject to the reader, relate the report to previous and similar work, and to make the objectives clear. The extent to which background is given depends largely on the type of paper being written. Often a few, references are available to tie the new work to what preceded it and to the few studies that it touches immediately and directly. Summary papers that establish stepping stones in the advance of a field help relate increments to the background. Function of introduction is to lay out the organization that will be followed in the report. Just how is your subject going to be discussed? We should give the readers a peek to what to do; furnish them an itinerary. Meanwhile for the style of the Introduction is to construct the first, or theme, sentence so that we can capture the attention and immediately focused on the precise subject to be treated besides, on the method of approach. Again, keep your readers' viewpoint uppermost in mind. The ease of writing this sentence is in direct proportion to the clarity of the subject being presented. Where you have a clean-cut, definite accomplishment to report, the theme can be stated easily. But if the work has wobbled and wandered the theme can be stated only with great difficulty. Keep in mind about the remarks about the ease or di... ...e told in the report: what it is about, why it is being told, and how it will be told. Write continuously without breaking the flow of ideas and clear understanding. Then criticize and revise the finished report. Some writers may need to rewrite the Introduction and the theme sentence several times. This is essential to make a good report because it is undeniable that to rate a good report, it shall start from the introduction itself. Just like a thick novel, a reader will read the synopsis or introduction first and buy whichever book that succeeds in catching their attention. Works Cited ï‚â€" Eunson, B 1994, Writing and presenting reports, The Communication Skills Series, John Wiley & Sons, Milton, Queensland. ï‚â€" Guidelines for essay and report writing, 1995, Elton Mayo School of Management, UniSA, Adelaide. ï‚â€" ï‚â€"
Monday, August 19, 2019
The Manifesto of the Communist Party Essay -- Politics Political
The Manifesto of the Communist Party Drafted in 1848 by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, the â€Å"Manifesto of the Communist Party†outlines the views, tendencies, and aims of the communist party through the so-called philosophy of historical materialism (Distante). These views were expressed throughout four distinct sections of the â€Å"Manifesto of the Communist Party.†The first section describes the relationship between the bourgeois and the proletarians. The next section depicts the relationship between the proletarians and the communists. The third section of the document presents socialist and communist literature. The â€Å"Manifesto†¦Ã¢â‚¬ is ended with a section stating the position of the communists in relation to opposition parties. The first section begins with a brief history of the bourgeois in various societies. Marx shows that like earlier civilizations, the bourgeois, or modern capitalists and employers, has oppressed the proletarian class, or the working class of the society. Comparisons are made regarding ancient Rome as well as the middle ages with the modern bourgeois. Marx claims that the â€Å"modern bourgeois society that has sprouted from the ruins of feudal society [†¦.] It has but established new classes, new conditions of oppression (Marx).†During the feudal period, the feudal lords monopolized industry. As time progressed, this system was insufficient for the growing needs of the nation. A new manufacturing system took the place of the monopoly system and soon provided for the natural evolution of the capitalist class. Due to increased work and efficiency, the markets continued to grow to the point that even the manufacturing system was not sufficient. Industrial revol... ...tionary movement against the existing social and political order of things. In all these movements they bring to the front, as the leading question in each, the property question†¦Working men of all countries unite! (Marx)†Works Cited 1. Brians, Paul. Communist Manifesto Study Questions. (19 Oct. 2001). 2. Distante, Patrick. Evolutionary Philosophy---the Late 19th Century. (19 Oct. 2001) 3. Kuhn, Rick. The Communist Manifesto. (19 Oct. 2001). 4. Marx, Karl and Engels, Freidrich. The Manifesto of the Communist Party. (New York: Monthly Review Press, 1964) 5. Marxism Made Simple. (19 Oct 2001).
