Saturday, August 31, 2019
Rationale Scheme of Work Essay
The rationale for my scheme of work (see appendix 1) is to meet both the learners’ needs and the curriculum requirements. Edexcel is the awarding body who supply the syllabus which gives the framework for delivery and assessment of the subject matter. The Edexcel ITQ Level 2 Certificate curriculum requirements will be met by learners completing practical work-related tasks. They will learn by completing projects and assignments that are based on realistic workplace situations, activities and demands. The content and structure are the most obvious features of any Scheme of Work, since it is the whole syllabus of what is going to be delivered, how it is going to be delivered and when it will be delivered, therefore I have used a logical format according to Gray (2005) the teacher has the ultimate responsibility to organise & sequence the course as a whole, so that the direction is clear from lesson to lesson. According to Gray (2005) the Aims, Objectives and Methods are a fundamental part to the planning of lessons, however also stipulates that they are necessary for the construction of the Scheme of Work. It is important that my scheme of works conveys a balance of learning objectives, such as behavioural, cognitive, affective or personal growth. Another aspect that needs to be taken into account in designing a scheme of work is the structure. I will start off with easier topics and build up to more difficult ones and at the same time, show a relationship between the topics building in revision to aid the learning process, Bruner (1966) called this the spiral curriculum. Therefore I have organised my scheme of work in a spiral manner so that the learner continually builds upon what they have already learned. The subject for my observed session is â€Å"Presentation Software†, This unit is about the skills and knowledge required by an IT user to select and use a wide range of intermediate presentation software tools and techniques effectively to produce presentations which include a combination of media (e.g. images, animation and sound) for education, entertainment or information sharing) and are at times non-routine or unfamiliar. I will set out the Aims and Objectives of the session plan (see appendix 2) to meet the specific curriculum requirements of the Presentation module (see appendix 3). To meet the aims and needs of individual learners the session will allow learners’ use their skills for real purposes and achieve success as a result of using their skills effectively. I will introduce the session by communicating the Aims and Objectives to learners both verbally and by showing them on a PowerPoint slide, I will Incorporate discussion strategies into this section as this can help learners enhance their speaking and listening skills. Reece & Walker (2006) suggests that the negotiating process should be modelled in five stages. The first is preparing for negotiation which is being aware of what the student needs to achieve, the second stage consist of the first session with the learner where a good rapport needs to be made with the learner. Then follows the contract part where actual SMART targets are agreed. These I will incorporate into the Aims and Objectives. The last two stages are the monitoring learning which will carry out during the session by assessing the learners’ through discussion. Question and answer and observation. The final review which can be a discussion of a formal assessment. I will recap previous sessions as according to Knox (1977) effective adult learning entails an active search for meaning in which new tasks are somehow related to earlier activities. Prior learning experiences have the potential to enhance or interfere with new learning. The recap will be in the form of a quiz, where Reece & Walker (2006) explains how we may be using words that create barriers in learning. We must avoid using male dominated language for example words like craftsman should be changed to craft worker and manpower should be replaced with workforce and also using ‘they’ instead of ‘him/her’. Petty (2009) focuses on this along with the role of a teacher not to discriminate against race and ethnicity and the promoting the use of multiculturalism in their particular the subject area. †¢ Integrate learning by linking knowledge within and between the functional areas. †¢ Spend time planning and developing their work. †¢ Make choices, think creatively and act independently. Expert teachers generally are comfortable with a wide range of instructional strategies, and they vary them skillfully with the nature of the learning task and learners’ needs (Berliner, 1986). Tomlinson, Carol Ann. Differentiated Classroom : Responding to the Needs of All Learners. Alexandria, VA, USA: Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development, 1999. p 61. Copyright  © 1999. Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development. All rights reserved. Independent practice that allows students to extend skills or knowledge on their own â€Å"Differentiation is the process whereby teachers meet the need for progress through the curriculum by selecting appropriate teaching methods to match the individual student’s learning strategies within a group situation.†J.Visser, Differentiation and the Curriculum, University of Birmingham, 1993 Why differentiate? Every learner is an individual and has his or her own specific learning needs. Each will be influenced by previous experiences including cultural influences. Differentiation involves the art of giving each of these individuals an equal opportunity to achieve and engage in the learning process. This is why the Further Education National Training Organisation standards 1 state that teachers and trainers should:  · â€Å"select appropriate teaching techniques to accommodate the different ways individuals learnà ¾  · use a variety of teaching methods to meet the needs of groups and individuals, and to provide an environment in which all learners have the opportunity to experience success.†Effective adult learning entails an active search for meaning in which new tasks are somehow related to earlier activities. Prior learning experiences have the potential to enhance or interfere with new learning. (Knox, 1977 as quoted in Brookfield, 1986). Instruction should be designed to facilitate extrapolation and or fill in the gaps (going beyond the information given). Bruner (1973) Bruner, J. (1966). Toward a Theory of Instruction. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Bruner, J. (1973). Going Beyond the Information Given. New York: Norton. (Knox, 1977 as quoted in Brookfield, 1986). Instruction should be designed to facilitate extrapolation and or fill in the gaps (going beyond the information given).
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