Sunday, August 18, 2019
The Relatable Stranger: How and Why We Are Meursault Essay -- Literary
The Relatable Stranger: How and Why We Are Meursault Using his existentialist text The Stranger as a vessel for his own philosophical ideals, absurdist Albert Camus poses a question most essential to human existence: when released from the shackles of tediously perpetuated societal routine, how does a man function? Embodying the answer to this question is Monsieur Meursault, whose once rational speech and logical action unravel in the heat of circumstance to illustrate what Camus deems â€Å"the nakedness of man faced with the absurd.†Possessing the characteristics of any respectable gentleman, Meursault is honest, sensible, and extremely adaptable to the universe in motion around him, substituting mindless rhetoric and the excuse of emotional abundance with an acuity of thought and proclivity to raw sensation. By structuring his philosophy around a man with such a nonspecific and thus relatable identity, Camus evokes sympathy by touching at the bestial necessity of freedom for the individual, mocked by a society interested on ly in docile collectivity. Taking little stock in the unspoken and assumed truths of the culture in which he exists, Meursault follows a more natural and almost physiological rhythm of emotion and sensuality. After learning of the death of his mother, he must travel â€Å"about eighty kilometers from Algiers†for the funeral (Camus 3). Rather than emphasize the exhaustive capability of trauma, Meursault elicits reason, explaining that â€Å"it was probably because of all the rushing around, and on top of that the bumpy ride, the smell of gasoline, and the glare of the sky and the road, that [he] dozed off†(Camus 4). After returning home from the funeral, he awakens the next morning and decides to take a swim in the pu... ... indifference of the world†(Camus 122). With sympathy toward Meursault secured, a natural disapproval of the society who condemns him is to be formed. By placing a mirror before the very society which this text intends to describe, the novel forces those who read it to reevaluate their seemingly natural assumptions concerning the â€Å"frivolous indulgence†of emotion, the stone cold immovability of morality, and most of all the purpose of judgment (Camus 40). In his essay on the guillotine, Camus defines compassion as that which â€Å"does not exclude punishment, but [which] withholds an ultimate condemnation†(Camus 40). With the creation of such a relatable character as Meursault, Albert Camus attempts to breathe compassion into an otherwise indifferent society, acting as the catalyst for a reaction which both sympathizes and reconsiders what essentially makes us human.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Accounting Cycle Paper
When making decisions, businesses must provide and be able to gather relevant and accurate financial information. Being able to gather and understand this information helps companies make the best informed decisions for business operations, which can only benefit the company. When it comes to gathering the information needed, it is pertinent that companies fully understand each step of the accounting cycle. Averkamp (2010) defines the accounting cycle as: â€Å"a process that includes the following steps: identifying, collecting and analyzing documents and transactions, recording the transactions in journals, posting the journalized amounts to accounts in the general and subsidiary ledgers, preparing an unadjusted trial balance, perhaps preparing a worksheet, determining and recording adjusting entries, preparing an adjusted trial balance, preparing the financial statements, recording and posting closing entries, preparing a post-closing trial balance, and perhaps recording reversing entries†(p. ). The accounting cycle is made op of eight basic steps witch include The basic steps in the accounting cycle are (1) identifying and measuring transactions and other events; (2) journalizing; (3) posting; (4) preparing an unadjusted trial balance; (5) making adjusting entries; (6) preparing an adjusted trial balance; (7) preparing financial statements; and (8) closing. Identifying and measuring transactions and other events The first step in the accounting cycle is determining what information that should be recorded. Kieso, Weygandt & Warfield (2007) explain that items should be recognized if, â€Å"it is an element, is measurable, and is relevant and reliable†(p 68). Companies are able to recognize as many dealings as they wish, especially if they feel that these dealings will affect the financial position of the company. Journalizing Journalizing includes entering the financial transactions and events into a journal. As part of the journalizing process general ledger, t-accounts, and general journals are used. Kieso, Weygandt & Warfield (2007) explain that the general ledger â€Å"contains all the assets, liability, stockholders’ equity, revenue, and expense accounts†(p 69). T-accounts are used to visualize the affects of the debit and credit on more then one account. A â€Å"general journal chronologically lists transactions and other events, expressed in terms of debits and credits to accounts†(Kieso, Weygandt & Warfield, 2007, p 69). Posting Posting, defined by Kieso, Weygandt & Warfield (2007) is the process of transferring journal entries to the ledger accounts. The general ledger provides information for the Balance Sheet . Trial Balance The trial balance step in the accounting cycle is the process of totaling the debits and credits and making sure that the sum of all debits equals the sum of all credits. Kieso, Weygandt & Warfield (2007), state that the procedures for preparing a trial balance includes, â€Å"listing the account titles and their balances; totaling the debit and credit columns; and providing the equality of the two columns†(p. 74). Adjusting Entries Adjusting Entries are journal entries that are made at the end of the accounting period, to adjust expenses and revenues to the accounting period where they actually occurred†(Cram, 2011, p 1). Adjusting entries are required every time the company prepares financial statements. Adjusting entries can be classified as prepayments or accruals. The purpose for this step in the accounting cycle is to determine the net income for the current period and to achieve an accurate statement of the end-of-the-period balance in assets, liabilities, and owners’ equity (Kieso, Weygandt & Warfield, 2007). Adjusted trial balance The next step in the accounting cycle is the step adjusted trial balance. This step is important because it is where companies make sure that the debits still equal the credits after making the adjustments in the previous step. Kieso, Weygandt & Warfield (2007) explain that, â€Å"It shows the balance of all accounts, including those adjusted, at the end of the accounting period†(p. 84). Preparing Financial Statements The seventh step in the accounting cycle is where the company would prepare the financial statements from the second trial balance. Closing The last step in the accounting cycle is closing entries. This is where companies prepare and post closing entries in order to transfer balances from temporary accounts to owner’s equity on the balance sheet. This step reduces the balance of normal accounts to zero to prepare the accounts for the next period’s transactions (Kieso, Weygandt & Warfield, 2007). References
Friday, August 16, 2019
What if anything was surprising about the post-war economic recovery of Europe
In the immediate period after V. E Day there was a realization by all sides of the conflict that the Versailles Peace Treaty of 1919 had itself been one of the main catalysts to the Second World War. This meant that a new approach would need to be taken to reconstruct Europe and it would need to do so with a broader view of Europe as a whole. The Second World War inflicted appalling loses on resources, infrastructure, and, above all human lives. The war cost anything up to fifty million lives and displaced millions more. However although conditions were anything but propitious for economic growth a dramatic transformation took place over the next â€Å"30 glorious years†. Both Eastern and Western Europe†s economies were massively distorted by the demands of war; normal production ground to a halt and trade decreased further weakening Europe†s position in the world economy. The subsequent result of the unprecedented destruction was starvation and inflation together with a legacy of conflict that left Europeans mentally and emotionally exhausted. The fact that the war was the first to be directly targeted at civilians, both through ethnic genocide and warfare in urban areas (most destructively from the air), meant that economics would need to be at the core of any peacetime solutions. There were three elements to the economic impact that affected Europe, and the measures that were introduced to solve these crises paved the way for the turn-around that Europe experienced between the late 1940†³s and early 1970†³s. The first factor was the disruption to Europe†s productive assets, a rise in military production had exhausted capital stocks and many factories were themselves destroyed by the conflict. Industrial capitals such as transport and communication infrastructures were also debilitated. The second effect was of Capital loss, the colonial powers had been forced to dispose of foreign assets and had simultaneously accumulated huge debts. A drop in domestic consumption and investment also left their economies depleted. Thirdly European states (especially France and Britain) were under the obligations of the Lend-Lease agreements which sponsors like the U. S. A and other lending states had supplied to boost their war effort. Despite these extreme difficulties rehabilitation followed surprisingly quickly. In the west in particular there was rapid reconstruction and recovery, meaning the first phase of economic development lasted no more than ten years. In the east, where the scale of devastation and loss of life had been far greater, the process needed to go beyond mere rebuilding and the imposition of Soviet communist control meant that transformation would take significantly longer. The ‘super-boom†that began in post-war Europe can therefore be seen as somewhat of an economic miracle, with many of it†s features being the only positive repercussions of the war. In the west priority was given to rebuilding the infrastructure rather than to satisfying consumption needs (except food). At the same time the economic methods of John Maynard Keynes were being used to squeeze out inflation through financial controls, higher taxes and currency reform. Since controlling inflation added to unemployment and shortages in essential products, new social services were introduced to minimise these negative affects on the population, who after all were still recovering from the hardships of war. The Welfare States that were created also helped in getting the economies moving quickly. The other crucial benefit that the western states had over the communist east was the financial help they received from the U. S. A through Marshal Aid. Between 1947 and 1952 $23 billion was made available to Europe, this hard currency enabled Western economies to ensure their recovery by buying the goods they needed to reconstruct and modernise. So, while in 1946 West European production was only 8% of the world†s total, by 1950 it accounted for almost 20%. In the east, where the starting situation was far worse than in the west due to ferociously destructive battles and Nazi depredations, reconstruction was unimportant compared to the more immediate concerns of feeding and housing the vastly displaced population. In fact in the USSR more people died after the war had finished of starvation, than had during the actual conflict. The period was also witnessing huge social and political changes with Stalin consolidating his firm grip on power, the effect this had on the East†s economic recovery was negative compared to that of the West. Land was distributed to the poor and most industrial property was nationalised. However most importantly there was no support given to Eastern Block states by the U. S. A as Marshal himself distrusted Stalin and thought that he was planning to seize more of Europe. However, Stalin was only utilising the satellite states to help rebuild the soviet economy, yet these factors ensured there was no ‘boom†in the east for at least a decade. In the west when reconstruction was achieved growth was barely interrupted for the next thirty years until the oil crisis of 1973. The technological advances and new production methods during this period were another of the positive after effects of the war. New consumer goods such as televisions were the visible side of the booming economies and by the 1960†³s Western Europe was once again the largest trading block in the world with Gross Domestic Products up to eight times that of the first half of the century. All this was achieved without massive inflation because productivity rose enormously and capacity was fully used. However, to economic historians this economic revival can be seen as surprising and somewhat unexplainable. Technical factors played a part, with new sources of energy, more modern communications, new styles of management and new production practices all helping to streamline the economies. Most of these were derived from the war or the more advanced America, who†s economy was unscathed by war. Another factor was the more ‘hands on†approach taken by western governments in managing their economies. In this way they were able to stimulate a ‘mixed economy†which had elements of private finance and nationalised industries. Keynes ideal was to have no sector of the economy that did not have a government presence. He saw that the mistake of forgetting economics at Versailles led to the boom and bust that enabled nationalism to influence Europe. One other reason for these changes was to attempt to catch up the more advanced economies, most notably the U. S. A. The high levels of capital investment and the move of resources from agricultural to more productive sectors all benefited this goal. The actual stimulus to employment and trade that reconstruction created also kick-started the boom. Social elements also affected the economies of Western states. The ‘baby-boom†of the war years produced a younger and better-educated work force, who also reflected the impact of the new welfare provisions that had been constructed. As demographics changed the population was also modernised in other ways. Urbanisation began at a greater level to compliment the new industries that were developing. Also women, who had entered the work place during the war, meant that the work force was diversifying as well as specialising. Family structures were therefore changing, with the ‘nuclear family†being more mobile and functional. All of these factors helped ensure that the population was becoming more affluent and adapted to the new economy. This population was also becoming more at ease with buying consumer products as the burdens of the thirties and forties gave way to a more positive looking future. More money was also being spent in new industries such as tourism and leisure. This new wealth also meant that class structures were being eroded as a new economically independent middle class emerged. The West was also experiencing political stability, better labour relations and, by utilising the new attitudes in economy management, ensuring low unemployment. These factors all contributed vastly to the boom. Externally the protection that Western Europe was experiencing from the U. S. A helped growth. The Bretton Woods system that ensured exchange rate stability across the Atlantic until the 1960†³s was one part of this. Perhaps none of these factors can explain the surge in economic growth on their own. It was probably a fact that so many things came right at the same time and that the mistakes that had been made after the First World War were heeded. By 1970 the Western European economies had transformed beyond recognition, not only in size but also in organisation and geographical terms. One negative effect of this was the greater divergence from Eastern Europe that the new society exacerbated. It is easy to ask why this ‘economic miracle†was so surprising as the scale of destruction the Second World War wrought was so huge. However this was not the first time that Europe had needed to rebuild itself and governments had come to realise that they should forsake economics at their own peril.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Fear of My First Speech in Class
Fear of My First Speech in Class When I thought of my first speech class, I was a bit frantic. After reading about professional public speakers stories on fear of public speaking and how they essentially overcame it, I told myself you can do it. The day of presenting my speech finally arrived and I volunteered to be the one to go first in class. I was more apprehensive about my accent than anything else. Would the audience understand me clearly? Would they be bored with what I have to say about my chosen topic? Would I captive them and would I make a good impression?Well, I gave the speech without a hitch. It was helpful to have my outline I created for the perusal of the class. My speech flowed particularly well thanks to the step-by-step key points of the outline. Meanwhile, I dared to glance from time to time at the audience to see if I could pick up cues. Sometime I found myself elevating my pitch, smiling just to capture my audience, and to gain confidence that my topic was an i mportant and resourceful topic. To conclude, after I was done with my speech the class in a jovial expression clapped and smiled.My heart was palpitating so hard I thought I would faint. I had more fear as I was closing my speech. This fear was primarily due to what the critique of my audience would be. The response from the â€Å"the love notes†includes positive sayings and great feedback from each classmate, including the professor. As for my second speech in class, I could say I did not do as well as the first one. You would think that I would get it now and do better. Yet, I didn’t think I delivered as well as I did with the first one.Although the audience was listening to me, it seemed to be redundant and very similar to the first speech, but with fewer interesting details. After listen to some of the students’ speech I realized many of the pointers that I left out on my own speech. By listen and examine others mistakes it can be beneficial for one own mis take. I have learned a great deal from Communication 111. I would apply all the concepts to my future endeavors. References Lucas, Stephen E. (2009). The art of public speaking (10th ed. ). New York: McGraw Hill. http:www. social anxiety. com
Globalization of International Relations
Globalization is a relatively new term used to describe a very old process. Since the first appearance of the term in 1962 ‘globalization' has gone from jargon to cliche. The Economist has called it â€Å"the most abused word of the 21st century. †It is much exploited in the modern century and is seen as both a curse and a blessing. Globalization is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology. This process has effects on the environment, on culture, on political systems, on economic development and prosperity, and on human physical well-being in societies around the world. For thousands of years, people have been buying from and selling to each other in lands at great distances, such as through the Silk Road across Central Asia that connected China and Europe. Likewise, for centuries, people and corporations have invested in enterprises in other countries. But policy and technological developments of the past few decades have spurred increases in cross-border trade, investment, and migration so large that many observers believe the world has entered a qualitatively new phase in its economic development. It involves a stretching of social, political and economic activities across political frontiers, regions and continents. It suggests the growing magnitude, of interconnectedness and flows of trade, investment, finance, migration, culture, etc. The growing extensity, intensity and velocity of global interactions can be associated with their deepening impact such that the effects of distant events can be highly significant elsewhere and even the most local developments may come to have enormous global consequences. In this sense, the boundaries between domestic matters and global affairs can become increasingly blurred. Introduction to International Relations The study of IR involves looking at the nature and principal forces of international organization as well as the political, social, economic organization of political life. IR is also concerned with an examination of elements of national power, including the limitation of national power and examining how it can be controlled. IR also focuses on the instruments available for promotion of national interest, with foreign policies of major powers and of smaller (strategic) powers and considers other historical ingredients as a background for events affecting the current sphere of International Relations. International Relations is wider in scope than international politics. International Relations embraces the totality of relations among people and groups of people in global society, which go beyond looking at political forces to an examination of socio-cultural and economic processes as well. The international relations are series of global issues and relations which are among the nations, states and organizations with the framework of international system. With regard to this definition, international relation has been explained in the framework of international system. As a process of interaction and integration among people, companies and governments of different nations Globalization is a process driven by the International Trade and Investment and aided by Information technology. This process on the environment on culture, on political system, on economic development and prosperity, and on human physical well-being in societies around the world The effect of globalization upon economy Economic globalization refers to the increasing interdependence of world economies as a result of the growing scale of cross-border trade of commodities and services, flow of international capital and wide and rapid spread of technologies. It reflects the continuing expansion and mutual integration of market frontiers, and is an irreversible trend for the economic development in the whole world at the turn of the millennium. Economic globalization is generally associated with neo-liberal policies. Such policies include reductions in tariffs, the reduction or elimination of restrictions on foreign investment, and the inclusion of services such as banking and insurance in trade regimes. By late 1990s the GDP of the richest 20% of the population was 86% where as the poorest 20% of the population possessed only 1% of the GDP thus affirming, the gap between the rich and the poor, which is being more and more defined day by day and is being blamed upon globalization. The increases in economic cross-border flows that have resulted in more â€Å"open†economies are a result, in part, of World Trade Organization, International Monetary Fund and World Bank policies. All this change is supported by a new international architecture – from the United Nations and international organizations, such as WHO, to economic blocs such as the European Union, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries and the North American Free Trade Agreement. The rise of globalization has created interdependent markets that highlight the pros and cons of leveraging foreign exchange. Many proponents of global business argue that mutual benefits derive from the global specialization of products and services. The general stance is that the benefits of globalization outweigh the economic and social costs by achieving higher efficiency and by providing GDP growth in underdeveloped regions Supporters of globalization argue that the benefits of a more interdependent global economy outweigh the drawbacks. However one cannot be completely blind to the disadvantages posed by this. †¢Foreign exchange allows more products and services to be available, while also lowering costs, because of specialization. †¢Free trade is a way for countries to exchange goods and resources. This means countries can specialize in producing goods where they have a comparative advantage. However Developing countries often struggle to compete with developed countries, therefore it is argued free trade benefits developed countries more. There is an infant industry argument which says industries in developing countries need protection from free trade to be able to develop. †¢In terms of free movement of labour, increased labour migration gives advantages to both workers and recipient countries. If a country experiences high unemployment, there are increased opportunities to look for work elsewhere. This process of labour migration also helps reduce geographical inequality. However, certain countries have a tendency of being pressurized on housing and social services. It can be seen that developed countries such as USA, Canada, and Australia are now restricting the labour intake. Furthermore, some countries find it difficult to hold onto their best skilled workers, who are attracted by higher wages elsewhere. Globalization has also enabled increased levels of investment. It has made it easier for countries to attract short term and long term investment. Investment by multinational companies can play a big role in improving the economies of developing countries. †¢Domestic monopolies used to be protected by lack of competition. However, globalization means that firms face greater competition from foreign firms. This puts pressure on firms to be increasingly efficient and offer better products for consumers. Multinational Companies may be able to force out local retailers, leading to less choice for consumers and less cultural diversity. It is evident that globalization has played a massive role in the economy. It has undergone rapid changes within a short period of time exposing the society to both risks as well as benefits. It is up to the rationality of man to choose between and come to the most beneficial conclusion while keeping in mind that a sustainable economy has to be built for the future generations. Globalization and Politics Globalization affects politics in many profound ways. As the borders between countries get blurred, politics get more complicated. When politicians once had to consider only their own constituency things were simpler, but now we are dealing with things on a more global scale at which point everyone is more involve further complicating the governance. All of the economies are interconnected and what happens in one country can have negative consequences for another. Traditionally politics has been undertaken within national political systems. National governments have been ultimately responsible for maintaining the security and economic welfare of their citizens, as well as the protection of human rights and the environment within their borders. With global ecological changes, an ever more integrated global economy, and other global trends, political activity increasingly takes place at the global level. Under globalization, politics can take place above the state through political integration schemes such as the European Union and through intergovernmental organizations such as the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the World Trade Organization. Political activity can also transcend national borders through global movements and NGOs. Civil society organizations act globally by forming alliances with organizations in other countries, using global communications systems, and lobbying international organizations and other actors directly, instead of working through their national governments. An obvious characteristic of globalization is that money, goods and manufacturing have become far more mobile than they once were, with the result that corporations are freer than ever to move, and finance to invest, wherever they choose. Therefore, national governments are less able to control the activities of mobile businesses than in the past, while corporations and finance are in a better position to dictate to national governments. The national state is not so much being subordinated or sidelined as acting on its own, in response to complex stimuli, to reduce the scope of its control over society through privatization, contracting out of government work, creation of semi-independent government agencies, and delegation to other levels of government. The benefits and disadvantages under this topic are also controversial. †¢International organizations and other nations play a role in the politics of every nation. The political system exists as a composite system. Owing to this the countries are wary of their national interest and their interference could have both positive and negative impacts. For example the war in Sri Lanka with the LTTE was under constant scrutiny by the rest of the world. The interference possibly caused the war to extend for a longer period of time, hence making the stabilizing peace in the country a slow process. Sri Lanka also was supported by certain countries and certain others were critical. †¢The politicians are less likely to dominate the society as a whole and reap the benefits for themselves as the political system is under scrutiny and their defects in the world limelight could create chaos in the society and lead to further intervention. †¢Intervention can also lead to unhealthy relations. For example with USA inventing and aiding South Korea, the world immediately split into those favourable with South Korea and North Korea creating further disputes among nations. Even though globalization is in place, every nation does not have equal power. United States is still considered to be the super power and their decisions will play a huge role upon the political system hence creating an illusion of globalization. It is no hidden agenda that many organizations are in fact heavily influenced by the authority of such super powers Globalization and International Law Globalization c hallenges many of the traditional assumptions about International law, its relationship to domestic law, the ways in which it is created and the methods of its enforcement. Law has traditionally been the province of the nation state, whose courts and police enforce legal rules. By contrast, international law has been comparatively weak, with little effective enforcement powers. But globalization is changing the contours of law and creating new global legal institutions and norms. Diplomats and jurists are creating international rules for bankruptcy, intellectual property, banking procedures and many other areas of corporate law. In response to this internationalization, and in order to serve giant, transnational companies, law firms are globalizing their practice. The biggest firms are merging across borders, creating mega practices with several thousand professionals in dozens of countries. In recent years and currently human rights law involves areas such as cultural rights, environmental rights, indigenous and minority rights, privacy and data protection, human rights while countering terrorism, access to justice, international mechanisms for the protection of human rights, and the interface between human rights law and international humanitarian law, particularly in the context of the changing nature of armed conflicts. Increasingly, issues of international criminal law are integrated into the research conducted. The impact of new technologies upon the enjoyment of human rights receives careful attention, including biotechnologies and detection and surveillance technologies. Globalization has led to more legal topics than existed before which inevitably leads to a widening in international scope. Globalization has unified the world at which point law cannot be concentrated to one nation and its regulations only. A common ground is sought after to equalize and stabilize the platform of law as well. To be effective, regulatory decisions must increasingly involve the international level. International law today already recognizes a core commitment to deliver basic rights, subsistence food and shelter, and some minimum level of security, as a function of our basic humanity. The task of international legal theory, or global legal theory as it should be, is to draw upon both traditional domestic political theory, and innovative studies of our new global social reality, to design the next generation of global institutions and doctrines capable of delivering global justice for a global community. Globalization and International Relations International Relations (IR) is the study of relationships among countries, the roles of sovereign states, inter-governmental organizations (IGO), international non-governmental organizations (INGO), non-governmental organizations (NGO), and multinational corporations (MNC). International relations is an academic and a public policy field, and so can be positive and normative, because it analyzes and formulates the foreign policy of a given State. Earlier the impact of globalization upon international law, economy and politics was discussed upon, creating the back drop for the discussion of International relations with regard to globalization. It is evident that many changes have taken place and that states are involved in a co-existence where it can be seen that national matters play a massive role in the international scope. The changes that have been made in the above fields create the core of the effect of globalization upon the study of International Relations. Globalization is a complex interconnection between capitalism and democracy, which involves positive and negative features that both empowers and disempowers individuals and groups. Diplomats and representatives aim to preserve national communities and heritage in various ways, from issuing passports to drafting peace talks. Globalization has demonstrated the importance of interdependent governments and economies. Alliances such as the European Union, NAFTA, WTO, etc have made international relations stronger and powerful. Even though globalization has benefited strong countries and cultures, it can make it difficult for other nations and countries to compete globally. Foreign policy is becoming more aware of how globalization affects its government and people. Diplomats still compromise and support their home countries views and actions, and globalization, in terms of communication and accessibility. Conclusion I relation to the advantages and adverse effects, it should firstly mentioned that Globalization is inevitable and it has played a massive role in the society. Blurring of the lines between State and civil society, increasing political relations between people of different countries, raising the standard of living for the majority of the world’s people, increased impact of global forces of all kinds on local life, expansion of the range of financial, commercial, cultural and soc ial interactions among foreign ountries and nationals, systems of interaction between the global and the local, progressive strengthening of democratic values and institutions, development of new information technologies and unprecedented trade liberalization can be cited as a few effects of globalization. However as with every matter, negative impacts can be seen a plenty. The biggest challenge and disaster that has been brought upon is the effect upon the environment which is not seen as beneficial. Uneven Distribution of Wealth, Income Gap Between Developed and Developing Countries, where the wealth of developed countries continues to grow twice as much as the developing is another issue at hand. It is evident that the super powers still hold the upper hand in international affairs despite the effect of globalization. In fact more countries are beholden to the corporate giants and they have in turn amassed power establishing more security at their positions. Cultural expression is also at risk with the growing concept of globalization. With social media playing a giant role in daily lives in bringing people together it can be seen that western culture is being more propagated, especially in suburbs and that the indigenous cultural heritage of different nations is being slowly washed away. However despite the outcry, it is an accepted fact that globalization is here to stay, whether one likes it or not. It is a process which is almost cliche that has been taking place since the ancient ages and has boomed with the industrial revolutions and technological advances. It is the responsibility of the society as a whole to make wise decisions and adapt to the social changes. However it the super powers appear to be making most use of this concept and it does not seem as if any change will take place soon, even though it is quite necessary especially for developing and third world countries to rise. International Organizations and other necessary associations should play a main role in this situation as they play a rather vital role in the scope of international relations and the betterment of the world as a whole. â€Å"Today, the rich are the haves and the poor are the have-nots. Tomorrow, the rich will be the have-food and the poor will be the have-not food. †? Bill Gaede
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